King's Business - 1954-04

By¥jLouis H . Evans


A P R 1 L ¿:2 S c ,



College of Arts and Science School of Religion School of Fine Arts School of Education School of Business

Academy and seventh and eighth grades in connection.




I t was Easter ‘morning in a German refugee camp. The wooden barrack was filled with lonely, homeless people. As we read from the Word of God, we heard a constant whispering com­ ing from somewhere in the crowd. Looking for the source of the dis­ turbance, our eyes fell on an old German woman. Her brow was wrinkled with age, but the light of heaven was in her eyes. We discovered that she was repeat­ ing aloud each verse as we read it from God’s Holy Word. Like the other refugees, she had no Bible of her own. By repeating the verses aloud she was able to retain in her mind the truths of God’s Word. Thus in her dark­ est hours of despair she was able to quote from memory texts which gave her comfort, inspira­ tion and strength. That night as we gave her a Bible we knew in our hearts that we had BROKEN THE BREAD OF LIFE to a hun­ gry soul! On the outskirts of Marburg, Germany, a young refugee moth­ er lives in a barn with her three children. Her husband, missing in Russia, has not been heard from in nine years. We gave to her gifts of food and clothing, as well as a German Bible. Through reading this Bible, she found the Saviour, and courage to carry on in the face of loneliness. In a letter of thanks to us she said, “ Each night when the children are asleep, I turn to my precious Bible and read, ‘A ll things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose’.” Again, we knew that BREAD HAD BEEN BROKEN to a needy soul! “ I waited one and a half years to see my wife smile again,” said an aged refugee, whose wife had been bed-ridden for many long months. Because of her illness,

That day we had given them a CARE package of food, and tears of joy and thankfulness flowed freely down their cheeks. In the next barrack there lived a wretched couple. For months we had tried to win them for Christ, but their ears were closed. Yet, the day we gave them a food

she had lost all joy in living, parcel, showing them by this act that we cared for their physical welfare, their hearts were opened to our message. God used this small gesture of love to the salva­ tion of their souls. That day we knew that not only had we BROKEN PHYSI­ CAL BREAD to the hungry, but we had also BROKEN HEAV­ ENLY BREAD. They had found CHRIST, THE BREAD OF LIFE! The anxious hearts of these refugees ask, “Where are we go­ ing? What is the purpose of our life?” But their anxiety and fears are quieted when with one hand we present to them BREAD FOR THEIR BODY to give physical strength and courage; and in the other hand BREAD FOR THE SOUL! It is only in the crucified and risen Christ that we can help the needy, the downtrodden, and the broken-hearted. We are reminded of the words of Jeremiah, “ The children ask bread, and no man breaketh it unto them.” For Christ’s sake, and for the sake of these unhap­ py, homeless refugees, let it never be said of us, “NO MAN BREAK­ ETH IT UNTO THEM.” WE NEED YOUR HELP NOW IN THIS PROJECT OF MERCY!

The children and the aged of Europe’s refugee camps desperately need our help. 300,000 refugees live under most adverse circumstances.

Please address all gifts and correspondence to:

Save Europe's Children Rev. Douglas G. Stewart, F.R.G.S. Director for North America European Evangelistic Crusade, Inc., Member Mission I.F.M .A . 811 Westview St., Philadelphia 19, Pennsylvania. Dear Sir: W ith a glad and willing heart I am enclosing $ help alleviate the physical and spiritual needs of Europe's refugees.

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APRIL 1954



Kinsey & the Christian

Sirs: I think the article (K insey and the Christian , Jan.)'is certainly very time­ ly and I agree with you that Chris­ tians cannot dodge such major issues as these apd should not attempt to do so. The article has a note of authority [However] I feel that it is somewhat weakened by the introduc­ tion o f certain side issues such as the author’s judgment as to the place held by the theory of evolution in present-day educational circles. I realize that his statement is true of the original theory of organic evolu­ tion, but if he has evidence to support the sweeping declaration that most eminent educators and scientists no longer adhere to the theory he would certainly do the public a great favor by making these evidences known. Asheville, J. Robertson McQuilkin, Headmaster N. C. Ben Lippen School Sirs: - The article, Kinsey and the Chris­ tian, is absolutely the best thing I have seen and exactly what our Chris- • tian young people need to put them straight on the whole scandalous af­ fair. I want a copy for every one of our students here at Providence Bible Institute. Thanks to the Lord for the clear incisive treatment you have given the subject. Carlton Booth Providence, Director, School of Music Rhode Island Providence Bible Institute Sirs: I am a physician who feels that your article, Kinsey and the Christian, is excellent and comprehensive and has the true Christian ring. There has been so much fraudulent and dangerous propaganda about sex re­ lations going about the back rooms of our social system, that I believe plain, simple, honest instruction by medical and religious teachers, should become a normal part of training our young people. St. Petersburg, Florida S. B. H. From Hong Kong Sirs: I am your reader in Hong Kong. I work among young people and chil­ dren. I like your magazine very much. I always go to Fraternity Book Room to buy it and I have received much help. Fanling, ' Yeung Shiu Ching Hong Kong Fanling Children's Home From the Philippines Sirs: I cannot express the joy and inspir­ ation I have received from the K ing ’ s B usiness . Aypi, Cotabato, Philippines P. G. Bulner

• The ABC Network —• Sunday 8:00 a.m. in each time zone • The Mutual Network — Sunday 10:00 a.m. EST 9:00 a.m. CST 8:00 a.m. MST 9:00 a.m. PST • Subject for April: "Footwashing" TH E RADIO BIBLE CLASS P. O. Box 22 Grand Rapids Michigan W rite today for your FREE radio log Personalize your invitation to others to listen to the BACK t o TH E BIBLE BROADCAST

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1 pidTsiw* tki>AuthorizeddyyjM Htt




/ t i f f * %W ™ I I | M l

Official publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.


B b i

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home

V01' 45' N a 4

APR"-, 1954

Established 1910

chancellor LOUIS T. TA LB O T


ALIVE!— Louis H. Evans ................................................. | q GOD IS ABLE— The answer to your heart's need— H. C. G. Moule 12 EASTER HOPE— Arthur Hedley ..................................... 14 I AM A MODERNIST MINISTER'S WIFE .................... 15 BIBLE STUDY CRUISE TO HAWAII— Vacation with a purpose __ 16 KEITH L. BROOKS— The man and his works ................................. 34 POEMS— Mrs. Graeme MacDonald ...................................... 45 4 FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK ...........................................................................7 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF— Althea S. Miller .......... ’ ’’ ’ 8 PEOPLE A monthly column of names in the news ............... 9 WORLD NEWSGRAMS— James O. Henry .......................................... 18 WORDS FROM THE WORD— Charles L. Feinberg ................. 19 CHURCH OF THE MONTH— First Baptist, San Francisco .............. 20 OUT OF THE LAB— Donald S. Robertson ...................................... 21 PHILOSOPHY IN LIFE— Paul M. Aijian ..................................................22 THEOLOGICALLY THINKING— Gerald B. Stanton ............................. . 23 BOOK REVIEWS— Donald G. Davis ........................................................ 24 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS— Martha S. Hooker ....................... 26 TALKING IT OVER— A psychologist answers— Clyde Narramore .... 28 THE SCOPE OF MISSIONS— Oran H. Smith ........................................ 29 BIOLA FAMILY CIRCLE ............................................................................. 32 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX .............................................................. ’ 33 IN CHRIST IS LIFE— Spring Heart-Cleaning ...................................... 35 ADVERTISERS' INDEX .................................................................................. 50 CH R IST IAN EDUCAT ION LOOKING AHEAD IN CHRISTIAN ED— Margaret Jacobsen ......... 36 YOUNG PEOPLE'S TOPICS— Chester J. Padgett ................................. 37 FINEST OF THE WHEAT— Glenn F. O'Neal ...................................... 41 SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS— Homer A. Kent, Allison Arrowood .. 42 OBJECT LESSONS— Elmer L. Wilder ...................................................... 48 COVER The Cross was not a thing of beauty. It was a means of death— a sign of reproach. Today we wear it as an adornment. The modern equiva­ lent would be wearing a replica of a gas charqber or an electric chair. But for all its horror, the Cross means salvation and life eternal. .For Easter stories see pages 7, 10, 14, 19, 26, 45. Art : Milton R. Sue. FEATURES READER REACTION ..........................................................


managing editor LLOYD H AM ILL

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advertising manager M ILTO N R. SUE

circulation manager STELLA KINTER

business .manager J. RUSSELL ALLDER

editorial board Paul M. Aijian • Charles L. Feinberg Martha S. Hooker • Glenn F. O'Neal • Donald S. Robertson Gerald B. Stanton

Donald G. Davis • James O. Henry Margaret Jacobsen Chester J, Padgett • Oran H. Smith

Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office Of Los An­ geles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, em­ bodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P.L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.

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fromthe editor's desk

I Don’t Be Afraid - Reach Out and Touch a Leper! F rom a distance we could see the lepers anxiously waiting for us at the pier. Their cry of ‘Welcome, welcome!’ sounded like thunder. Dur­ ing our visit we were deeply touched when a bitter enemy of the Gospel begged us to forgive him. He asked for a Bible and said he, too, wanted to follow Christ. (There are more lepers in Greece than in any other European country.) “ Later we entered a very dark basement — just a hole hewn into the rock — and met a man who was skin and bones. His fingers and toes were eaten away by leprosy; he had no ears or nose. Yet he could greet us with a smile! On his lap was an open Bible from which he read Psalm 88:6, ‘Thou has laid me in the lowest pit, in darkness, in the deeps.’ Still smiling he said, ‘Although this is my plight, I have the light of Christ’s Gospel to assure me that my Heav­ enly Father is able to help and com­ fort me.’ (We want to give Bibles to 700 more lepers, at a cost of $2 each. Wouldn’t you like to supply one or more?) “We sorted and distributed the large bundles of clothing we had brought. Nine little boys and girls — orphans of lepers who had died here — ran up to us, jumping for joy. They wanted to thank us for the clothing and a few toys we had brought them. (It is bitter cold in Greece now. We have tons of. do­ nated clothing, but lack the funds for shipping. For $6 we can send an individual 22-lb. package, or for $50 a large 400-lb. crate. And $5 will provide a warm blanket for a shiver­ ing body.) “ As the launch left this island of pain, we were gladdened by the ready response to the Gospel, the hun­ ger for God’s Word, and the gratitude for the physical comforts we were able to bring.” These missionaries, whose letter we have just shared with you, have touched the untouchables — not phys­ ically, but with the compassion of Christ. You, too, can reach out to these lepers without fear — to help them in their great need. Write to the American Mission to Greeks, Inc!, 156 - 5th Ave., New York 10, N. Y., Rev. Spiros Zodhiates, General Sec­ retary. (In Canada, 90 Duplex Ave., I Toronto 12, Ontario.)

H e Is R isen ! « n Sunday, April 18th, Easter will be observed in all Christendom. In countless sunrise services held on that morning and in countless churches in which services w ill be held, there w ill be men who endeav­ or to eliminate the fact of the resurrection and speak of it merely from a figurative point of view. It w ill be said, in effect, that Jesus Christ did not actually rise from the dead, but instead His influence m erely lives on. And, somehow, it is argued, because the spring comes around every year and because flowers and trees take on life and begin to shoot forth buds and blossoms and fruit, so do human beings have life forevermore. It is readily admitted that the springtime of each year is a most beau­ tiful time,- but thank God, our hope o f immortality is not based upon the budding of the trees and the blossoms that appear on the trees and flowers, nor is it based on the fact that the rains bring forth grass which grows up green and beautiful in the spring of the year. But our hope of immortality is based upon a much surer fact than this. Job says, “ I know that m y redeemer liveth . . . and because he lives, I too shall live.” Our hope of eternal life is not based upon a vague, indefinable, indefinite something that bum s within thé breast of each individual, but our hope of immortality is based upon a well-proven fact that took place in history over nineteen hundred years ago, when there emerged from the tomb of Joseph o f Arimathea, the self-same Jesus who was buried in that tomb and who came forth in His resurrection glory, victorious over death, victorious over the grave, victorious over S,atan and everything evil. In Arizona, there may be seen a large area known as the Petrified Forest. Geologists have told us what took place. Once upon a time that land consisted of a great forest. Something happened, and the trees were in some w ay knocked down and the land became submerged so that those fallen trees lay on the bottom o f a portion of the ocean, for countless centuries of time. Then something else took place— the water disappeared and today that section is quite dry and barren. But something happened while those logs were lying at the bottom of that great body of water. The chemical action of the water slowly rotted away the wood. The action took place so slowly that the change would have been quite imperceptible had anyone been present to observe. But while the wood slowly rotted away, the tiny pores of, the wood were filled with The sediment at the bottom o f that body of water, and as the sediment filled the pores of the trees it gradually hardened so that as one looks at the stumps of the trees it is possible to see the very rings which formerly made up the wooden giants. The bark changed, the trunk of the trees changed, and when the water disappeared those m ighty monarchs of the prehistoric forest were left in the condition which we speak of today as being p etri­ fied. The form of the trees was the same, but their natures were com­ pletely different. The change was not on the outside, but in the very innermost being of the tree. The change that took place was a change from that wh ich rotted and wasted away into a condition wh ich will endure as long as time endures. It was a change from that which was completely inferior to that which was vastly superior. The very fibres, the very nature of the trees changed. Just so will a change take place in the life o f each Christian. It is a change from that body which decays and which wastes away and which is often racked with pain, sorrow and misery in this life, into that which is infinitely superior, which will endure as long as eternity shall endure. A change w ill take place in which we will not be subject to the laws of time nor space, but in which we w ill become subject to those infinitely higher and more far-reaching laws that pertain to our Lord Jesus Christ Himself. END.


A P R I L 1 9 5 4


W M u s t h r i l l i n g n e w



Too Old I shiny lollipop rested on the \ windowsill over the kitchen ** sink. Sharon, the dishwasher, was finding her hated job a bit more tolerable by carefully watch­ ing the treasure and tasting of its sweetness. Mother stepped over to the sink and lifted the lollipop from the sill to a saucer. “ Don’t take that,” Sharon com­ manded excitedly. “That’s mine.” “ I know it is, Honey. I only wanted to put it on the saucer. I don’t want it.” “ Don’t you like lollipops?” the 8-year-old questioned incredulous­ ly- “ No, I don’t.” Sharon stood deep in thought, sudsing and re-sudsing a plate. Suddenly, with a sparkle of un­ derstanding in her eye the little miss said, “ Oh well, you’re too old to eat lollipops.” To her little girl’s mind there could be no other explanation for Mother’s lack of interest in such a delicacy as a lollipop except on the basis of age. And as a matter of fact, Sharon was correct in her conclusion. Mother well remem­ bers her childhood delight in lolli­ pops, and her first taste of one at the age of 10 years. But one day, Mother doesn’t remember when, the charm of lollipops seemed to dissolve into the mists. She no longer 'thought they were a deli­ cacy dropped from heaven. The littie girl was growing up. Childhood with all its charms and dreams and delights is a time of immaturity, of imperfection. It is a time of building, of learning, of growth. It is always a yearn­ ing for tomorrow; for a tomorrow of greater privileges; of new worlds to be conquered. Then one day the wishes become a reality; the dreams a fact. Dear Father, help me to daily throw off every vestige of spiritual childhood, and by Thy grace may I grow and mature in spiritual stature.

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A monthly column of names in the news. • California’s famed Rose Bowl will again this year be the scene of an Easter Sunrise service that, as in the past, will draw national attention. Speakers will be Dr. Charles E. Fuller, Old Fashioned Revival Hour, Dr. Rus­ sell V. DeLong, Showers of Blessing program and Dr. T. Leonard Lewis, pres­ ident of Gordon College, Boston. • More than 80 Chicago ministers under the leadership of the Rev. Alan Redpath (Moody Church) are making plans for a Bible convention in Chi­ cago this fall patterned after the famous English Keswick Convention. Emphasis will be the application of doctrine to daily conduct. • In Los Angeles, Calif, death has ended the brilliant career of Keith L. Brooks (see pages 34-35), editor of Prophecy Magazine and w id e ly - known writer of Bible study books. • National Evangelical Film Foun­ dation, sponsored by Christian Youth Cinema, has announced their Chris­ tian “ Oscgrs” for 1953. Producer: James K. Friedrich, Cathedral Films; Director: Katherine Stenholm, Unusual Films (Bob Jones Univ.); Actor: Nel­ son Leigh; Outstanding Christian tele­ cast: Youth on the March (Rev. Percy Crawford). • Just before leaving for his Great­ er London Crusade Evangelist Billy Graham attended a prayer breakfast in Washington, D.C. sponsored by the International Council for Christian Leadership. Vice President Nixon read the 15th chapter of John, Chief Jus­ tice Earl Warren was the main speaker. Among those present was President Eisenhower, who requested his favorite hymn, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” be sung by Beverely Shea. Aft­ er the meeting the President spied Graham, called him over and with an arm around him, lead the evangelist to the Chief Executive’s waiting lim­ ousine and together they went to the White House for a private chat. In London, when Graham opened the Crusade, nightly crowds were aver­ aging 11,000 at-: Harringay Arena. Conversions for the first week were greater than in any previous cam­ paign. Newspapers were giving daily headlines and even full pages to the meetings ahd straight-laced BBC al­ lowed Graham radio tirpe. At Water­ loo station the greatest crowds in 40 years were on hand to greet the evangelist and his wife when they arrived for the six-week campaign. APRIL 1954

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You can personally walk out of the tomb of your secular,

defeated living because He is . .


B y Lou is H . Evans takes place when the soul is sepa­ rated from God by unforgiven sin. He who can remove that sin and bring God and man together again can restore life. This Christ came to do— “ once in the end of the age hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself” in His death. When men contested that this forgiveness of sins was the prerogative of God and asked for proof of His ability to do this, He replied, “ De­ stroy this body and in three days God will raise it again. My resur­ rection will be God’s stamp and im­ primatur on my saviourship.” He rose and thus sin could be removed between God and man until man Y o u r P r a y e r R equ ests If you would develop a living faith, you must quit working at your faith and rest in the Faithful One. We believe that there is no request too small or too great for God if we but come to Him in child-like faith. He is able. Each morning at 9 o'clock the editorial staff of King's Business gathers for prayer. Each request that comes in is prayed for individually. We shall count it a privilege to take your request to the throne of grace. Address: The Edi­ tors, King's Business, 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17.

T his Christ of Easter came saying: “ I am come that ye might have life.” Did He mean to infer that those persons who heard Him that day were not living? Is it not arrest­ ing that everyone that breathes does not really live? A blacksmith’s bel­ lows breathes but it does not live! Life—-real spiritual life—of which the rock, the tree, the grape, the bird, the ox know nothing—is made up of certain living things which are the gift of God. They are found splen­ didly in Easter. Easter reminds us first of all of the necessity of a purpose in life. It is quite possible for a thing to move and not know where it is go­ ing. It is possible to have power but no purpose; to have speed but no direction. Sometimes we play games with no goals and build houses that somehow never become homes be­ cause love is not there. It is possible to exist and never know the purpose for which we were created-—-to “ Seek . . . first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness.” Christ said, “ For this cause came I into the world” and no friends ever laid to rest the body of a Man so alive as to why He was here. Easter offers us pardon. There are' two kinds of “ death.” There is that physical death that takes place when the soul is separated from the body. This none of us can escape. Then there is that spiritual death that

found that sin which separated and made him at enmity with God was now dissolved and now God and man could be “ at one” in this th rillin g “ at-one-ment” — atonement which Easter verified. Now men can cry “My sin, 0 the bliss of this glorious thought, my sin not in part but the whole, is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more, praise the Lord, O my soul.” Without this pardon Eas­ ter loses much of its significance. Easter also assures us of a pro­ gram. Christ invited us to pray this brave prayer and accept this great program, “ Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Is there any use in embrac­ ing that magnificent purpose? Could God’s will ever be done on earth as it is in heaven? Were Christ’s three years of public ministry on earth a prophecy of what He could do through the ages to come? Would this sort of power stay with them? Could He who changed the wild man of Gadara into his right mind do this for the fevered spirit of nations? Could He who stilled the Galilean Sea still the heart of humanity and the cosmos? Could He who told the lame man to rise and walk heal a war-tdVn, maimed world? Is He so truly the Prince of Peace? As He wooed a drunkard from his cup, could He make a com­ munity sober? If He could take Mary Magdalene and turn her from mud



Dr. Louis H. Evans, until a year ago was pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, the largest Presbyterian

church in the world. Now as Minister-at-Large for Presby­ terian Church, USA, he is denomination's official spokesman.

to stars could He do that for all man­ kind? Men never saw God so clearly at work as during those three years before the tomb. Now He was to die—would that be the end of all this magnificence? They had seen philos­ ophers at work before but not this force of life-changing power. This was it. Now would death end it all? Then Christ in answer laid down the issue. “ Destroy this body and in three days God will raise it again. If I do not rise from the dead it is the end of what I am and what I brought to you. If I do rise then swing behind me and wager every­

thing on me. I will have my third day!” He had His third day! He arose at dawning and as Christ was im­ perishable and eternal so are the things He brought to us— recupera­ t i on, regeneration, redemption, change, pardon, renewal, victory. Those things, thank God, are as in­ destructible as is He. “ He is alive— the tomb is empty.” It spread like a prairie fire over land and sea. His program, His pardon and His power are alive forevermore and are the eternal gifts to all who want them. The Easter experience can become real to you today and you, too, can

“ be raised to walk with Him in new­ ness of life.” You can personally walk out of the tomb and sarcophagus- of your secular, defeated living; you can drop the habits that bind you round and round as graveclothes; the napkin of doubt can fall from your head and you can believe; as a caters pillar leaves its cocoon and with wings flies in the sky-blue yonder so you need not always drag along worm-like, despondent, earthy and secular. The sun of a new life for you can rise as surely as this sun this morn­ ing. “We may have Christ. He is alive. And we live!” END.

APRIL 1954


M a n y Chr istians h ave been con ten ted to liv e a de fea ted life w ith th e ir sp ir itu a l en ergy a t a fr igh tfu lly low ebb . God n e v e r m ean t it to be th is w a y . H e re is a sou l­ s tir r in g a r t ic le tha t can give y o u r h e a r t p ow e r fo r d e liv e ran c e and v ic to ry

B y H . C. G. M ou le

¥ t is nothing less than the supreme I aim of the Christian gospel that we M should be holy; that the God of peace should sanctify us through and through our being; that we should “ walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing.” It is the insatiable desire of the soul, which has truly seen the Lord, to be made fully like Him by His grace. And this desire, as it has never been wholly absent from His congre­ gation, has, in our own day and amidst our own surroundings, in a very marked degree, come again to be a leading and ruling thing. Every­ where, under widely different cir­ cumstances, in many and varied Christian communities, sometimes di­ verging into fields of error, sometimes moving steadily on lines of eternal truth, there is felt and found in our Christian world of today a deep, strong and growing drift of inquiry and desire after Christian holiness. There is a conspicuous longing to know the whole will of God about it, and the whole offer and resource of His grace; the whole extent to which the divine warrant bids faith go in seeking, expecting, and accepting a divine deliverance from sinning, and a divine enablement to positive holi­ ness of will and walk. Our Aims ■ Of our aims, how shall I speak both briefly enough and greatly enough? They are just this—to be like Him whom not having seen, we love; to displace accordingly, in grace, self from the inner throne, and to enthrone Him; to make not the slightest compromise with the small­ est sin. We aim at being entirely willing, nay, definitely to will, to know with ever keener sensibility what is sin in us, and where it is, From "Christ and Sanctification," Pickering & Inglis Ltd. Fleming H. Revell Co., American agents. 12

that it may be dealt with at once by the Holy Spirit. We aim at nothing less than to walk with God all day long; to abide every hour in Christ, and He and His words in us; to love God with all the heart, and our neighbor as ourselves; to live, and that in no conventional sense, no longer to ourselves, but to Him who died for us, and rose again. We aim at yielding ourselves to God as the unregenerate will yields itself to sin, to self; at having every thought brought into captivity to the obedi­ ence of Christ—every thought, every movement of the inner world; a strict, comprehensive captivity, an absolute and arbitrary slavery. In the region of outward life our aim is, of course, equally large and pervading. It is to break with all evil, and follow all good. It is never, never more to speak evil of any man; never to lose patience; never to trifle with wrong, whether impurity, untruth, or unkindness; never in any known thing to evade our Master’s w ill; nev­ er to be ashamed of His name. I em­ phasize again and again this never, for there is the point. As believers in our Lord Jesus Christ, as those who are not their own, but bought, and who accordingly, in the strictest sense, belong to Him all through, our aim is, it must be, across any amount of counterthoughts, never to grieve Him, never to stray; always in the inner world, always in the outer, to walk and please Him. I say again, this is our aim, not in any conventional sense, such as to leave us easy and tolerably comfortable when we fail. Not so; God forbid. Failure, when it comes across this aim, will come with the pang of a shame and disap­ pointment which we shall little wish to feel again. It will be a deeply con­ scious discord and collision. It will be a fall down a rough steep. It will be a joy lost* or, at best, deferred

again. It will be the missing of a divine smile, the loss of the light of the countenance of the King. Divine Possibilities It is possible, I dare to say, for those who will indeed draw on their Lord’s power for deliverance and victory, to live a life—how shall I describe it?— a life in which His promises are taken, as they stand, and found to be true. It is possible to cast every care on Him, daily, and to be at peace amidst the pressure. It is possible to have affections and imaginations purified through faith, in a profound and practical sense. It is possible to see the will of God in everything, and to find it, as one has said, no longer a sigh, but a song. It is possible, in the world of inner act and motion, to put away, to cause to be put away, all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and evil speaking daily and hourly. It is possible, by unreserved resort to divine power, un­ der divine conditions, to become strongest, through and through at our weakest point; to find the thing which yesterday upset all our obligations to patience, or to purity, or to humility, an occasion today, through Him who loveth us, and worketh in us, for a joyful consent to His sin-annulling power. These are things divinely pos­ sible. And, because they are His work, the genuine experience of them will lay us, must lay us, only lower at His feet, and leave us only more athirst for more. Some Views of Christ, Our Sanctification We shall now as we proceed bend our thoughts more directly upon the Lord Himself, in some of those glori­ ous characters in which He is made to us sanctification. We must look far more at Him than at our attitude towards Him. In Baxter’s well-known words, we must take ten looks at Christ for one at self. But none the less it is well to look early in the TH E KING'S BUSINESS

process of thought, and to look de­ cisively, at what is the attitude of our will towards Him . t If that is not done, interminable disappointment is a sad probability, where the Holy Spirit keeps conscience awake so as to feel it. Let us note the grand fact that He, this Being who indeed is not our­ selves, is able to deal with us in our inmost self, and has announced His willingness to do it. Leave alone, for the moment, analysis and theory, however true, and ponder the fact. Is it not good to do so, after such views as we have just been taking? We have held up to our own eyes an ideal of the life of walking with God, with a distinct resolve that it shall not remain for us a mere ideal. It shall be translated and transfigured into the real. It shall be, in some true and solid sense, reflected, before God and before man, in our experience and our life. Never, we know, will this ideal and this real absolutely coincide in our mortal state; if only for this reason, that we shall not be like Him, absolutely, until we see Him as He is. But then, we may be very much more like Him, relatively, than we are. We may reach today such as a new development of like­ ness that it may be, to what was in us yesterday, a realization of the ideal, though tomorrow may bring in its turn what shall put today to shame. Con I Spring Away From My Own Shadow? Now is not one first result of such views, a deeper and keener sense than ever of self-impotency? Noble and beautiful ideal! Just and conscience­ waking conditions! But, am I not where I was before, only more aware of it? Are you not asking me to do precisely what is impossible, that I may enter upon a life of peace and spiritual power; to step on to this, rock of strength, this lap of rest, across a gulf I cannot leap, and while I have no wings? Can self deny self? Can the center of my acts and thoughts dislodge itself? Can I will that for which I am unwilling? Can I spring away, once and for all, from my own shadow? In reply to such heart-questionings we will be perfectly practical. The heart, rather than the pure reason, is the questioner in this matter; and words which God has spoken in Scrip­ ture to the heart will be the best reply. Do you remember the instructive progress of the Psalmist’s thought in Psalm 42:4-6? He is in sore perplex­ ity, and is athirst for God. At first, he pours out His soul in him, or bet­ ter, perhaps, upon him; throws and leans his distress upon himself, in A P R I L 1 9 5 4

weary introspection. Then, he rea­ sons with that soul; conjures it not to fret upon him; entreats it to look up and off to God. Then, better still, he leaves this internal analysis and debate, and speaks direct to God, to his God: “ O my God, my soul is cast down within me; therefore will I remember thee.” This saint of old shall be our guide. We will remember Him. We will leave the anxious metaphysics of the inner man, and we will go out and up, in some quiet, steady recollections of fact. “ O my God I will remember thee.” These Promises Are For You Think, then, of this great, pervad­ ing phenomenon of Scripture — its presentation of the Lord Himself—in His infinite but personal Being; out­ side mine, though the source and base of mine still—as able to deal with me, to work in me, to work through me. Gather together such utterances as these, and believe them as you read them: He “ is able to do exceed­ ing abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us” ; “My grace is suffi­ cient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness” ; “ Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee” ; “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength” ; “ He is able to keep that which I have committed unto him” ; He “ is able to make all grace abound toward you” ; He “ is able to keep you from falling” ; “ He is faithful” ; “Not I, but the grace of God . . . with me” ; “ The God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ.” Now, mark, these are but some great clusters from the valleys of the Scripture Canaan. But are not these enough to show that “ with God all things,” all things proposed to faith, “ are possible” however impossible in themselves? Looking at these words of the living God, will you not take in, and ever more take in, the divine certainty that He is able, and write it across every practical problem of the first step, and the next step of your walk with God by faith? Yes, clasp this side, the not-self side, of the Scripture promises.* Fear not lest the legitimate action of self, of you, should be unduly eliminated. With the heart that asks the questions we have supposed, that is the last risk, and the least. What you need is to look away to this eternal Person undertaking for you, even before you ask in any detail what He says about

His mode of action.

Has the Glory Departed? Read again, all through your Bible, your infallible Bible, the places that give you this view of Him. Are they trite to you; are they passe'? In hon­ esty with yourself, have you to own that the glory is departed from them which once, perhaps, shone so richly from them? Believe me, if heart an- swereth to heart, I know the reason. It is because you have ceased to ex­ pect them to act. It is because you have been willing to put your own conventional gloss upon them. It is because you have assumed words to refer wholly to an indefinite future, and another order of things, which are meant to be words of eternal life for the experience of today. What is meant to be your plank at this mo­ ment in the deep flood, you have tak­ en to be only the distant shore to which, practically unaided, you are to swim, half-dro,wned. God Is Able “ O my God, I will remember Thee. Thou art not myself. Thotr knowest me far better than I know myself. I cannot deal with that self; but Thou art able. I cannot manipulate the springs of thought and w ill; but Thou art able. Though I can indeed, with the powers Thou hast given me as man, do certain things in modifica­ tion of action, yet I cannot, no, I can­ not, break habits decisively and at their root. But Thou art able. Thou knowest all that besets me; Thou knowest my circumstances; Thou ‘knowest where I dwell’ ; Thou art acquainted with every element in my character, my temperament that re­ sponds to the besetments of my posi­ tion. And Thou, infinitely real and truly personal, art able to handle me throughout, in some wonderful way of Thine own, with a divine personal influence, to which it must indeed be blessed to submit. Take Thou me in hand. I am indeed a difficult prob­ lem, insoluble to myself, but not to Thee. The more baffling the moral difficulty, the more inveterate the habit, the more will be shown Thy skill in dealing with it. Be Thou magnified in my body, and in my spirit, which are Thine. I yield my­ self to Thee.” “ He that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new.” That is true not for the universe only, nor for the Church only, but for the in­ dividual, for thee; and not for the eternal future only, but for the pres­ ent; for the disorder of the soul, of thy soul, today. It is the King who speaks, sitting on the throne. See Him as such, come to Him as such; and expect to find, in the depths of being, and even now, that God is true, and God is able. - END. 13

John Strachey has no word of hope. H. G. Wells in his later days saw nothing but extinction for humanity. To the materialist there is no God, no heaven, no eternal life; death is the end of all things. Man is under the pressure of cruel material forces which will one day extinguish him. “ The life of man,” says Bertrand Russell, “ is a long march through the night, surrounded by invisible foes, tortured by weariness and pain. One by one our comrades vanish from our sight. Blind to good and evil, reckless of destruction, omnipo­ tent matter rolls on its relentless way.” . From such a dark hopeless creed we turn to the words of one for whom Christ had abolished death, and who thought not of extinction, but of a richer, fuller life—a life immortal and glorious. Listen to the words of Paul, there is no pessimism, no thought of extinction here. “ For though our outward man is wasting away, our inward man is being re­ newed day by day. For this our light and transitory burden of suffering is achieving for us, a preponderating, yes, a vastly preponderating and eternal weight of glory; while we look not at things seen, but things unseen; for things seen are tempo­ rary, but things unseen are eternal” (2 Cor. 4:16-18 Weymouth). For Paul death meant not annihil­ ation but immortality; not the end of all things but the beginning of eternal fellowship with Christ in a world in which he would enjoy per­ fect life and liberty. In contrast to the pessimistic outlook of those who reject the revelation of God in Christ Jesus we think of the cheery words of that great poet of the Christian faith and hope, Robert Browning. His faith enabled him to sing “ Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be.” This sad, despairing, world needs the hope of the gospel if it is to rise out of its misery and despair. The loss of that hope means the loss of all that makes life worth while. This is the hour to be bold and to tell forth, with confidence and joy, the Christian gospel of God’s forgiveness ir: Christ and of the gift of life eter­ nal. Yes, we alone have the message which can bring life and light to this dark, sin-stricken world. When Ja­ cob Boehme the great mystic was dying his ears were attuned to the harmonies of heaven. He seemed to be listening to a rapturous strain which filled his soul. “ Open the window,” he cried with his last breath, and “ let in more of that music.” That is the word for us as the old world dies around us. “ Open the windows and let in more of that music”— the music of Easter hope.

Easter Hope B y A r th u r H ed ley Dunstable, England

T he manuscripts of radio sermons in Britain must be submitted to the Director of Religious Broadcasting before they are broadcast to the peo­ ple. The late director, Dr. Welch, in speaking at a conference on evange­ lism, stated that out of six thousand manuscripts he had read only one, so far as he could recall, which dealt with the hope of immortality. It would seem that both in Ameri­ ca and Britain we are becoming so immersed in this world, so occupied with social activities, that we are neglecting to give time and thought to the life beyond. To do so is fool­ ish and fatal. It was the hope of immortality which gave the early Christians hope, courage, confidence and joy amid the trials and tempta­ tions of this present life. It was the announcement that life both here and hereafter is one and continuous, with death a gateway to the next stage, that has given Christianity a power­ ful appeal among those living in heathen darkness. The gospel of Christ with its as­ sured hope of immortality is the only gospel which gives deliverance from fear, and lights up the dark valley of the shadow of death. In terror, a dying African said to Dr. Laws of Livingstonia, “White man, where am I going?” Tenderly taking his trembling hand the missionary breathed into his ear, the glorious message of the gospel, and trusting the Word of Christ, the dying native found peace and rest. How necessary it is at Eastertide, yea at all times, to emphasize the hope of immortality, which is the central message of the New Testa­ ment. If Christ is not raised from the dead then there is no forgiveness, Christ died in vain; “ ye are yet in your sins” (1 Cor. 15:17). By His glorious resurrection from the dead we are assured of the efficacy of His atoning sacrifice to justify us in God’s sight. He “was delivered for our of­ fences, and was raised again for our

justification” (Rom. 4:25).' His resur­ rection is the guarantee of our own. “ Because I live, ye shall live also” (John 14:19). Death met its master in Christ. He triumphed over death and overcame him who had the pow­ er of death (Heb. 2:14). To know Christ has vanquished death so that it was no longer of any account, banished all fear of death. Christ “ hath abolished death,” said Paul, “ and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel” (2 Tim. 1:10). The face of death lost all its terrors for those who had seen the power and glory of God, in the face of the risen Christ. When speaking of death the late Dr. F. B. Meyer said, “ Let us learn what death is. It is simply a translation . . . not a condition' but a passage. We pass through a doorway, we cross a bridge of smiles, we flash from the dark into the light. There is no in­ terval of unconsciousness, no paren­ thesis of suspended animation.” I be­ lieve it was with almost a shout of defiance and exultation that Paul said “ O death, where is thy sting? 0 grave, where is thy victory? . . . thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 15:55-57). The Christian church alone. has the message of immortality, and nev­ er was there such a need to proclaim it. A social gospel is of no use to a world that is full of uncertainty, perplexity, despair; it is like offering a stone to a starving man. In read­ ing the writings of those humanists who believe only in this present world, there is the consciousness that they know they have so little to offer man in the place of the Chris­ tian faith and hope. John Strachey dreams of a day, many centuries hence, when science will double the span of man’s existence, and then the growth of social consciousness will take away the sting of death. For all the millions sorrowing, suf­ fering, dying in the present world



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