New communication channels Certain online functions can, however, facilitate certain communication processes. For example, interpreting functions on videoconferencing platforms enable simultaneous interpretation into/out of various languages, and speech-to- text interpretation can be provided for hear- ing-impaired participants. Young people can also use translation services throughout a project. Messenger services enable young people to stay in contact at the start of a project, between two project phases or once a project finish- es. However, you need to be aware of privacy issues when using commercial providers such as WhatsApp. Acquisition of media literacy Digital projects give young people the opportu- nity to learn how to use online tools. By familiar- ising themselves with new devices and tools and using them independently in digital projects, they can acquire technical know-how. Besides, digital projects give young people the opportu- nity to reflect on their own media consumption, challenge media structures or cooperate on creating media products. Greater scope for participation Online tools also open up new opportunities for participation for young people. For instance, digital elements included before the start of a project mean they are involved in organising activities. This can include, for example, digi- tal preparatory sessions in which the project structure and individual items can be prepared together with participants. These sessions can also be used to choose the online tools that are to be used. When young people take on tasks in a project using the tools they have themselves suggested, this can help to incorporate and ac- tivate those skills they have learned elsewhere. Being involved in designing a project can boost young people’s feeling of self-efficacy and mo- tivate them to participate. Also, involving young people at an early stage helps to ensure that an activity is designed so that it reflects their own reality.

More difficult communication Communication can likewise be an issue in an online setting. Different first languages and language skills, difficulty recognising facial expressions and gestures and technical glitches all play a role in this. The contribution by Bettina Wissing on p. 18 contains contains a detailed description of which aspects of the online set- ting are important in relation to communication and what needs to be borne in mind to ensure communication is as effective as possible. Need for additional preparation Projects that use online tools lead to partici- pants having to prepare in entirely new ways. Besides knowledge about a country, media-re- lated preparation will be necessary to ensure young people can take part in a specific setting. This can, for instance, mean that some partici- pants will need to be provided with the neces- sary devices. In addition, you need to make sure that participants have the necessary skills to use the tools used. Reduced commitment Digital projects may prove a challenge as re- gards participants’ commitment. Long intervals between online sessions, everyday commit- ments and time differences can mean they do not stick to agreements and keep appointments. The possibility of switching off one’s camera and muting one’s microphone during an online meeting means participants may take part less actively in online sessions, or not at all. This problem can be mitigated when designing an online meeting. Individuals speaking for long stretches at a time, not enough breaks or op- portunities for participants to interact should be avoided, as these things can have a negative impact on young people’s motivation to actively participate. Instead, you need to plan short, in- teractive and varied formats that facilitate active exchange between participants both during an online session and between individual sessions. It may also be useful to draw up a netiquette to- gether with the young people detailing the rules you all want to stick to throughout a project.


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