Setting and methods
Example: Methodological/didactic run-down of the first Zoom session
Acclimatising & getting to know each other
Group leader
20 mins
Welcome & introductions in plenary
To get to know each other (again), find one’s feet in the virtual setting To connect, lay the foundation for an open ex- change To collect expe- riences and ex- pectations, get to know the project and set goals
Energiser activity
Group leader
5 mins
Introduction to the project (1/2)
Group leader/lo- cal partners
30 mins
Exchange in plenary, gathering ideas via chat, visualisation us- ing digital board (shared screen) Discussion of project ideas & individual contri- butions in small groups, debrief- ing in plenary One person (a volunteer or local partner) gives the group a short tour of their home via video: This is what my life looks like right now Information about login for next session, thankyous & say- ing goodbye
Screen break
5 mins
Introduction to the project (2/2)
40 mins
Whole group: Group leader/ members of local community
To get to know the project idea better, set mile- stones & tasks, answer questions, create commit - ment Personal ex- change, to devel- op a group spirit
Intercultural exchange
Volunteers/local partners
15 mins
Group leader
5 mins
Outlook on next session
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