

PASTORAL THEOLOGY. For students who are preparing for the ministry, the practical problems concerning the pastor, his call, his personal life and study, his work in the parish and in the pulpit. This course includes a dis­ cussion of the pastor's relation to his community, to his denomination, to other denominations, and to the world-wide work of the Church of Jesus Christ. Credit, two hours. TYPES OF MODERN THEOLOGY. A study of the leading schools of modem religious thought and their relation to historic Christianity. American, British, Scandinavian, and continental theologians are studied. Limited to seminary students. Elective. Credit, two- hours.


DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCE DONALD G. DAVIS, Ph.D., Professor (Head of the Department) ROBERT ROSS, B.A., Assistant Professor HISTORY

The aim of the courses offered in the field of history is twofold: that the student become acquainted with the facts of history, and that the student may come to a new understanding of the relationship between the facts of history and the outworking of the purposes of God in the world. The courses in history, as much as possible, are to be integrated with the Word of God, and the course of the Gospel in the world. 101-102 WORLD HISTORY. A survey of the hi sto ry of the anci ent Mediterranean world from earliest times to the fa ll of Rome and of the development of civili­ zation to the present day, with special emphasis upon the relati on of general history to H ebrew and Church hi story and Bi blical studi es. Credit, two hours each semester.


CURRENT ECONOMIC, P OLITICAL, AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS. A course designed to acquain t the student with present trends as they relate to democratic problems. Credit , two hours.

301 MEDIEVAL HISTORY. A survey of European history from the fall of the Roman Empire to the Renaissance, with special emphasis given to the history of the church during this period. Credit, three hours. 303-304 HISTORY OF MODERN EUROPE SINCE 1870. A study of Nati onalism; the rise of power in Europe, the Balkan influence, the political, social, and economic aspects of modern European development , and the background of the two g reat wa rs. E lective. Credi t, two hours each semester. 305-306 SURVEY OF AMERICAN HISTORY AND CONSTITUTION. Intro­

ducti on to studi es in Ameri can hi story with the ori gi n and development of the Constitution. This course sati sfies the sta te requirement fo r the bachelor's de­ gree. Credit, two hours each semes ter. SURVEY OF POLITICAL THOUGHT. The growth of modem political ideologies, eighteenth century and af ter. Development of the Contract Theory, the contributions of Montesquieu, Kant, Rousseau, Locke, Hobbes, and Burke; the Marxian theo ri es; F ascism, Naz ism. E lective. Credit , two hours. SURVEY OF DIPLOMACY. Desi gned for missionary candidates. The problem of diplomatic relations of the United States and the relationship of the missionary to diplomatic procedures. The background of basic United States policy is needed so that the missionary can serve his field without jeopardy to the country from which he comes. Elective. Credit, two hours. 47



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