101-102 PHYSICAL SCIENCE. A sur vey cour se giving to the student an unders tand ing of the physical sci ences and a background fo r furt her study. Restricted to Educati on majors. Credit, two hours each semes ter. 201-202 BIOLOGY. A survey course dealing with the basic principl es operating in living organisms, including a study of the various types of animals and plants according to the accepted standard classifications. The class work will include biological problems that are particularly related to human society. Credit, three hours each semester. (For Education ma jor s, two hours laboratory section for one hour extra credit.)
The purpose of this department is to give the student a facility in oral and written Spanish and to furnish him a background in the history, literature, and psychology of the Spanish people. 302-302 ELEMENTARY SPANISH. Emphasis on pronunciation, conversation, and reading of the grammar. Credit, four hours each semester. 401-402 INTERMEDIATE SPANISH. Continued grammar, conversation, and read ing. Credit, two hours each semester. 411-412 THE SPANISH BIBLE. Elective. Credit, two hours each semester. 413-414 SOUTH AMERICAN LITERATURE. Reading of outstanding literature from the Colonial Period to the present. Elective. Credi t, two hours each semester.
DEPARTMENT OF MISSIONS ORAN H . SMITH, Professor (Head of the Department) MILTON GABLER, Instruc tor
To meet the constantly growing need for better trained missionaries, this Depart ment is offering specially designed courses to emphasize the practical problems of mis sionary work. In addition to the classroom work and research, the student will find ample opportunity for personal consultation with missionaries and missionary executives. 201 MISSIONS I. An introduct ion to mi ssions with the Christian's responsibi li ty in giving the gospel to the whole wo rld viewed from the Bibli cal, philosophi cal and practi cal standpoints. Cred it, two hour s. ·
MISSIONS II. A survey cour se, tracing the history of missions from apostolic times to· the present , with special atten ti on given to the study o f mi ssion fields, miss ion societ ies, and the biog raphies of individual miss ionaries. Credit, two hours. JEWISH MISSIONS. A study of the history of the Jews, their f estivals and customs, their fundamental beliefs, objections to Christianity, and eff ective methods for their evangelization. Elective. Credit, two hours. 53
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