332 MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS (3) Introduction to theory of probability and statistics based on use of calculus ; application
of statistical methods. Prerequisite : 205. 333 STUDIES IN APPL! ED MATH (3)
One section offered alternate years on sufficient demand. Course may be repeated with different content (section title). Prerequisite: Math 331, 332, or permission of instructor. Two hours lecture , three hours laboratory, (with computer programming) . Laboratory fee $15 .00. Optimization. Mathematical foundations of model building, linear programming models , game-theoretic models. Mathematical models in Physical Sciences. Selected examples of mathematical models chosen to illustrate (1) formulation of scientific problems in mathematical terms, (2) the solution of the resulting mathematical problems , and (3) the inter pretation and evaluation of the solution. Emphasis on Physical Science Models. Mathematics for High School Teachers. Heavy emphasis on mathematical models in physical, life, or social sciences, graph theory, and combinatories. 410 STUDIES IN ADVANCED MATHEMATICS (3) One section offered each year upon sufficient demand. Course may be repeated with different content (section title). Advanced Calculus II. Implicit function theorems, main theorems in integral calculus , Jacobian transformations,infinite series . Prerequisite : 305. Number Theory. Congruences , Diophantine equations, divisibility, theorems of Fermat and Wilson, primitive roots, indices, quadratic reciprocity. Prerequisite: 206 or 294. Topology. Topics from elementary point set topology. Set Theory and Logic. Informal axiomatic set theory and predicate logic as a foundation for modem mathematics. Prerequisite : 315 . 420 STUDIES IN HIGHER GEOMETRIES (3) One section offered each year upon sufficient demand . Course may be repeated with different content (section title) . Fundamental Concepts of Geometry. Various axiom systems for Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry. Prerequisite: 205. Modem Geometry. Homogeneous projective coordinates, invariants, duality, Desargues's and Pappus' s theorems, transformations, point and line conics. Pre requisite: 205, 294. Differential Geometry. General curve theory, surfaces in the three-dimensional space, fundamental quadratic forms of a surface; the intrinsic geometry of surfaces, extrinsic properties of surfaces. Prerequisite: 206 and 294. 430 STUDIES RELATED TO APPLIED MATHEMATICS (3) One section offered each year upon sufficient demand. Course may be repeated with different content (section title). Complex Variables. Complex variables, analytic functions, complex integral theorems, power series, conformal mappings. Prerequisite : 206. Vector Analysis. Vector algebra and calculus , vector fields, line integrals, vector integral theorems, curvellinear coordinates. Prerequisite: 206 and 294.
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