To prepare for these roles. the student has the opportu nity to learn in the capac ity of an independent prac titione r (under guidance of his professors) , a team member , a team leader , a teacher , a coun se lor , and as an observer , in diverse settings, such as hospita ls , c lini cs , community hea lth centers , communit y menta l hea lth ce nters . convalescent cente rs , public schoo ls , private homes a nd fam ilies and neighborhood health centers. Throughout the program the curric ulum a ll ows the student to have experience in areas and agencies o f deprived , middl e c lass , and afflu ent sec ti ons of two co unties in Southern Califo rni a. The fac ulty believes that baccalaureate nursing ed ucati on res ts upon a broad liberal arts education and sc ientific princ ip les , and that the profess ional primary emphas is in nurs ing builds upo n, inco rporates , and ex tends prev ious learnings from these bases. The faculty a lso believes that in the process of nursing ed ucati on , the student needs to develop behaviors in the a rea of probl em- so lving. c riti cal thinking, c reative thinking , verbal and written communi cati on , inte rpe rsonal re lati onships and conation. The student also needs to deve lop idea ls whi ch grow o ut of hi s Chri stian fa ith and g lobal concern. Thus the Conceptual Framework within which the nursing and no n-nursing courses have been organized continues with the unifying concept of "nursing as process" in helping man to achi eve hi s highest leve l of wellness or hea lth. Thi s hea lth includ es the phys ical cognitive. emotional , soc io cultural, and spiritu a l aspec ts. The nurse must ident ify needs , make d iagnoses , determine goa ls, fo rn1ulate plans of intervention , implement those pl ans. and be able to eva luate the consequences. Obj eClives: The five-year Baccalaureate Program in Nursing Education has the following objectives: 1. A carefull y planned c urriculum des igned to afford the student a balance of learning in the areas of general knowledge , Chri sti an e thi cs. and professional nursing ed ucation. 2. Carefully se lected experiences to show relationship between the theoret ical and laboratory exper i ences , which inc lude the individual and group confere nces to ass ist and guide the stude nt , resulting in (a) the stimul ation of independent thinking; (b) the development of probl em-so lving and o ther essential sk i I ls; (c) an increased depth and breadth in understanding the inter-re lati onship of knowledge and its application; and (d) the e ncouragement of intell ectual , spiritual , and professional growth and commitment. 3. The graduation of a compe tent professional nurse with the following expectations: (a) Practice beginning professi onal abilities in nurs ing as ev idenced by a thorough assessment of patient variables leading to nursing diagnosis; by establi shing goa ls; by pl anning and impl e menting , nursing ac ti ons individualized to the patient; and by evaluating nurs ing care. (b) Explain and use principl es from physical and behav ioral sc iences and nursing theory to support nurs ing act ions. (c) Demonstrate in practice the knowledge of the unique role of the Christian nurse in meeting physical , cognitive , emoti onal , soc io-c ultural , and spititu al needs. (d) Apply soc ial sc ience principles in the adaptation of nursing and leadership be hav iors for meeting the health need s of people in different environments and cultures , and as offering innovative leadership in meeting future hea lth needs and social change. (e) Demonstrate ability to perfom1 psychomotor behaviors necessary to give care to the patient based on scientific principles . (f) Identify issues that affect nursing a nd o ther co nstructi ve approaches for upgrading profes- sio nal nursing. (g) Function in a leadership ro le in organizing direc t patient c are and supervis ing nurs ing care .
(h) Perform as a co ntributing member or as coord inato r of the health team. ( i) Continue ex ploration to improve hi s nursing knowledge and abilities.
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