
402 MATERNITY NURSING - LABORATORY (4) Theory and concurrent laboratory experiences focusing on meeting the needs of healthy or problem families in the physical , emotional , social, cognitive , and spiritual areas. Families are observed and cared for antepartally , during labor and delivery , post-partally, and in the nursery . Twelve hours laboratory. Fee $ 10 .00 . 410 ADVANCED NURSING - LECTURE (3) Group dynamics including leadership styles and planning for change. Trends and issues in nursing from an historical perspective. Attention on the health care system at the local , state , national, and international levels and their relationship to the nurse ' s role . Nursing organization , legal responsibilities , and legislation pertaining to health care, nursing educa­ tion and practice considered. A beginning investigation of selected patient problems . Pre­ requisite: 402 or acceptable equivalent. 410 ADVANCED NURSING - LABORATORY (3) Theory and concurrent laboratory experience providing leadership opportunity to super­ vise a nursing team and collaborate with other members of the health team. Self-directed study in interviewing persons in a leadership position (nursing and non-nursing) .An in depth study on selected and relevant nursing problems. Twelve hours laboratory . Fee $10 .00. 420 COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH NURSING - LECTURE (4) Health and illness needs in the area of cognitive , emotional and spiritual variables and the interrelationship of physical and socio-cultural variables . Focus on Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing, including Primary , Secondary, and Tertiary Prevention and Epidem­ iology . The student looks at self as an effective change agent , and at the behavioral con­ cepts in relation to his own mental health. Individuals, families , and communities as related to mental health . Various theoretical and treatment modalities including Biblical concepts identified and utilized. Prerequisite: 402 or acceptable equivalent. 420 COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH NURSING - LABORATORY (6) Theory and concurrent laboratory experience in clinical facilities for the promotion of mental health, prevention of mental illness , nurturing , curative and rehabilitative aspects of nursing with Nutrition and Pharmacology integrated throughout. The one-to-one relationship , group , and other therapeutic approaches analyzed and utilized. Develop­ ment of beginning skills in assessment of community mental health problems and in problem solving. Eighteen hours laboratory. Fee $10 .00. 430 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING - LECTURE (4) Health and illness in the community as related to Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Prevention and Epidemiology including nursing intervention and assessment of individuals and families . The application of the philosophy and scope of family-community health based on a study of families from cultures different from that of the student ; hard core multiproblem families , the culture of poverty , families with communicable diseases, MCH families and others ; patterns of health and disease of community and preventive and con­ trol measure , health education, rehabilitation, and related problems. Prerequisite : 402 or acceptable equivalent. 430 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING - LABORATORY (6) Theory and concurrent laboratory experience in community facilities , applying the nursing process in the health care system and in identifying and caring for those in health and illness with Nutrition and Pharmacology integrated. Public Health Agencies and Visiting Nurse Association with ·individual and group projects, including health educa­ tion , community assessment of public health problems and solutions. Eighteen hours laboratory. Fee $10.00.


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