400 INDUCTIVE BIBLE STUDY (2) Study of and development of the skill of inductive study applied to Biblical narrative and epistolary literature. 401 EXPOSITION OF HEBREWS (2) Exposition of the epistle , indicating not only the specific details of interpretation, but also the theological thought and structure of the book. 402 EXPOSITION OF REVELATION (2) Exposition of the book of Revelation with emphasis upon principles of interpretation, harmonization of the prophetic Scriptures , and method in expository teaching and preaching. 404 PROPHETIC LITERATURE I I-MESSIANIC (3) An 'inductive study of the Old Testament Messianic passages and their fulfillment in the person of Jesus; extra-Biblical materials that contribute to the subject conside red . Alter nate years , offered 1973-74. 406 PROPHETIC LITERATURE Ill-EZEKIEL AND DANIEL (3) The historical background of these two important prophetic books examined; the structure and scope of each determined ; the prophetic portions presented and their practical values considered. Alternate years, offered 1973-74. 408 THE GALATIAN AND THESSALONIAN EPISTLES (2) An investigation of these epistles relative to the particular problems existent in the churches to which they were written. Alternate years, offered 1974-75 . 409 HEBREW POETRY (3) Outline, content, and exposition of selected passages from the books of Job , Psalms , Ecclesiastes, Canticles, and Proverbs with special emphasis on the devotional aspects of the books. Alternate years , offered 1974-75 . 470 BIBLICAL RESEARCH (1-3) Research in traditional and contemporary problems in Biblical areas . Enrollment limited to Juniors and Seniors with consent of Department. (May include Greek 405, 406, 409, 410.)
Dorothy Braun, Chairman Objective. The Christian Education courses seek to give the necessary undergraduate training for effective professional service in the educational program of the church and its related agencies in America and on the foreign field . The major in Christian Education is designed to place emphasis upon thorough study of the Bible and an adequate background in liberal arts (especially psychology) and Christian Education. Courses in Christian Education are planned to give theoretical training , technical skill , and practical experience. The Christian Education Department seeks to serve the local church in training leadership for its program of evangelism, education, and missions. Students completing a major in Christian Education will receive the Christian Education Diploma of the Evangelical Teacher Training Association. Premajor requirement: 200; Psychology 204.
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