
The general education requirement for a foreign language for those following a Mathe­ matics major may be met by two years of high school language or the first four units of a college language . 51 BASIC MATHEMATICS (0) A non-credit survey course for those deficient in arithmetic, elementary algebra, and geometry. A supervised-study learning approach allowing students to proceed at varying rates. Fee: same as for 2 units of credit. 101 PRECALCULUS MATHEMATICS (3) Sets, the real number system, relations, functions, graphs, algebraic processes, inequalities, trigonometric functions, matrices, and determinants, complex numbers exponential and logarithmic functions, introduction to sequences, series, probability, and statistics. Pre­ requisite: 3 years of high school mathematics or consent of instructor. Cannot be counted toward the major. 105 ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY AND CALCULUS I (4) An introduction to analytical geometry, differentiation, and integration of polynomial functions, with applications. Prerequisite: 4 years of high school mathematics or consent of instructor. 106 ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY AND CALCULUS II (4) Differentiation and integration of trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential functions, various methods of integration, and vectors in the plane. Prerequisite: 105. 111 FUNDAMENTALS OF MATHEMATICS (3) Set theory, relations and functions, number systems and algebraic structures, numeration systems, elementary number theory, mathematical systems, concepts of probability, introduction to statistics, informal geometry. Designed for prospective elementary school teachers and to fulfill liberal arts requirements. Cannot be counted toward the major. Either semester. 205 INTERMEDIATE CALCULUS I (3) Vector functions and their derivatives, differential and integral calculus of several varia­ bles, curves and polar coordinates, infinite series. Prerequisite: 106. 206 INTERMEDIATE CALCULUS II (3) More topics on infinite series and calculus of several variables, differential equations. Prerequisite: 205 . 294 LINEAR ALGEBRA (3) Topics from matrices, determinants, linear transformations, and vector spaces. Pre­ requisite : 205 or consent of instructor. 305 ADVANCED CALCULUS (3) The real number system, elementary topological concepts in Cartesian spaces, con­ vergence, continuity, derivatives and integrals. Prerequisite: 206, 294. 315 MODERN ALGEBRA (3) Introduction to abstract algebra with topics from elementary ring, field, and group theories. Emphasis on ring integers, congruences, polynomial domains, permutation groups . Prerequisite: 294 or consent of instructor. 331 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND COMPUTER PROGRAMMING (3) Introduction to problem-oriented languages of computers and principles of problem sol­ ving in the sciences by use of computer programming, including interpolation and approximation, numerical differentiation and integration. Prerequisite: Math 205, or Math 106 by permission. Two hours lecture, three hours laboratory. Alternate years , offered 1974-75. Laboratory fee $15.00. 86

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