King's Business - 1954-04

— BROWN— "Training Youth to Live Since 1919" John Brown University Siloam Springs, Arkansas Education for "Head, Heart and Hand" Also, Academy Division: 10th, 11th, 12th grades Brown Military Academy San Diego 9, California Junior High — Senior H ig h — -Jun io r College Junior School— 1st thru 6th grades Southern California Military Academy Long Beach 6, California Pre-Kindergarten thru 9th grade Brown School For Girls Glendora, California 1st Grade thru High School

SUNDAY SCHOOL continued Have you watched a race or a contest? Both sides had the same number of people on them, did they not? Today we have from God’s Word the story of a peculiar contest with one man on one side and four hundred fifty men on the other side! Can you guess which side won? Ahab, the wicked king who ruled after King Jeroboam, had a wife who brought an idol named Baal among God’s people to be worshipped. God was displeased with their idolatry. His prophet, Elijah, wanted to have the people decide whether God or Baal should be worshipped in their land. He called the people to Mount Carmel to a great contest to see which God was greater. As you read the excit­ ing story in 1 Kings 18:17-39 try to pre­ tend that you are among the crowd gath­ ered upon the mountain top. What excite­ ment there must have been; how eager the people were to know which God would answer the prayer of followers by sending fire to burn the sacrifice upon the altar! Baal’s prophets cried out and cut themselves all day; Elijah’s prayer took less than one minute. When the people saw the miracle which the true God had performed, they cried out, “ The Lord, he is the God.” May 16, 1954 Elijah Rebukes Ahab This week’s lesson presents a vivid picture on the evils of covetousness. The memory selection is the tenth, command­ ment, “ Thou shalt not covet” (Ex. 20:17). Covetousness will go to any lengths to achieve its desires. The commandment against this sin was not placed last be­ cause it is the least important, but, more likely, because of its climactic and inclu­ sive character. Covetousness is basically selfishness, and selfishness is what leads men to break all other commandments. Ahab's Covetous Designs, vv. 1-4 Naboth’s refusal to grant the king’s desire was not because of any disloyalty to the king but because of regard for the law of God. The divine la w .had pro­ hibited the sale of paternal inheritance?. (See Lev. 25:23 and Num. 36:7.) Evi­ dently therefore Naboth was more con­ cerned about being true to God than he was to please even a king. After all, it is always better to obey God than men. (See Acts 5:29 and 1 Sam. 15:22.) The real character of Ahab shows itself in his attitude when Naboth refused his re­ quest. He went to his house “ heavy and displeased” . He pouted when he . could not have everything his own way. How do you act when you cannot have every­ thing your way? Do you ever have any of Ahab’s spirit? Ahab's Just Condemnation, vv. 16-20 1 Kings 21:1-4, 16-20 Pointers on the Lesson



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