
Differential Equations. Equations of first and second orders, linear equations, series solutions, approximate solutions, systems of ordinary equations, Legendre and Bessel equations. Prerequisite: 206. 470 RESEARCH SEMINAR (1-2) Special studies in mathematics. Prerequisite: Senior standing or permission of instructor.

PHYSICAL SCI ENCES All laboratory courses in physical sciences have a $15 .00 laboratory fee.

Objectives: The Physical Science major is designed to give a student some breadth in the physical sciences. Within the major a student may emphasize biochemistry, chemistry, or physics. The major serves as preparation for teaching chemistry or physics in secondary schools and as pre-professional training for the medical or technical fields. Department major: One of three areas may be emphasized. These are: biochemistry, chemistry, or physics. Physical Science majors are exempt from the general education re­ quirement of eight units of Science and/or Mathematics. Biochemistry emphasis, course requirements: (Pre-med recommendation) Chemistry: 105,106,301,302,402,411,412

Mathematics: 105, 106,205,206 Physics: 211, 222, 3 units elective Biology: 13 units of recommended electives

Chemistry emphasis, course requirements: Chemistry: 105, 106, 301,302,402 Mathematics: 105, 106,205,206,430

Physics: 211, 222, 331, 322, 3 units electives

Physics emphasis, course requirements: Chemistry: 105,106,301,402

Mathematics: 105, 106, 205, 206, 294, 430 Physics: 211, 222, 311, 322, 331, 332,341,450 Department minor: Consists of Chem. 105 and 106, Physics 211 and 222, and 6 units of electives in chemistry and/or physics. 101 PHYSICAL SCIENCE SURVEY - LECTURE (4) An introduction to the physical sciences for non-science majors. Experimental facts and physical theory appropriate to the properties and structure of matter, geology, meteor­ ology and astronomy. Either semester. 101 PHYSICAL SCIENCE SURVEY - LABORATORY (1) Introductory laboratory work designed to accompany Physical Science Survey lecture. Must be taken concurrently with lecture. Three hours laboratory. Either semester. 103 GENERAL GEOLOGY (3) Introduction to the principles of geology and related earth sciences; nature of geological processes; earth history as interpreted by uniformitarian and catastrophist geology. 110 ASTRONOMY (3) An introductory course; the earth-moon system and the planets; stars and stellar systems, nebulae, galaxies; telescopes and their accessories. 211 GENERAL PHYSICS: MECHANICS (4) Elementary Newtonian mechanics; conservation of energy and momentum; oscillations;


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