
312 PSYCHOLOGY OF MOTIVATION (3) Analysis of drives, drive stimulus-reduction, need and need arousal, intrinsic versus ex­

trinsic motivations, functions of reward. Prerequisite: 206 or 210. 402 CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN PSYCHOLOGY (3)

Overview of psychology as a discipline and analysis of historic and current trends in the field. Relationship of psychology to sociology, history, religion, and science. Prequisite: 12 units of psychology. 405 SOCIAL INFLUENCE AND THE INDIVIDUAL (4) Attitude formation and change, attitude measurement, prejudice, conformity, leadership, affiliation drives, and group processes. Social experiments and research. Three hours lecture, two hours laboratory. Prerequisite: 204,205, 210. Laboratory fee $5 .00 . 410 PERCEPTUAL PROCESSES (3) Perception: process, law, relationship to behavior, Prerequisite: 205. 411 TESTING AND THEORY IN PERSONALITY (3) Major theorists including Freud, Allport, Rogers, Cattel and Kelly; major tests of person­ ality, M.M.P.I., C.P.I., and Cattel's 16 P-F. Prerequisite: 204,306. Laboratory fee $5.00. 414 READING IN PSYCHOLOGY (1 -3) Provides the student with opportuntiy for extensive study in a specific topic of his choos­ ing. Prerequisite: Senior standing. Either semester. 418 PSYCHOLOGICAL THERAPY - THEORY AND PRACTICE (3) Nature, development, and practice of various modes of psychological therapy; emphasiz­ ing rationalistic, client-centered, group therapies, and behavior modification techniques. Prerequisite: 309. 426 ADVANCED SEMINAR IN GROUP DYNAMICS (4) Techniques for forming groups, analyzing processes, leadership, facilitators, measurement of behavior, and methods of stabilizing gains over time. Three hours lecture, two hours laboratory; Prerequisite: 15 units in Psychology and approval of instructor. 428 EUROPEAN STUDY (1-3) Travel to places of historic interest such as Freud's museum in Vienna, Jungian Institute in Zurich, and various clinics in Europe. Offered on sufficient' demand. 470 RESEARCH SEMINAR (2) Research under the guidance of Psychology Department. One hour discussion, three hours laboratory research. Either semester. Prerequisite: Senior standing.


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