offered every year in areas such as: Modern Grammar, Development of Modern English, Word Formation and Function, Current English Usage , Dialectology/Sociolinguistics/ Psycholinguistics. 360 STUDIES IN AMERICAN LITERATURE (3) Specific eras and movements in American literature. One or more sections offered every year in areas such as: Colonialism and Puritanism, Revolution and the Young Republic, Romanticism and Transcendentalism, Realism and Naturalism, Twentieth Century Literature, Contemporary Literature. 370 STUDIES IN ENGLISH LITERATURE (3) Specific eras and movements in English literature. Sections offered every year in areas such as: The Middle Ages, Elizabethan and Jacobean Literature , Metaphysical and Baroque Literature, Restoration Literature, The Augustan Age , The Age of Johnson, Romantic Literature, Victorian Literature, Twentieth Century Literature , Contemporary Literature. 440 STUDIES IN MAJOR AUTHORS (3) An in-depth study of the works of one or more significant authors, with attent ion to the chronological development of the author's style , his main themes , and his relationship to the literary tradition. Sections offered include such authors as: Shakespeare, Chaucer, In-depth investigations into a particular area of interest in literature. Sections offered every year in subjects grouped in four major categories: Genre: includes studies in poetry , drama, and the novel. Thematic: includes studies in general areas of interest such as allegory , science fiction , and folklore; and in specific topics such as the city, apocalypse, the hero , love and marriage, and the Fall. Cultural: includes comparative stud ies of a par ticular cultural origin such as Afro , French, Jewish , Oriental , Russian . Literary Criticism: includes studies in the history of criticism, modern theories , and application of principles in the reading of literature. 460 READING AND CONFERENCE (1) Selected readings determined by consultation with the instructor. Restricted to English majors. Senior classification and written permission of the department required before enrolling. May not be repeated. Milton, Blake and Coleridge , Faulkner and Hemingway. 450 ADVANCED STUDIES IN LITERATURE (3)
Harry Sturz , Chairman
I Objectives: The objectives of this department are to increase grammatical and linguistic aptitude, to provide a basis for future graduate work, to help meet the needs of the mission field, and to give an insight into cultural and literary values of other nations. The Department of Foreign Language offers a major in Spanish. A minor is available in Greek and Spanish. Department Minor: 12 upper division units. FRENCH Students who have taken 2 years of high school French may not take French 101 for credit. Students with 3 or 4 years of high school French should consult with department for proper placement.
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