King's Business - 1954-04

Day by Day By Vance Havner

More Bible Emphasis Free Tuition • Accredited Courses • Write for Catalog We invite you as a Prayer Warrior, Student or Steward wMultnomah School of the Bible Dr. Willard M. Aldrich, Th.D., President ’• 8435 N. E. Glisan Street, Portland 16, Oregon

This is a book for use with daily devotions consisting of a Scripture text and a brief comment of some two or three hundred words. The suggestions, never dully worded, are thought-provoking and challenge fur­ ther reading and study on the part of the reader. 272 pages; cloth; Flem­ ing H. Revell Co., Westwood, N.J.; $ 2 . 00 . Outline Studies in the .V eil; Testament Acts to Ephesians By William G. Moorehead The author, president of Xenia Theological Seminary and consulting editor of the Scofield Reference Bible, covered the entire Bible with a series of Outline Studies, of which this vol­ ume is the third.' The word outline in the title is somewhat misleading— for the text provides much more than outline material. Each book is treat­ ed as to introduction, analysis, and comment. Premillennial and dispen- sational i n .approach, the book will be found a distinct aid to Bible study and understanding. The publisher will follow this volume with reprints of the rest of the series, we trust! 247 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $3.00. B ib le Student’ s Enylish-Greek Concordance and Greeh- Enylish Dictionary By James Gall Gall’s Concordance is a forerunner of Robert Young’s Analytical Con­ cordance to the Bible and without doubt provided the idea for the latter work. The English words of the New Testament (only) are arranged alph­ abetically and under each the pas­ sages of the text in which each is found, separated according to the original Greek words. The latter are printed in Roman letters, not Greek, and the meanings are found in the glossary at the close of the work. 418 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $4.95. The Master and B is Men By J. Stuart Holden For a number of years the author was minister of that evangelical stronghold of the Church of England in London, St. Paul’s, Portman Square. These excellent addresses on the twelve apostles plus Zebedee and James, the Lord’s brother, are full of suggestion and will profit every read­ er. The last message is entitled “ Art Thou One of This Man’s Disciples?” and constitutes a. strong gospel ap­ peal to the reader. 125 pages; cloth; Marshall, Morgan & Scott, London, England; 7 shillings, sixpence;

A Superior BIBLICAL LIBRARY” When you want to find quickly certain in­ formation in the Bible, or about the Bible, where do you look for it? In a concordance? — in a Bible dictionary or encyclopedia? — or do you search through several volumes o f your library? I f so, you can often GET MORE HELP IN FAR LESS TIME by referring to just one book, the System Bible Study, by means of its wonderfully conveni­ ent, over-all index. * Hidden" Verses Information is instantly found that is not available even in a regular concordance, dic­ tionary, etc. Take just one department, for instance. Suppose you wanted verses on FAITH . By using old-fashioned methods you would miss some o f the most illuminat­ ing verses on the subject. Take Isaiah 26:3 —"Thou w ilt keep him in p erfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee.” This verse comes under the head o f FAITH, yet the w ord " f a i t h ” is not in it. The verse is literally hidden away! Grouped by Idea To help you find "hidden ” verses, as well as others, System Bible Study groups verses by idea as well as subject. All are printed word for word. No references to run! Your time is saved for LEARNING, not wasted in SEARCHING. This is just one o f the many advantages in using this great work. Many Kinds of Helps Here are nearly 1400 pages o f many kinds of helps'(see box b elow )—not to replace your Bible, but to save you hours of tiino in studying it. Based on King James Version. Non-denom inational and unbiased— true to the B ible! SEND FOR FREE SAMPLE PAGES. SYSTEM BIBLE CO., Desk K4 208 Nichols Road, Kansas City 12, Mo. FILL IN -M A I L

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Com prehensive! 1 3 9 0 pages o f: Dictionary-Encyclopedia Scripture Quotations Jesus’ Teachings Gospels Paralleled Gospels Interwoven Laws, Prophecies Promises, Pictures, Maps Indexes (Including over-all index) and many other features!

SYSTEM BIBLE CO ., Desk K 4 208 Nichols Road, Kansas City 12, Mo. Please send me sample pages and information on System Bible Study. No obligation on my part.


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APRIL, 1954


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