dent is introduced to the practical methods of modern analytical techniques which are integrated into the whole program. Special emphasis is given to chemistry as related to the life sciences. Department Minor: 23 units, 13 of which must be upper division . All courses in chemistry have a $15 .00 laboratory fee. 103 CHEMISTRY SURVEY (5) Principles and theories of general , organic , and biological chemistry and their applications to medicine . Four hours lecture , three hours laboratory. Prerequisite: high school chemistry. 105, 106 GENERAL CHEMISTRY (5, 5) Principles and theories of atomic structure , chemical bonding and chemical reactivity ; thermodynamics , chemical kinetics, and electro-chemistry. Laboratory emphasizes quantitative aspects of physical and inorganic chemistry. Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory (includes one hour discussion). Prerequisite: High school chemistry. 301, 302 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (5, 5) Structure and reactivity of carbon containing compounds; emphasis given to mechanisms of organic reactions . Second semester includes structural biochemistry. Laboratory em phasizes analytical organic and biochemistry. Three hours lecture , six hours laboratory . Prerequisite: 106. 402 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY (3) The physical laws governing chemical reactivity investigated. Subjects include thermo dynamics, kinetics, electro-chemistry, and macromolecular behavior. 411 BIOCHEMISTRY (3) Fundamental concepts of metabolism, bioenergetics , biosynthesis and other chemistry of life processes. Three hours lecture. Alternate years, offered 1974-75 . Prerequisite: 302 . 412 LABORATORY METHODS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (2) An integrated laboratory course to accompany Chemistry 411 and Biology 408 . Modern techniques in molecular genetics, metabolic processes , bioenergetics and enzyme mech anisms. Six hours laboratory. Prerequisite : 302 and Biology 312 . .
Frances Lu, Chairman Objective: This department endeavors to provide a selection of courses in mathematics adequate for students pursuing courses of study in the following: elementary or secondary education , business , psychology , social , biological , and physical sciences. Department Major: The Department of Mathematics offers a major in Mathematics de signed for those planning graduate study, or using ma thematics in industry and science areas , or prospective secondary teachers. Lower division requirements: l 05 , 106,205, 206 , 294 . Major requirements: 41 units of mathematics , 24 of which must be from upper division courses, and 4 units of General Physics . Department Minor: 23 units of mathematics, 6 of which must be from upper division courses, and 4 units of General Physics.
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