V E. FORREST BOYD, M.D., Surgery and Orientation B.A., Stanford University, 1914; M.D. , Stanford Un iversity Medical School, 1919; F.I.C.S., Fellow International College of Surgeons, 1944. E. FORREST BOYD, JR., M.D., Gynecology and Obstetrics B.A., Stanford University, 1943; M.D., Stanford University Medical School, 1945. AGNES CROZ IER, R.N ., Clinics in Infirmary R.N., Grace Hospital School of Nurs ing, 1949, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Hazel CURRENT, B.S ., Laboratory Science B.S., Hamline University, St. Paul, Minn., 192-1; M.T. University of Minnesota, Medical Tech., 1938 ; Graduate studies, University of Minnestota, 1936; University of California, 1947. Willis DALTON, M.D., Gynecology and Obstetrics A.B., U ni vers ity of Utah, 1938; M.D., University of Utah School of Medicine, 1944. HAZEL DAVIS, R.N., Laboratory Science II R.N ., Good Samaritan Training School, Phoenix, Arizona, 1938. JAMES W. DECKER, D.D.S ., Dental Laboratory D.D.S., Un ivers it y of Southern Cal ifornia, College of Dentistry, 1948. Graduate s tudies , Wheaton College. Robert HALL DICKSON, M.D., First Aid D.A., Cornell University, 1943; M.D., Cornell Univer s ity Medical College, 1949. MARGARET DYCK, R.N., Nutrition mid Clinics in Laboratory R. N . 1 Genera l Hospit al N ursing School, Moose Jaw , Saskatchewan, 1949; Diploma Bethany Bible School, Hepburn . HARRY D. EARL, M.D., Physiology and Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases M.D., Keokuk Medical College, 1906; M.S. in Med. University of Pennsylvan ia Graduate School of Medi cine, 1922; A.A.O.O., American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology, 1939. Frank P. EKINGS, M.D., Anatomy B.S., Princeton Univers ity, 1899; M.D., Kew York Medical College, 1903. Florence E. FISKE, RN., Biola Clinics ~ R.N ., Grace Hospital Training School, Detroit, 1931; Diploma, Moody Bible Institute, 1936. FRED W. FRAHM, D.D.S., Dental Science Ph.G., University of Iowa, 1920; D.D.S., Univers it y of Iowa, 1922; M.A., Baptist Theological Seminary, 1939; Ph.D., Baptist Theological Seminary, 1940. Kathleen L. GRAHAM, B.A., Laboratory Science I B.A., Wheaton College, 1946; M.T., American Societ y of Clinical Pathologists, 1944. Howard HARPER, M.D., Internal Medicine, Dermatology and Tropical Diseases A.B., Occidenta l College, 1925 ; M.D., George Washington University, 1934 . John L. JACKSON, M.D., Pharmacology and Therapeutics II A.B. , University of Southern California, 1925 ; M.D., College of Medical Evangelists, 1930; L.R.C.S.&P., University of Edinburgh, Scotland, 1934. Ann KJESBU, RN. Diploma, Multnomah School of the Bible, 1944; R.N., Deaconess Hospital, Spokane, Wash., 1947. Tin-Yu KWONG, M.D., First Aid M.D., Lingnan University, Canton, Ch ina, 1943; M.S., University of Southern California, 1949. Cory C. LEDYARD, M.D., Pediatrics M.D., U nivers ity of Southern California, 1906. REID McCULLOUGH, B.D., Bible Queen's Un iversity, Belfast, Senior student, 1902; B.A. Royal University of Dublin, 1900· Iri sh Baptist College, Dublin, Graduate studies; B .D. Union College University of B.C., 1926; D .D, Los Ange les Baptist Theological Semi nary, 1932. Virginia NOURSE, B.A., Bac teriology a,nd Laboratory Sc ience I B.A., University of California at Los Angeles, 1943; Graduate S tudi es , Un i versity of Southern Ca li forn ia, 1948 and 1949. Dorothy PEVERLY, RN ., Clinics in In firmary R.N., Bethel Deacones s Hospi tal School of Nursing, 194-1; Diploma, W es tern Bible College, 1940; Studies in Westmont Co ll ege, 1945. J. ARTHUR REED, M.D., E ye Diseases A.B ., Univers ity of California, 1938; M.B., University of California, 1941; M.D., Un iversity of Southern Ca li forn ia Medical School, 1942. *On leave of absence. 39
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