302 MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHY (3) The history of philosophy from Augustine to William of Occam with special emphasis upon Augustine and Thomas Aquinas. 303 MODERN PHILOSOPHY (3) The history of philosophy from the Renaissance through the schools of the nineteenth century. 305 ETHICS (3) Principal ethical theories and thinkers; basic problems and Biblical teaching . 307 AESTHETICS (3) Principal problems and theories of art creation , appreciation , and criticism. 310 PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION (3) A critical examination of the relationship of philosophy to religion , of crucial religious concepts, and of important religious systems. Al tern ate years , offered 1974-75. 311 EPISTEMOLOGY (3) An historical and critical examination of the nature , validity , and scope of human thought and knowledge. Alternate years , offered 1974-75. 313 METAPHYSICS (3) An historical and critical examination of selected metaphysical systems and topics. Alternate years, offered 1973-74. 315 RELIGIOUS PHILOSOPHIES OF NEAR-EASTERN ORIGIN (3) An historical examination of Zoroastrianism, Judaism, and Islam with special reference to Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Greek, Roman , and Christian thought. 401 PHILOSOPHY OF WORLD RELIGIONS (3) The philosophies and beliefs of the world's leading religions . 402 PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE (3) An historical and critical examination of the methodology , theory , and limits of science and its relationship to other fields. Alternate years , offered 1973-74. 404 CONTEMPORARY PHILOSOPHY (3) Recent American philosophy and the analytic and speculative t raditions . 411 PHENOMENOLOGY AND EXISTENTIALISM (3) Phenomenology with emphasis upon Husserl , and existentialism with emphasis upon Kierkegaard, Heidegger, and Sartre. Alternate years, offered 1974-75. 470, 471 DIRECTED RESEARCH (1-2, 1-2) Guided reading and research in philosophers or philosophical topics. Enrollment with permission of the instructor .
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