
304 SOCIAL AND INTELLECTUAL HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES (3) Social impact of westward expansion , immigration , industrialization , urbanization and cultural pluralism combined with major intellectual ideas instrumental in the shaping of American society . Prerequisite: History 205,206. Alternate years , offered 1974-75. 305 THE CHURCH IN THE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE (3) A religious history of the United States from the colonial to the contemporary period , emphasizing the church's effect on and its response to Puritanism, the westward move­ ment, social and intellectual ferment, industrialization, immigration , urbanization and war. Alternate years , offered 1973-74. 309 COLONIAL LATIN AMERICA (3) Pre-Colombian cultures; conquest by Spain and Portugal and the European background of these countries ; development of the socio-economic , cultural , and governmental in­ stitutions in colonial life ; the background of revolution and the wars of independence. Alternate years , offered 1973-74. 310 REPUBLICAN LATIN AMERICA (3) Latin American Republics from 1826 to 1960; historical and representative government; socio-economic and cultural changes; the role of the United States foreign policy in this era. Alternate years , offered 1973-74. 313, 314 MEDIEVAL HISTORY (3, 3) Western European history from the fall of Rome to the Protestant Reformation ; medieval institutions with special emphasis on the transition in arts, letters , and learning from the medieval to the modern age ; political, social , and religious phases of the Reformation. Alternate years , offered 1974-75 . 315, 316 EUROPE IN THE SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES (3, 3) First semester : European culture , institutions , politics in the seventeenth century (1610-1715) . Second semester: European culture , institutions , and politics from the death of Louis XIV to the collapse of the Napoleonic Empire (1715-1815) . Alternate years , offered 1974-75. 317, 318 EUROPE IN THE NINETEENTH AND TWENTIETH CENTURIES TO 1914 (3-3) First semester : Europe from the end of the Napoleonic Empire to the end of the Franco­ Prussian War (1815-1870) ; the rise of nationalism, liberalism, international relations , and internal conditions of the major European countries. Second semester: Europe from the end of the Franco-Prussian War to the outbreak of World War I (1870-1914); the rise of nationalism, neo-imperialism, and the diplomatic background ofWorld War I. Alternate years , offered 1973-74. 321 , 322 HISTORY OF EAST ASIA (3, 3) First semester : China and Japan from the earliest times to the beginning of Western­ ization. Second semester : the transformation of East Asia in modern times under the impact of Western civilization . Alternate years , offered 1973-74. 327 HISTORY OF THE EXPANSION OF CHRISTIANITY (3) The background, origin, development, and spread of the Christian religion; emphasis on the modern era . 328 HISTORIOGRAPHY (3) The nature and discipline of history; major problems of historical interpretation. Intro­ duction to research and synthesis .


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