

Objectives. The primary objectives of the Doctrine Department are as follows : to give the student a thorough grasp of all the major doctrines of the Word of God; to correlate the whole into one defensible system which will form a solid foundation for the teaching and preaching of the Bible; to promote warm Christian experience and spiritual maturity. The approach to all areas of doctrinal study is Biblical rather than philosophical. The method of study is sensibly dispensational and the viewpoint is clearly premillennial. Special attention is given to the problems of liberalism and modern cults in their doctrinal aspects. The inductive method of study is followed and reference is m ade to the Biblical languages. Outside reading in standard theological works is required. 101. SPIRITUAL LIFE. (2) The Christian life traced from its beginning at conversion through the early stages of growth and development to the maturity of a life in adjustment to the ministries of the H oly Spirit. Special attention to the place of the Word of God and of prayer in the Christian life, with instruction in the art of pointing men to Christ. 301. DOCTRINE OF GOD AND THE BIBLE. (2) The Bible, revelation and inspiration, canonicity and authority; the illuminating work of the Holy Spirit. The doctrine of God, His existence, unity, trinitarian distinctions, attributes, decrees, and works. 302. DOCTRINE OF CHRIST AND THE HOLY SPIRIT. (2) The person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ and of the Holy Spirit, with special attention given to doctrinal departures in these areas. 401. DOCTRINE OF MAN AND ANGELS. (2) The nature and destiny of angels, of Satan, and of demons. The creation, nature, and fall of man, including the doctrine of sin. 402. DOCTRINE OF SALVATION. (2) The Person of the Saviour; His finished work in death and resunection. Redemp­ tion, justification, sanctification, security, faith , grace, election and other great themes related to salvation. Glorification, and final triumph. 404. DOCTRINE OF FUTURE THINGS. (2) The major highways of prophecy, especially God's prophetic program for the Church. The second coming of Christ, with careful attention given to the premil­ lennial and pretribulational vjewpoints and alternate positions. The resurrections, judgments, and places of eternal destiny. The Tribulation, the Kingdom, and the Eternal State.



Objectives. The objectives of this department are threefold: (1) to meet the need for better trained missionaries; (2) to broaden the student's cultural under­ standing of the peoples of the world; (3) to emphasize the practical problems of missionary work. 35

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