
405-406 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. A study of the growth and de­ velopment of the United States; colonizat ion, pre-Revolutionary period, devel­ opment of Constitutional government; social and economic influences in the nineteenth century; political development to the present day; the United States as a world power. This course satisfies the state requ irement for American hi s­ tory and Constitu tion fo r the bachelor's degree. E lective. Credit, three hours each semester. 421-422 RESEARCH AND DIRECTED READING. IN HISTORY. Advanced study in historical research methods, and special areas of historical significance. This course is suited to the student's interest and need, bearing in mind the necessity of proper methodology for historical scholarship. Elective. Credit one to three hours each semester.


ISLAMIC HISTORY. The history of I slam from the time of Mohammed to the present day. A knowledge of mediaeval and modern history is desirable. E lect ive. Credit, two hours.

CHURCH HISTORY The aims of this department are to make the student aware of what has taken place since P entecost, and to acquaint him with the spiritual and cultural heritage which has constituted the mi ssion, purpose, and objectives of the Christian Church. 321 LANDMARKS OF CHURCH HISTORY. Presents a bri ef survey intended to familia r ize the student wi th the great epochs of church history and to lay the foundati on for more intensive study of the sub ject. Credit, two hours.


EARLY CHURCH HISTORY. From the end of the Apostol ic age to Gregory the Great. The fathers of the church; development of ecclesiast ical organization and doctrine. Credit, two hours. MEDI EVAL CHURCH HISTORY. Continuation of 401. The development of the medieval Roman Catholi c church; monasticism and mysticism; evangel­ ical st reams of thought; the renaissance. Credit, two hours. THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION. The origins of the Reformation of the sixteenth century and the spreading of Protestantism; the Counter­ Reformation. Credit, two hour s. MODERN CHURCH HISTORY. Conti nuation o f 501. From the Reforma­ tion to the nineteenth century; the origins of Protestant denominations; the evangelical revival ; rise of modern missions. Credit, two hours. AMERICAN CHURCH HISTORY. The planting of the denominations in the New World and their subsequent development. Credi t, two hours. HISTORY OF THE REFORMATION. The origins of the Reformation and the contributions of various great reforms and natural trends. Also includes some study of the counter-reformation and its results. Elective. Credit, two hours. ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF DENOMINATIONS. Studies in the doctrinal and natural backgrounds of the great denominations that have arisen since the time of the Reformation. It includes a brief study of the distinctive doctrinal positions of the denominations. Elective. Credit, two hours. HISTORY OF REVIVALS. A study of the background, development, and results of the great revivals in America, England, and the Continent during the past two hundred years. Elective. Credit, two hours. 48








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