King's Business - 1954-04

You can personally walk out of the tomb of your secular,

defeated living because He is . .


B y Lou is H . Evans takes place when the soul is sepa­ rated from God by unforgiven sin. He who can remove that sin and bring God and man together again can restore life. This Christ came to do— “ once in the end of the age hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself” in His death. When men contested that this forgiveness of sins was the prerogative of God and asked for proof of His ability to do this, He replied, “ De­ stroy this body and in three days God will raise it again. My resur­ rection will be God’s stamp and im­ primatur on my saviourship.” He rose and thus sin could be removed between God and man until man Y o u r P r a y e r R equ ests If you would develop a living faith, you must quit working at your faith and rest in the Faithful One. We believe that there is no request too small or too great for God if we but come to Him in child-like faith. He is able. Each morning at 9 o'clock the editorial staff of King's Business gathers for prayer. Each request that comes in is prayed for individually. We shall count it a privilege to take your request to the throne of grace. Address: The Edi­ tors, King's Business, 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17.

T his Christ of Easter came saying: “ I am come that ye might have life.” Did He mean to infer that those persons who heard Him that day were not living? Is it not arrest­ ing that everyone that breathes does not really live? A blacksmith’s bel­ lows breathes but it does not live! Life—-real spiritual life—of which the rock, the tree, the grape, the bird, the ox know nothing—is made up of certain living things which are the gift of God. They are found splen­ didly in Easter. Easter reminds us first of all of the necessity of a purpose in life. It is quite possible for a thing to move and not know where it is go­ ing. It is possible to have power but no purpose; to have speed but no direction. Sometimes we play games with no goals and build houses that somehow never become homes be­ cause love is not there. It is possible to exist and never know the purpose for which we were created-—-to “ Seek . . . first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness.” Christ said, “ For this cause came I into the world” and no friends ever laid to rest the body of a Man so alive as to why He was here. Easter offers us pardon. There are' two kinds of “ death.” There is that physical death that takes place when the soul is separated from the body. This none of us can escape. Then there is that spiritual death that

found that sin which separated and made him at enmity with God was now dissolved and now God and man could be “ at one” in this th rillin g “ at-one-ment” — atonement which Easter verified. Now men can cry “My sin, 0 the bliss of this glorious thought, my sin not in part but the whole, is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more, praise the Lord, O my soul.” Without this pardon Eas­ ter loses much of its significance. Easter also assures us of a pro­ gram. Christ invited us to pray this brave prayer and accept this great program, “ Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Is there any use in embrac­ ing that magnificent purpose? Could God’s will ever be done on earth as it is in heaven? Were Christ’s three years of public ministry on earth a prophecy of what He could do through the ages to come? Would this sort of power stay with them? Could He who changed the wild man of Gadara into his right mind do this for the fevered spirit of nations? Could He who stilled the Galilean Sea still the heart of humanity and the cosmos? Could He who told the lame man to rise and walk heal a war-tdVn, maimed world? Is He so truly the Prince of Peace? As He wooed a drunkard from his cup, could He make a com­ munity sober? If He could take Mary Magdalene and turn her from mud



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