

BACTERIOLOGY LABORATORY. Special emphasis is on laboratory pro­ cedures associated with the study of pathogenic organisms . Credit, two hours. DENTAL SCIENCE LECTURES. Lectures and films on denta l condi ti ons, oral hygiene, treatment, and oral surgery. Credit, one hour. DENTAL SCIENCE LABORATORY. Work in the dental laboratory pro­ vides each student with an opportunity to study the structural difficulties of the teeth and methods of restoration of the same. Twelve types of fillings are demon­ strated and actually performed in the labo ratory. Credit, two hours. DENTAL SCIENCE CLINIC PRACTICE. Actual observat ion of ora l sur­ gery, with an opportunity for ind ividual practice under careful supervision of qualified dentists. Credit, one hour. DERMATOLOGY AND TROPICAL DISEASES (LECTURE). The pre­ vention, diagnosis, and treatment of the common t ropica l diseases, with special emphasis on the opportunities of a missionary medic. Credit, one hour. DERMATOLOGY AND TROPICAL DISEASES (LABORATORY). Microscopic and Kodachrome slide studies on all the common t ropica l diseases are presented for individua l assignments and study. Credit, two hou rs. LABORATORY SCIENCE (LECTURE). The pathological significance of laboratory science is presented in lectures and studies. Credit, one hour. LABORATORY SCIENCE (LABORATORY). The follow-up of lecture classes by practical laboratory diagnosis of urine, blood, sputum, stools, and stomach content. This course carefully correlates the lectures and orienta ti on studies to form a background fo r dermatology and t ropical diseases. Credit, two hours. PHARMACOLOGY II. Includes elemen tary pharmacy and toxico logy, with a consideration of crude drugs, and practice in making drugs and solutions . Emphasis is placed on the evidence bea ring directly on the human subject in health and disease. Credit, one hour. PUBLIC HEALTH AND SANITATION. The problem of sanitation in rural communities is studi ed. Experts in the field of Public Health present plans fo r establishing healthful community living in the tropics and remote areas of the world. Credit, one hour. EYE DISEASES. A study of the common diseases of the eye, with specia l emphasis on diagnosis and treatment of external eye diseases. Credit, one hour. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT DISEASES . A study of the common diseases of the ear, nose, and throat. Simple techniques in diagnosis and treatment are demonstrated and an opportunity is given for some clinic pract ice. Credit, one hour. NUTRITION I N HEALTH AND DISEASE. Devoted to the study of diet in disease and health, with specia l emphasis placed on vitamins found in whole­ some food . An opportunity is given for individual research in the possibility of normal nutriti on in the mission field of choice. Credit, one hour. NURSING ARTS PROCEDURES II. Lectures and teaching demonstrations are continued, with specia l emphasis on case studies made in the hospital. Credit, one hour. SURGICAL NURSING. Lectures and demonstrations on ma jor and minor surgery. Special classroom demonstrations of actual surge ry correlate with the careful instruction and lecture mater ia l presen ted. Credit, one hour. PEDIATRIC NURSING II. A cont inuation of the physical and emoti ona l growth of the child, with spec ial emphasis on prevention of diseases in chi ld ren. Credit, one hour. GYNECOLOGICAL NURSING. A thorough study of the diagnosi s and treat­ ment of women's diseases. Special emphasis is given to prevention. Cred it, one hour. HOSPITAL WARD NURSING AND CLINICS II. A continuation of Clinics I, with the addition of 20 required surgery observations under the direct supervision of the teaching personnel of the schoo l. Credit, one hour. 76


















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