King's Business - 1954-04


YOUNG PEOPLE continued us about our own witnessing? (cp. 1 Cor. m Rm 7. What was the result of Philip’s wit­ ness? (w . 6-8.) Briefly discuss each of these results and the effect they had upon the people. 8. Note that where God is blessing the devil is also busy (Acts 8:9-25). 9. What was Simon’s occupation? (Acts 8:9-11). 10. What would lead us to believe that Simon had become a genuine believer? (vv. 12,13.) Was Simon a real believer? (cp. w . 20, 21.) 11. Why did Simon want the power of the Holy Spirit? (w . 18,19.) 12. Can the Holy Spirit be purchased with money? (cp. Acts 5:32.) 13. Show from the Scriptures that the duty of the church is to take the gospel, in the power of the Holy Spirit, to every nation in the world. (Matt. 28:18-20; Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8, etc.) Are you help­ ing in any way to do this? May 30, 1954 Pioneers of Our Faith Heb. 11:8-16; 24-26; 32-40 DAILY READINGS May 24 — Abraham, God's Chosen One — Gen. 12:1-9 May 25 — Moses, the Deliverer — Ex. 3 :7 -14 May 26 — Lydia, Europe's First Convert — 7Acts 16:14, 15 May 27 — Stephen, the Martyr — Acts 7:51-60 May 28 — Philip, the Evangelist 1— 1Acts 8:5-8 May 29 — Paul, the Missionary — Acts .17:16-32 HEART OF THE LESSON This lesson and the next two deal with the general theme of remembering note­ worthy lessons of the past. Today we think of some of the great pioneers of faith whose lives are permanently re­ corded in. the Word of God for our in­ spiration and instruction. Let us read these records with gratitude to God for giving them to us, and for purpose of heart to follow in the footsteps of these

men who, by their faith, pleased God (Heb. 11:6). STUDY QUESTIONS 1. To what place was Abraham called to go? (Heb. 11:8.) Study in this com nection Gen. 11:31-12:5. 2. What sentence demonstrates the faith of Abraham in obeying the leading of God? (v. 8.) Do we need to know the whole plan of God before doing the first things? What should be the attitude of the believer in his life? 3. What was the real goal of Abraham’s life? (v. 10.) What should be the ultimate goal of the Christian’s life? (Cp. Phil. 3:10-14; Col. 3:1-3.) 4. What do we learn about the eye of faith in v. 13? 5. Are believers today strangers and pilgrims on the earth? (v. 13.) Study John 14:1-4; 1 Peter 1:3,4; John 17, etc. How should the believer conduct himself if he is a stranger and a pilgrim here? 6. What is the great incentive for the believer to press on in his Christian ex­ perience? (w . 15,16.) 7. What does it mean that Moses had come to years? (v. 24.) Do you think that the thought of mature judgment comes out here? Moses had given his decision careful thought before he acted. Do you think that we should be sure we mean what we say and do before we say and do it? (cp. Luke 14:25-35.) 8. What did Moses give up to do the will of God? (v. 24.) 9. What choice did Moses deliberately make? (v. 25.) 10. For how long a time can a man enjoy sin? (v. 25.) 11. What is the “reproach of Christ” ? (v. 26.) (See John 15:18f.) 12. What was Moses’ incentive for do­ ing the will of God? (v. 26.) 13. Who are some of the other heroes of faith in Old Testament times? (v. 32.) Can you list some of the exploits of faith on the part of these people? (w . 34, 35.) 14. What sufferings did these faithful people undergo for the cause of God? (w . 36-38.) 15. What is the meaning of v. 40? Do you think that this verse teaches the unity of the faith, the oneness of all who love and serve the Lord? END .


A CENTURY The NewYork Messianic Witness/lnc. (formerly New York Jewish Evange­ lization Society) has carried on a faithful testimony for Christ to the 2 % million Jews of New York City. Jews do hearthe Gospel. Many are secret believers. O ne of them, a young Rabbi, said: “ I know it is the truth, but do not have the strength to come out in the open. I have a wife and two little children. W hat will be­ come of them?" Another one, also a Rabbi, was beaten up by one of his re la tive s, because it became known that he was turning to Christ. Some others of our recent contacts: A Jewish young man accepted Christ after one of our Saturday night gospel services. A week later he brought a friend who wanted to know about the Lord. Another one, coming from Israel, is taking instruction for baptism. A Jewish doctor and his wife invited us to conduct a Bible class for Jews in their home. Please pray that our tes­ timony may be enlarged so that more may be reached with the gospel. • Send your gifts to: S O L O M O N BIRN BAUM , Director NEW YORK MESSIANIC WITNESS, Inc. Dept. K HERMON HOUSE P.O. Box 144, Cooper Sta., N. Y. 3, N. Y. j

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