, The hea lthy famil y including the importance of nutrition , environment , sensory stimul ati on , and !if style in mai nt a ining hea lth . A beg inning foc us on the illness portion of the hea lth- illness cyc le ; a1 int roduc ti on to the nurse's ro le as a change agent as he intervenes toward the return to health adaptation to a new leve l of func ti on , or peaceful death . Prerequi site: 200. 301 ADULT NURSING I - LABROAROTY (3) Theo ry and concurrent laboratory ex peri ence foc using on: ( I) a community survey; (2) as sessme nt o a hea lthy famil y; and (3) at a beg inning leve l , identification of an inte rventi on to mee t the needs of th mature fam il y member who is hospitali zed . Twe lve hours laboratory . Fee $ 10.00. 302 ADULT NURSING II - LECTURE (6) 200 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR NURSING - LECTURE (3) The philosophy o f nursing inc luding man , the health consumer , seen as a unique indi vidual , deservin1 · o f meaning ful re lati onships with others; the nature o f nursing, the nurs ing process , interpersona re lationships, profess iona l nurs ing, independent and dependent nurs ing func ti ons, ethics, a beg innini understand ing of lega l as pec ts, inte rview ing, and communi cati ons skill s. Pre requi site : Dec laration o the nurs ing maj or. 301 ADULT NURSING I - LECTURE (6) SPECIAL NOTE: Admission Requirements: In addition to meeting the requirements for college admission, before a student may be admitted to the School of Nursing , he must have (I ) completed 58 units of pre-nursing courses , including Chemistry 103, Biological Science 221 (Microbiology) and 232 (Anatomy and Physiology), with a GPA of 2.0 or above; (2) passed required physical examina tions, including immunizations; and (3) been approved by the faculty of the Department of Nursing. Application forms (for admission into the clinical program) may be obtained through the department office and must be on file by March 15 for the Fall Semester (and October 15 for the Spring Semester for transfer students) . Clinical Require1ne111s: Stude nts are req uired to have certa in immuni zati ons and must meet hea lth standards as dete rmined by the facul ty in cooperati on with the affili ating age nc ies and the director of Student Health Services. Each stude nt must ma inta in a hea lth a nd acc ident po licy and have mal prac tice insurance in fo rce equi valent to coverage ava il abl e through the co ll ege when parti c ipa ting in c lini cal courses . The co ll ege and coope rating agenc ies ass ume no respo ns ibility fo r illness or acc idents occurring during the schoo l program. Transportation is prov ided a t a nomina l fee and requi red of a ll students during the first two years o f c lini cal ex perie nce. Seni ors a re required to ha ve access to personal transportati on for ass ignments to hospital s and agenc ies . C lini cal courses require three hours of laboratory for each unit of c redit. The gene ral education requirement fo r a fore ign language for those foll ow ing a nurs ing major may be met by two years of high school language or the first four units of a co ll ege language. Nurs ing majors are exempt from the genera l educati on requirements of three units of lite rature and s ix units of world c ivili zati on . Department major: Bio log ic al Sc ie nce 22 1, 232; Chemi stry 103; Nurs ing 200 , 30 I , 302, 40 I . 402 , 410 , 420, and 430. Suppo rting courses : Anth ro- Linguistics 30 I or 303; Psycho logy 206 and 309; and three units of Soc io logy chosen from 320, 335, o r 36$ . V Continu ati o n of 30 I . In depth study of the major illnesses (acute and chroni c) affec ting the maturin famil y. An emphas is o n the nurse's ro le as a change agent as he intervenes toward the re turn to health adapta ti o n to a new level o f func tioning, or peaceful death. Concepts int roduced 200 expa nded Prerequi site: 30 I .
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