Corporate Responsibility and Our People
Whistl recognises the importance of its role in managing social, economic and environmental issues. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the principal way Whistl seeks to co-ordinate and manage practices to maximise positive social and economic contribution and minimise the environmental impacts of its business. Engagement with key stakeholders including – clients, employees, community, environmental stakeholders, regulators, business partners, suppliers, and our shareholders is central to Whistl’s approach to CSR.
Customer and Value Chain Where we trade and how we trade
Employees Where we work, how we work and who we work with
Environment How we reduce our impact on the world’s ecosystems and natural resources
Whistl is committed to behaving responsibly and to operate in the most e¤cient way to reduce the impact of our operations on the environment. The Group has been submitting fully collated data to a number of indices including the CDP (formerly the ‘Carbon Disclosure Project’). The CDP is the leading international index of climate change and carbon management for companies.
20 Corporate Responsibility | Whistl Annual Report 2017
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