
fluids and wave motion. Prerequisite : Math 105. Three hours lecture , three hours laboratory. 222 GENERAL PHYSICS: ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM (4) Electrostatics ; conductors and currents; magnetic fields; electromagnetic induction ; elec­ tromagnetic waves . Prerequisites: 105. Mathematics 106. Three hours lecture, three hours laboratory . 311 ANALYTIC MECHANICS (3) Newtonian , Legrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics. One , two, and many particle systems. Prerequisite: 211. 322 CIRCUITS AND INSTRUMENTATION (3) Alternating current circuits , vacuum tube and transistor characteristics , amplifiers, oscillators, and circuits commonly found in scientific instruments. Prerequisite: 222 . 331 THERMODYNAMICS (3) Introduction to energy, heat , work , entropy, temperature and states of matter. The first, second, and third laws of thermodynamics with an emphasis on applications . Prerequisite: 211. 332 STATISTICAL THERMODYNAMICS (3) Introduction to the theory of thermodynamics from a microscopic statistical point of view. Application to the perfect diatomic gas , perfect monatomic crystal , perfect electron gas, and photon gas. Chemical equilibrium and the phase rule . Prerequisite: 331 . 341 OPTICS (3) The phenomena of diffraction , interference and polarization of light and their application. Geometrical methods applied to the optics of mirror, lenses , and prism. Prerequisite: 222 . 450 SPECIAL TOPICS IN PHYSICAL SCIENCE (3) Varying course content according to student and faculty inte rest. Topics such as quantum mechanics , special relativity , and nuclear physics routinely offered.


Leonie V. Soubirou, Chairman Biola College offers a Bachelor of Science degree program in nursing for students seeking to prepare for the practice of nursing as a profession . Graduates of hospital diploma pro­ grams or associate degree programs in nursing may be admitted as transfer students. This program is accredited by the California Board of Nursing Education and Nurse Registration and by the National League for Nursing and is designed to prepare the stu­ dent for a career in professional nursing in all areas throughout the world. Nursing clinical experiences are provided with the cooperation of local hospitals as well as hospitals and agencies throughout both Los Angeles and Orange Counties. Upon comple­ tion of the nursing program, the graduate will be eligible to take the examination required by the California Board of Nursing Education and Nurse Registration for licensure as a registered nurse . The nursing program offers a background in the physical and social sciences, the humani­ ties , Biblical studies , and in nursing education. It can be completed in five academic years , or four calendar years , by a qualified high school graduate, or in approximately three academic years by a qualified associate degree transfer student. Placement examinations for advanced standing, whether in the physical and social sciences or in nursing ,. must be completed before the student may register in the first


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