PanettaPT: How To Improve Poor Posture




Poor posture leads to; Excessive strain on your joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. It also weakens many of the core muscles that are needed to keep you upright and healthy. How children hold their bodies can impact their growth, development, confidence, andmood. Healthy Posture Can; Prevent muscle soreness and back pain. Prevent abnormal bone growth. Help Improve breathing. Increase energy. Increase Concentration, and Boost Confidence, General tips. Keep your muscles loose by taking breaks every 30- 45 minutes. Do not use the computer while on the couch or in bed. Give children praise when their posture is good. Taking even a small amount of time to stand up & do our “posture corrective” exercises can highly improve your posture. Click on the link to see the top 3 suggested break time exercises for a quick full body reset & super charge! Proper Ergonomic Setup. Make sure that you are at a proper height with your desk chair and computer, so you don’t have to slouch or lean forward. Child sized furniture may make it easier for your child to have good posture. Adjust the monitor so it is at eye level and place the keyboard close to your body. Sit upright, place your feet flat on the floor, and try not to cross your legs. Make sure there is a small gap between the back of your knees and the chair. Having a chair with strong back support and padding is also recommended for making your upright position more comfortable. These simple steps can help tremendously with your overall posture. If you have tried these suggestions, and still experience neck or back pain, radiating pain into your arms or legs, or pain and stiffness of the hips or elsewhere when getting up from the chair we CAN HELP.

Do you catch yourself slouching frequently? Do those last couple hours of the school or workday leave you hunched over and ready to leave? If you or your child are at a desk for extended periods of the day, it is important to make sure your posture is okay. In our era of virtual learning, teaching, and working fromhome we are constantly on smart phones, tablets, and computers. We often put our necks and backs in positions of prolonged stress. Over time, this contributes to increased stress to our vertebrae, discs and muscles supporting the spine. If you are experiencing aches and pains, especially in your neck or back, numbness into the arms or legs, or stiffness getting up from the chair, poor posture is to blame. Fortunately, posture can be improved with the help of physical therapy. Contact Panetta Physical Therapy today to learn more about how we can improve your posture and lead a pain-free, active life! How did my posture become poor? Posture changes occur over time and most people don’t pay attention to them until they notice aches and pains. Often, we become so wrapped up in whatever tasks we are doing that we forget to think about the way our bodies are positioned. According to the American Physical Therapy Association, “posture is the alignment and positioning of the body in relation to gravity, center of mass, or base of support.” Your body is designed to align perfectly, to allow for proper movement of the muscles, breathing, and blood circulation. If poor posture continues, it can eventually lead to chronic conditions as you age. But I exercise – shouldn’t this help? Even if you exercise regularly, it is possible that there are still a few weak muscles contributing to your posture that you may not even realize. Improper posture isn’t due to laziness or apathy; rather, it has something to do with a physical weakness within our bodies. We slouch and slump when we feel drained because our bodies (quite literally) get tired of holding us up.


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