King's Business - 1954-04

3, 4.) What are some of the fables being taught in some churches today by those who are supposed to be ministers of the Word? Think of modernism, evolution, socialism, etc. 10. What part did the Word of God have in Timothy’s early life? (2 Tim. 3:- 15.) Do you think it is important to teach children the Bible? Why? 11. How much of the Bible is inspired according to 2 Tim. 3:16? 12. For what things is the Bible profit­ able according to this same verse? List these things and ask for definitions from the group. 13. What is the main purpose of Bible study? (2 Tim. 3:17.) What does this mean? 14. How does a person “ exercise unto godliness” ? (1 Tim. 4:7, 8.) May 23, 1954 Working With Spanish- Speaking Americans Acts 8:1-8 DAILY READINGS May 17 — The Call to Macedonia —— Acts 16:6-10 May 18 — The Call to the Gentiles— Acts 10:9-20 May 19 — Peter Preaches to Gentiles — Acts 10:34-43 May 20 — The Persecuted Become Missionaries — Acts 8:1-4 May 21 — Philip Preaches in Samaria 'fT— Acts 8:5-8 May 22 — All Need the Gospel — Rom. 10:12-17 HEART OF THE LESSON One of the, powerful weapons of the Communists in seeking to win America to their philosophy is to point out the racial prejudices which exist in this land. Even some Christians are guilty of a superiority complex and are very much color-conscious. The gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, however, knows no color barriers (Gal. 3:28). The sincere believer is color-blind when it comes to racial discrimination, and rightly so. The task of every believer, regardless of the color of his skin, is to witness to the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and to seek to win many of all nations, tribes and 1. List on the blackboard some of the reasons why no Christian should draw color lines when it comes to the things of Christ. Use such passages as John 3:16; Gal. 3:28, etc. 2. What nationality was it that brought the gospel to us Gentiles? (cp. John 4:22; Rom. 1:16.) 3. What nationality was our Lord ac­ cording to the flesh? (Rom. 1:3.) 4. Getting to the Scripture assigned for us today, what nationality were the people to whom Philip ministered? (Acts 8:5; cp.> John 4:9.) 5. What was the occasion of Philip’s visit to Samaria? (Acts 8:1-4.) 6. What was Philip’s message to these people? (Acts 8:5.) What does this tell CONTINUED ► tongues to the Saviour. STUDY QUESTIONS

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APRIL 1954


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