
10B — February 24 - March 9, 2017 — Environmental/Green Buildings — Owners, Developers & Managers — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


E nvironmental /G reen B uildings

he American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning By Bob Kilroy, Jewel Electric ASHRAE 90.1 is an energy code designed to reduce energy consumption T must now be set to turn the lights off within 20 minutes after a space is vacated.

synchronize light levels with sensors such as daylight, occu- pancy and multi-level control capability are now required for a new building or major reno- vation project to be considered compliant. All states in the United States must put into effect a commercial building energy code at least as stringent as the 2013 version of 90.1, or jus- tify why they cannot comply. ASHRAE/IES 90.1 has become increasingly sophisticated over the past 14 years, par- ticularly in regard to lighting controls. The 2013 standard

attempts to go even further while simplifying understand- ing and application. The stan- dard, applies to new construc- tion and major renovations (including requirements for lamp-ballast retrofits), and is updated every three years. ASHRAE published the latest version in October 2013. According to the ASHRAE web-site the major changes to ASHRAE/IES 90.1- 2013’s Sec- tion 9 (lighting) include light- ing controls which underwent a significant makeover. Some of the changes included: • Occupancy sensors, which

• A second automatic light- ing shutoff option is required for certain occupancy sensor installations—partial-off to 50% of design power within 20 minutes of the space being va- cated—spaces where the lights are periodically not needed but must remain ON. • and More detailed func- tional testing requirements are now imposed. There are several systems that can be use to assist the property owner in complying with the ASHRAE 90.1-2013 codes. Systems that provide Wireless lighting controls and automation are the Perfect solution for simple integration and reliable performance. We supply systems that Handle lighting control systems of var- ious scales and complexities; systems that perform equally as well on multi locations as they do on a single location. Think of these regulations as targeted guidance, providing improved financial and opera- tional efficiencies. So, how Controlling Are You? ings utilizing any fluorescent (including the more efficient CFLs) or incandescent lighting are good candidates for LED upgrades. In terms of payback periods, buildings with a com- bination of both incandescents and fluorescents will usually have a payback in about one year while buildings with only fluorescents will be in the two year range. Any increases in electric rates will only improve these payback periods. Note as well that Con Ed has just updated its incentive funding programs for LED retro-fits for both multifamily and com- mercial buildings (including funding for smaller commercial buildings - previously avail- able). Work with a Con Ed Market Partner to access these funding rebates as well as benefit from Con Ed’s retro-fit oversight, including Con Ed’s on-site inspections which will ensure a quality LED retro-fit. For more information regard- ing energy saving measures to protect the bottom line of your building refer to the New York City’s Energy and Water Use 2013 Report. George Crawford is prin- cipal of Green Partners. n continued from page 8B A Perfect Storm is heading our . . .

Eng i nee r s , also known as ASHRAE. ASHRAE 90 . 1 i s an energy code designed to reduce ener- gy consump- t i on . Le t ’ s

• Automatic independent control is now required in secondary sidelighted daylight zones (covering additional luminaires farther from the windows) rather than just incentivized with a control credit. • Daylight harvesting step- dimming control now requires two control points between off and full-on—one dim level be- tween 50–70% of design power and one between 20–40% —to provide greater flexibility.

Bob Kilroy

take a look he ASHRAE 90.1– 2013 energy code specifically addressing lighting control requirements. The use of ad- vanced lighting controls to

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Electrical Contractors State, Municipal & Government Hospital & Institutions Property Management & Hospitality Products we offer: Wire, Pipe, Fittings & Wiring Devices Switchgear, Panelboards, Motor Controls & Motors Lighting & replacement Lamps LED Retrofits, Fixtures and other Energy Efficient Products Sub-Metering Equipment Meters, Tools & Ladders Safety Devices & Equipment Fire Alarms, Smoke Detectors & Burglar Alarms Generators Services we offer: On time Deliveries to meet customer requirements 24/7 Emergency Response Inventory Management Project quotes Lighting & Energy Audits Customer Training

455 Third Street Jersey City, NJ 07302 Ph: 201-653-1613 Fx: 201-653-5470 Bob Kilroy bkilroy@Jewelelectric.com

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