Indonesia, and the Philippines from earliest times ; the expansion of European influence, and the growth of nationalism in Burma, Indonesia, lndo-China and the Philippines. Alternate years, offered 1973-74. 419 HISTORY OF COMMUNISM (3) Background , origin, development , teachings , and techniques of expansion of international Communism; the role of the Soviet Union in the Communist movement. Alternate years, offered 1973-74. 420 HISTORY OF MODERN RUSSIA (3) Social and political history of modern Russia, with an analysis of Czardom, the revo lutionary movement, and the establishment and development of the Soviet regime. Offered on sufficient demand. 424 HISTORY OF EUROPE SINCE 1914 (3) Europe during and after World War I with emphasis on the consequences of that war, crisis of European democracy , rise of Communism, Fascism and Nazism; failure of collective security; World War II and post-war Europe; the Cold War, economic in tegration, and the Soviet Union as a major power. Alternate years, offered 1974-75. 470 RESEARCH SEMINARS (3) Special studies in history for majors utilizing the techniques of problem-solving, research, and formal writing. Non-majors may undertake special study in specific geographical areas: Latin America , Europe, Asia , United States, Near East , and Africa. May be repeated for credit in different areas. LINGUISTICS 300 READING AND CONFERENCE (1-3) Selected readings as determined by consultation with the instructor. Prerequisite : Consent of instructor. Either semester. 301 GENERAL LINGUISTICS (3) Descriptive and historical study of language : linguistic analysis, language classification, language in its cultural and social settings . 315 PHONETICS (3) The science of the articulate sounds of human speech ; the classification , reproduction, and proper recording of speech sounds ; principles of phonetic change. 316 PHONOLOGY (3) Properties of phonological systems ; feature and component analysis; emphasis on methods of reducing non-Indo-European languages to writing. Prerequisite: 301 or 315. 321,322 MORPHOLOGY AND SYNTAX (3, 3) Several forms of grammars; principles of word and sentence formation.
The organization and function of the legislative , judicial , and executive branches of the national government; national defense, finance , conservation of resources, business, labor , agriculture , foreign relations, civil rights, and other subjects of national interest. Satisfies the state requirements in institutions in American history .
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