Forensics Scholarships are offered to participants on the school's debate team. Student s awarded this scholarship are not necessarily communications majors . Nursing Scholarships are available to declared nursing majors only. The scholarship is based on need, rather than academic achievement. Qualified nursing students may receive up to $1500 per year. Nursing loans are also available. California State Scholarships are made available to hundreds of students (residents of California) each year who have a high grade point average and who score high on the Scholastic Aptitude Test. Awards are usually given for full tuition; however , financial need is given prime consideration. Application must be made in November for participa tion in the following September. Students must request that SAT scores be sent by the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) to the Commission. Finalists will be notified and will be required to file a PCS or SFS before receiving the award. Students who have received a state scholarship for the previous year will be sent automatically renewal applications during the spring semester. In addition to those offered by the College, other scholarships are provided through the generosity of donors. These include the Les Barnett , Jean Bernard, Albert Kelley, McBride-Loe, Brandt, Emma Johnson , Gordon Johnson , George Mayr , Hunt Jenne Ambrose, Layne Foundation , and Walter Hong Scholarships. Questions concerning these awards should be referred to the Director of Financial Aid . Grants Grants are financial awards that do not have to be repaid, but the amounts a student re ceives is based solely on his financial need as determined by standard financial aid policies. The Educational Opportunity Grant (EOG) Program , supported by the federal govern ment, is designed to assist students from low income families. The gross family income (or income of an independent student) must be less than $9000 to qualify. These grants range from $200 to $1000 per year , but the amount cannot exceed one-half the total aid given to a student. (For example , if he receives $700 EOG , he must also receive a $700 loan, scholarship, or combination of both.) The amount a parent can contribute to the student ' s expenses is also used in computing his EOG eligibility . As funds are available , College Grants are made to needy students from the College Grant fund. This fund is maintained by gifts from friends of the College. Students are not re quired to repay the College , but it is hoped that recipients will contribute to the fund when they have completed school in order to provide for others who are in need. Loans Biola College has certain revolving funds which are used for short-term student loans. A student may borrow up to $500 per year (for emergency purposes); the loan is interest free, the only charge being a nominal service fee of $2 per $100 borrowed. In general, these are reserved for students whose needs are of a short duration as the entire amount must be repaid before each fall semester begins . These loans are not available for non educational expenses, such as purchase of cars, marriage expenses, etc. For those who need assistance over a longer period of time, funds are available through the National Direct Student Loan Program. These funds are available to entering freshmen and transfer students as well as to those already enrolled. A student may borrow up to $2500 per year. However , he may not borrow more than a total of$2500 before the end of his first two years of study, or more than a total of $5000 before the end of his fourth undergraduate year.
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