
403, 404 SEMINAR: DIRECTED FIELD WORK (2, 2) Practical experience in the areas of the student's vocational interest with faculty counsel­ ing and supervision. Prerequisite : 301. 405 GROUP COMMUNICATION (3) Contemporary communication theory including general semantics and group dynamics ; leadership, group process, and interpersonal relations in the small group. 407 CHURCH OFFICE MANAGEMENT (2) Office management, fundamentals of bookkeeping and record systems, business and office furniture and machines, duplication processes ; Christian Education and public relations. Alternate years , offered 1973-74. 412 MISSIONARY EDUCATION IN THE CHURCH (2) Basic administration of a program of missionary education ; auxiliary organizations of the church's educational program through which missions is taught to all age levels. 413 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT (2) Essential elements in curriculum formation ; intensive study of varied existing curricula; Study and evaluation of the counselor and the counseling process ; counseling as it relates to conversion , subsequent growth, leadership counseling, and the educational intentions of the church ; reading in special areas of work: vocational guidance, sex education , et cetera. 444 MUSIC IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (2) Music in the church's educational program; criteria for selection of appropriate music; song-leading and methods of teaching music to various groups; relationship of music to worship, instruction, and fellowship. 470 RESEARCH IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (1-3) Development of research skills and independent study in Christian Education . Limited to seniors . Offered on demand. contemporary trends in curriculum production . 424 TECHNIQUES OF COUNSELING (2) DOCTRINE Objectives. The primary objectives of the doctrine courses are (1) to give the student a thorough grasp of all the major doctrines of the Word of God ; (2) to correlate the whole into one defensible system which will form a solid foundation for the understanding and in.telligent use of the Bible; (3) to promote warm Christian experience and spiritual maturity. The approach to all areas of doctrinal study is Biblical rather than philosophical. The method of study is dispensational, and the viewpoint is clearly premillennial. Special attention is given to the problems of liberalism and modern cults in their doctrinal aspects. The lecture method of study is followed and reference is made to the Biblical languages . Reading in standard theological works is required. 100 BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS (3) Doctrine of the Scriptures as inspired by God, a completed revelation in the books recognized as canonical, illumined to believers by the Holy Spirit; the incorporation of a Biblical foundation into personal Christian growth and witness. 303 GOD, CHRIST, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT (3) God, His existence, unity, trinitarian distinctions, attributes , decrees, and works; the theanthropic person of Christ and His work ; the Holy Spirit , His person and work .


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