

ISLAMIC THEOLOGY. The chief tenets of Islamic faith, sects in Islam, modern trends in Moslem religion, and comparisons with Biblical Christianity. Elective. Credit, two hours.

DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH PAUL AIJIAN, Ph.D., Professor (Head of the Department) BERTHA H. PENTNEY, A.B ., Associate Professor INEZ McGAHEY, A.B., Assistant Professor

The Department of English has five objectives; the understanding of language as a means of communication and its structure as a basis for translation; the ability to speak and write with clarity of thought and mechanical correctness; an understanding of literature as a record of the development of human thought and the reflection of human history; the appreciation and enjoyment of good literature and an acquaintance

of the literary heritage of the English speaking world. Eight units in English are required for graduation.

ENGLISH A. An elementary course required in the first semester of study of freshmen whose scores on the freshman English placement test indicate that they do not have a sufficient background to take English 110 successfully. The course is designed to prepare such students for subsequent work in English. Either semester, no credit. ENGLISH GRAMMAR The grammar of the English language applied to the text of the English Bible. Special emphasis is given to those constructions which lay the foundation for the study of other languages. This course is a prerequisite for New Testament Greek. Credit, two hours.


120 FRESHMAN COMPOSITION. The mechanics of writing and the funda­ mentals of written composition applied to short papers. Credit, two hours. 201-202 ENGLISH LITERATURE. Learning to appreciate our heritage of English literature. Considers the masterpieces of poetry and prose in their chrono­ logical order. Credit, two hours each semester. 210 ETYMOLOGY. The background of the English language, including prefixes, suffixes, Latin and Greek roots, and their derivatives. The application of the technical material to the building of a vocabulary. Elective, first or second semester. Credit, two hours.


SHAKESPEARE. A study of selected Shakespearean plays from the stand­ point of the universal human truths portrayed by his characters. Elective. Credit, two hours. MILTON. A study of the prose and poetry of Milton's more important works. Elective. Credit, two hours. WRITERS OF THE REFORMATION PERIOD. This course is intended to give the student some familiarity with the writings of Wycliffe, Luther, Erasmus, Zwingli, Calvin, etc. Elective. Credit, two hours .



304 BIOGRAPHY. A study of Christian biographies and autobiographies show­ ing the operation of God through human life in all centuries of the Christian era. Credit, two hours. 305-306 AMERICAN LITERATURE. Considers the literature of the chief contribu­ tors from the Colonial period to the present time . Elective. Credit, two hours each semester. 51

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