
212 ORAL INTERPRETATION (3) Oral interpretation of literature for understanding, appreciation, and communication. 224 VOICE AND ARTICULATION (3) Voice improvement through study of anatomical and physiological bases of the normal voice . Training in articulation , pronunciation, and related oral skills . 226 LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT AND DISORDERS (3) Development of speech and language in children; recognition of disorders and needs; role of the parent and teacher in meeting those needs. 244/344 INTERCOLLEGIATE FORENSICS (1-1) Practical speech experience in debate and other forms of contest speaking. Each section may be repeated three times to a total of six units . 261 BEGINNING ACTING (3) Lectures , demonstrations, assignments, and laboratory experience in acting; pantomime, improvisations , casting , the actor's resources and methods, and clarity of expression; stage composition , balance , movement and business. 315 PHONETICS (3) The science of the articulate sounds of human speech; classification , reproduction, and proper recording of speech sounds; principles of phonetic change. 320 SPEECH SCIENCE (3) The anatomical , physical , and physiological bases of speech . Alternate years , offered 1973-74. The cognitive, linguistic , and psychological processes in communication; communication models , language behavior, feedback , and general semantics . Al ternate years, offered 1973-74. 331 COMMUNICATION AND THE MASS MEDIA (3) Radio , television , and graphic arts as related to theories of -communication. Alternate yea rs , offered 1974-75 . 332 WRITING FOR PUBLICATION (3) Techniques in writing for various publications ; workshop in writing and marketing. Alternate years, offered 1973-74. 333 WRITING FOR BROADCASTING (3) A laboratory course in writing for radio and television, including formats , music contin­ uity , spot announcements , documentaries and drama . 335 JOURNALISM PRACTICUM (1) Directed experience in practical journalism in the production of the college newspaper. May be repeated for a maximum of four units. Students who are paid an hourly wage for 321 PRINCIPLES OF SPEECH CORRECTION (3) Survey of types , etiology , and treatment of speech disorders . 330 PSYCHOLOGY OF COMMUNICATION (3) working on the school newspaper may not enroll. 340 INTRODUCTION TO BROADCASTING (3) Impact of radio and television media on society . Projects in announcing , producing, directing and writing . Field trips to area radio and television stations. 342 INTRODUCTION TO MOTION PICTURE PRODUCTION (2) Principles and techniques of making motion pictures and preparing films, utilizing both


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