Bibliography and Further Information Manuals
Austausch macht Schule (2023): How to? Internation- ale digitale Austausche – Handreichung für den Ein- stieg in den digitalen Schulaustausch. how-internationale-digitale-austausche Daniel Hunter and Jeanne Rewa (2020): Leading Groups Online: a down-and-dirty guide to leading online courses, meetings, trainings, and events during the coronavirus pandemic. Guide in English; also available DARE Network (2022): Competendo – The Digital Tool- box. The free and open toolbox for democracy learning, digitalisation and non-formal education (in English). Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk [Franco-German Youth Office] (2021): KreaKamera. Kreativworkshops planen und durchführen [KreaKamera. Planning and running creative workshops]. in Polish, Spanish, Chinese and Korean. Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk [Franco-German Youth Office] (2021): Sprachanimation Online. An- regungen für spielerische Aktivitäten im digitalen Raum [Online Language Animation. Ideas for playful activities in digital spaces]. line-anregungen-fur-spielerische-aktivitaten-im-virtuel- len-raum.html Deutsch-Polnisches-Jugendwerk [German-Polish Youth Office] (2021): Szenarien für online Jugendbegegnung- sprojekte mit konkreten Ideen und Methodenbes- chreibungen [Scenarios for online youth exchanges, including ideas and methods]. Deutsch-Polnisches Jugendwerk [German-Polish Youth Office]: Förderung von hybriden und Online-Begeg- nungen für Jugendliche aus Deutschland und Polen [Designing hybrid and online exchanges for young people from Germany and Poland]. Examples of suc- cessful online projects: Deutsch-Polnisches Jugendwerk [German-Polish Youth Office]: Zusammenstellung von Online-Szenarien, -Methoden und -Tools für den (deutsch-polnischen) Jugendaustausch [Overview of online scenarios, methods and tools for (German-Polish) youth ex- changes].
DPJWOnline: List of online training courses on methods and media education for German-Polish youth exchang- es; online advisory service by the German-Polish Youth Office on obtaining funding; online networking tool for new German-Polish project partnerships. Available here: DIGIT-AL: In 2021/2022, the project DIGIT-AL – Digital Transformation in Adult Learning for Active Citizenship published a series of English-language “Facilitator Hand- books”, including the Competendo Facilitator Handbook: LEARNING THE DIGITAL. ing-the-digital/ Frassek, Dorota/Zatylna, Magdalena (2019): Das DP- JW-Starterpaket. Grundlegende Informationen und Methoden für Organisatorinnen und Organisatoren deutsch-polnischer Jugendbegegnungen [ The DPJW Starter Pack. Basic information and methods for organ- isers of German-Polish youth exchanges]. Issue 5: Daten- tarif: Wie lassen sich digitale Medien bei Jugendbegeg- nungen nutzen? [Data plan: How to use digital media in youth exchanges] Downloadable from ICJA Freiwilligenaustausch weltweit e.V. (2021): Globital? Global Learning Goes Digital! A guide on implement- ing the principles of Global Learning virtually. ICJA_Handbook_GLOBITAL_2022_FINAL.pdf IJAB (2020): How to set up an inclusive international youth project| RESOURCES Module 4, factsheet 4.2. (Support services and technologies for accessible communication and information) from page 53 onwards contains a large number of tips and links to further resources on accessible (digital) communication. sive-international-youth-project-resources IJAB (2020): MEET – JOIN – CONNECT! Digital tools for international youth work practitioners
IJAB (2021): Handbook “Interpreting at Online Events”
IJAB (2021): Handbook “Language Animation in On- line Youth Meetings” line-youth-meetings
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