
which combines wholesome exercise with Christian sportsmanship. The Bible Institute is a member of the Southern California Christian College Conference which plans interscholastic competition in men's touch-football, basketball, softball, and track; and women's basketball and softball. The Recreational Director and the Men's and Women's Athletic Chairman (elected Student Body officers) are members of the Conference Council. Intramural touch-football, basketball, softball, tennis, and women's volleyball are under the direction of the Men's and Women's Athletic Chairmen working in con­ junction with the Recreational Director. All students under twenty-five years of age, with the exception of married students and those who regularly spend week ends at home, are required to have two hours of outdoor recreation each week. This may be obtained through any of the organized sports or by group attendance at one of the many city playgrounds. RESIDENCE REQUIREMENTS All students must live in the Institute Dormitory during the course of their train­ ing, with certain possible exceptions as follows: 1. The privilege of outside residence is granted to married students with children, or in case either husband or wife is not enrolled. Such students are responsible for their own housing. 2. If the home of the student is within the Los Angeles metropolitan area and it should otherwise be impossible to attend, he may enter the Institute and reside at home for half the duration of his course. 3. If employment of a man requires outside residence this may be granted by vote of the Faculty. This privilege is not granted to women. 4. Should other circumstances exist whereby it is clearly not feasible for the student to reside in the Institute, special permission to live elsewhere may be obtained from the Faculty. THE DORMITORY Life in almost any dormitory is interesting, but in a school where all entrants must be Christian young people, this is especially true. Living together with hundreds of young people all having a vital interest in the Lord's work, one finds a fellowship both unique and satisfying. Living in close contact with one another, Biola students are given an opportunity to practice the fine art of living together, and to give expression to true Christian consideration and helpfulness. Morning and evening devotions are a source of help and inspiration. Immediately after breakfast and again before evening study hours, the dormitory family meets for family worship. Corridor prayer meetings, in which students living in a single corridor, or on an entire floor, meet for intercessory prayer, are held at stated intervals. Requests are presented and many answers are experiencd, as well as other blessings to all who participate. Student government in the dormitory is under the management of Court Leaders and Floor Leaders, working under the general supervision of the Superintendents of Men and Women. 31

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