Site-oriented Bilateral Youth Exchanges: The Living Labs Natali Petala-Weber | IJAB

The “Living Labs: International Places of Encounter for Tolerance” project was initiated by IJAB in 2021-2022 on behalf of Germany’s Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth in cooperation with the German-Greek Youth Office. It created experimental settings for hybrid youth exchanges on a specific topic, accompanied by IJAB’s research partner JFF – Institute for Media Research and Media Education. The subproject “Silence is no longer here, because of us” focused on remembrance and memorial work and on integrating a physical space into a digital setting. 12


Project term and location February to May 2022: Monthly hybrid meetings on Saturdays (of varying length, between 2 1/2 and 7 hours) using the videoconferencing tool Zoom. 17 to 22 June 2022, Ravensbrück Memorial Site 19 to 26 July 2022, Lechovo, northern Greece Partner organisations and countries In Germany: Ravensbrück Memorial Site International Friends Association (IFK), Ra- vensbrück Ernst Litfaß School, College of Media Design and Media Technology, Berlin In Greece: Prophet Elias Cultural Society, Lechovo Participants Thirteen young people and young adults from Germany and 15 from Greece aged between 15 and 24. The young people from Greece were from a rural region in the north of the country around three hours by car from Thessaloniki. Participants from Germany were students at the Ernst Litfaß School’s College of Media Design and Media Technology.

Educational team The German group was supported during the hybrid youth exchange by the director of edu- cational services at Ravensbrück Memorial Site and a graphic printing lecturer at the Ernst Litfaß School in Berlin. The Greek project team com- prised the director of the Prophet Elias Cultural Society in Lechovo, an educator, and a student who had already taken part in several Ger- man-Greek youth exchanges.

Digital tools Zoom

Funding The Living Labs projects were funded through the “Experiencing Diversity through Exchange and Encounter – Strengthening Youth Exchang- es” programme run by Germany’s Federal Minis- try for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. The digital/hybrid sessions and the initial and return exchanges were funded through a grant from the German-Greek Youth Office.

12 For more information on remembrance and memorial site work in digital exchanges, see the DIY²Lab summary report (2022), available at


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