DELBERT J. HANSON Associate Professor of Philosophy, 1966 B.A. , M.A., Wheaton College ; M.A., University of Southern California. MARGARET J. HART Associate Dean of Students , Associate Professor , 1959 Diploma , The Bible Institute of Los Angeles ; B.A., University of California, Los Angeles; M.R.E., Fuller Theological Seminary . DORIS HASLAM Assistant Instructor of Nursing , 1971 Diploma, Prairie Bible Institute ; R.N. , B.S., University of Alberta. DORCAS HENRY Instructor in Physical Education, 1971 B.S., Marion College ; M.A. , Ball State University. JAMES 0 . HENRY Professor of History , 1953 Th.B. , The Bible Institute of Los Angeles ; B.A. , Westmont College; B.A. , M.A., University of Southern California ; Ph.D., University of Maryland. JAMES R. HILL Associate Professor of Music , 1965 B.M.E. , Baylor University ; M.A. , Candidate Ph.D. , Brigham Young University. MASAKAZU IWATA Professor of History , 1961 B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles. RICHARD JONES Professor of Education, 1963 B.A., Wheaton College ; B.D., Fuller Theological Seminary; M.A., California State University , Los Angeles ; Ed.D. , University of California , Los Angeles . LETA A. KI LANDER Associate Professor of Nursing, 1968 R.N. , St. Luke's Hospital , Bellingham; B.S. , University of Washington; M.N. , Univer sity of California , Los Angeles. PAUL KULD Instructor in Biology, 1969 B.A., M.A., California State University, Long Beach. NICKOLAS KURTANECK Professor of Biblical Studies, 1959 B.A., Grace College; Th.B., B.D. , Th.M., Th.D., Grace Theological Seminary. PETER KURTZ Professor of Physics, 1968 B.S ., M.S. , University of Missouri; Ph .D., University of California , Los Angeles . LLOYD E. KWAST Assistant Professor of Missions , 1972 Diploma, Grand Rapids Bible College; B.A., California Baptist Theological Seminary; B.D., M.R.E., American Baptist Seminary of the West; M.A., D.Miss. , Fuller Theologi cal Seminary .
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