“Dream Your Future – Zukunftsträume” – A Multilateral Hybrid Youth Exchange Elena Neu | IJAB
Funding Dream your Future formed part of the Kommune goes International (KGI) project and was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Family Af- fairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. The City of Hamm provided funding for one workshop leader. Brief project description As pandemic-related restrictions meant that it was hard- ly possible to run any youth exchanges, in the summer of 2020 IJAB invited the members of the Germany-wide KGI network to take part in a virtual experiment. The aim was to try out various options for conducting a digital youth exchange and to disseminate the insights gained. Other objectives were to promote opportunities for communi- cation with participants with other first languages and to break down barriers to communicating in a foreign language. Further, participants were to learn to be more open towards people they do not yet know and to es- tablish contact with young people from other countries, enabling them to better deal with unfamiliar situations and become open to new experiences with people from other cultures. Setting and method G etting to know each other (whole group and breakout sessions) Language Animation (whole group) 7:20 pm Introduction of workshop leaders (whole group) 8 pm End of day 1 8-10 pm Informal, optional get-together in breakout sessions (Discord) SATURDAY, 12 DECEMBER 2020 11 AM TO 6 (8) PM 11 am Start and warm-up (whole group) 11:20 am Round 1 of workshops: six simultaneous workshops (breakout sessions) 5:30 pm Meeting in main room Language Animation (whole group) Programme FRIDAY, 11 DECEMBER 2020 5 TO 8 (10) PM 5 pm Kick-off
Project term and location 11 to 13 December 2020, online The educational team held 11 preparatory meet- ings between October and December 2020. Partner organisations and countries Germany: IJAB in cooperation with local organi- sations in the Kommune goes International (KGI) network from Eislingen/Fils (Baden-Württem- berg), Cologne and Hamm (North Rhine-West- phalia), Kassel (Hesse), Oldenburg (Lower Saxo- ny) and Teltow-Fläming district (Brandenburg)
Partner communities abroad Seferihisar (Türkiye) Poznań and Toruń (Poland) Thessaloniki (Greece)
Huarte (Spain) Bradford (UK)
Participants Forty participants from six countries aged be- tween 14 and 24
Educational team »
Three IJAB coordinators
Six coordinators from the local communities
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Six workshop leaders
One moderator Two technicians
The educational team assigned the following roles/functions during their virtual meetings: » Moderator » Technician » Chat moderator » Pedagogical workshop leader » Documenter (e.g. screenshots) »
Screen sharer (presentations, videos, photos, music, etc.)
Contact for participants Contact for speakers
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Digital tools Zoom, Discord
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