Curriculum charts expressing specific major and college course requirements, and sample schedules for each of the above-mentioned major programs , may be obtained in the departmental office , Science Hall - room 200. All laboratory courses in biological science have a $15 laboratory fee. VOCATIONAL SCOPE The Biological Science major is intended to have strength in the foundations of mathe matics , physics, and chemistry . Breadth in the major areas of biology is included in the core curriculum to serve as a base for advanced or more specialized study . The scope of the core curriculum emphasizes the principles of biology in all forms of life . The Biologi cal Science major is intended to prepare students for the following: (I) further study in the health related fields (medicine , dentistry , medical technology , physical therapy, veterinary medicine , pharmacy) , (2) further study in the teaching fields (college, nursing, health sciences) , (3) graduate study in general biology or a specific area within biology (zoology , botany, microbiology, et cetera), (4) terminal study in primary or secondary education , and (5) biology applied to agriculture, business , missions. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS High school requirements are one year chemistry , one year physics, four years mathe matics . One year of biology is desirable . Deficiencies can be fulfilled with permission from the Science Division. Biological Science 100, 102 and Chemistry 105 , 106 must be completed before admission to the major , at which time a permanent advisor will be assigned . 100 BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES - LECTURE (3) Unifying principles of biology; chemical basis of life , plant and animal organ systems , ecology , evolutionary theory , and the principles of genetics . Either semester. 110 OBSERVATIONAL BIOLOGY - LABORATORY (2) Observational and investigative approach to biological processes ; partial survey of micro organisms , plants, and animals. Four hours laboratory , one hour lecture/discussion . Pre Investigative approach and experimental techniques of current day biology ; designed as a preview of upper divisional course areas. Four hours laboratory , one hour lecture/discus sion . Prerequisite: Instructor 's consent. 120 CURRENT TOPICS IN BIOLOGY (3) Selected topics of current popular interest and concern in the areas of environment , Directed research (literature or laboratory) in selected areas of biology with written and /or oral presen tations by students ; intended to stimulate inquiry and creative thought. May be used to help fulfill general education science requirements. Not open to science majors . Either semester. 152 APPLIED ANATOMY (2) Scientific methods for emergency care and transportation of the critically ill or injured , including injuries to the skull or brain ; heat exposure ; burns ; poisons , stings and bites ; and emergency childbirth. 202 SYSTEMATIC BIOLOGY (4) requisite : 100 (preferably taken concurrently). Either semester. 111 EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY - LABORATORY (2) human biology , disease and ecology ; fall semester. 130 SEMINAR IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE (1) Taxonomy and morphology of invertebrate animal and higher plant phyla ; laboratory dissection of invertebrates and classification of higher plants . Insect collection required. Three hours lecture , four hours laboratory . Prerequisite : consent of instructor. 82
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