
INSTRUCTORS ARLYS EHLERS AIJIAN, B.A., Education, Art B.A., Cascade College, 1948; Nebraska State Elementary Credential, 1949 Burns BORNE, Music. Harmony. Studied under Miss Josephine Bordeaux. Charles BOVINGDON, Music. Trombone. Studied under Gregor Charvinsky (Member of Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra), and Cesar Thoneson. Viola BOVINGDON, Music. Violin. Studied under Lorn S teinberg (Member of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra), Robert Marsteller, Albert P. Adams. Fifi FETLER, Music, Harp Northwestern University. Timothy FETLER, Ph .D., Music and Philosophy B.Mus., Northwestern University, 1943; B.Mus .Ed ., Northwes tern University, 1943; M.Mus., Northwestern University, 1944; Ph .D., Northwestern University, 1946. Ruth FLATLEY, Music. Voice . Studied under Joseph Finely, Beulah Belle Chandler, Gordon llochland, John Burk, Mrs. Charles Lyon Kurm. Joseph FLEMING, Ed.B., Education Ed.TI., University of California at Los Angeles, 1929 . Milton GABLER, A.B., Phonetics AB., Wheaton College, 1942; Th.B., The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 1940; Graduate work: Wheaton College, 1943; Summer Institute of Lingui s ti cs , S1943; U nivers ity of Michigan, S1946. Gloria GRAHAM, B.F.A., Education B.F.A., Wayne University, 1946. George F. HILKER, Mus.M., Band Director; Brass and Wood Winds Diploma, Milwaukee State Teachers' College, 1941; B.Mus.Ed., University of Colorado, 1946 ; M.Mus., University of Colorado, 1947; Private study with Dr. Antonio Tiri co; Graduate work, University of Southern California, 1950. DOROTHY KING, Music. Piano Accordion. Diploma, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 1919; Studied under Mrs. J. W. Livertte, William Hullinger,Galla-Rini. Adrienne Lawrence, A.B., Education AB., Occidental College, 1931; Cal ifornia Admin istration Credential, 1947. Jose L. MORALES, Ph.D., Spanish AB., Instituto Cervantes, Madrid, 1939; M.A., Oriental Institute of Rome, Italy, 1943; Ph.D., University Central of Madrid, 1944; Litt.D. Press Section, Foreign Relations Ministry, Madrid, 1944. KERMIT W. RATZLAFF, A.B., Biology All., Un iversity of California at Los Angeles, 1949. Donald A. RHODES, A.B., Education AD., Pasadena College, 1949. Helen SHERMAN, A.B ., Music, Piano AB., University of California at Los Angeles, 1946. Joel STRANDBERG, A.B., Education A.TI., University of Minnesota , 1940; Graduate Study, University of California at Los Angeles, 1951. Frances THIESEN, B.Chr.Ed., Braille B.Chr.Ed., The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 1947. 36

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