King's Business - 1954-04


W M u s t h r i l l i n g n e w



Too Old I shiny lollipop rested on the \ windowsill over the kitchen ** sink. Sharon, the dishwasher, was finding her hated job a bit more tolerable by carefully watch­ ing the treasure and tasting of its sweetness. Mother stepped over to the sink and lifted the lollipop from the sill to a saucer. “ Don’t take that,” Sharon com­ manded excitedly. “That’s mine.” “ I know it is, Honey. I only wanted to put it on the saucer. I don’t want it.” “ Don’t you like lollipops?” the 8-year-old questioned incredulous­ ly- “ No, I don’t.” Sharon stood deep in thought, sudsing and re-sudsing a plate. Suddenly, with a sparkle of un­ derstanding in her eye the little miss said, “ Oh well, you’re too old to eat lollipops.” To her little girl’s mind there could be no other explanation for Mother’s lack of interest in such a delicacy as a lollipop except on the basis of age. And as a matter of fact, Sharon was correct in her conclusion. Mother well remem­ bers her childhood delight in lolli­ pops, and her first taste of one at the age of 10 years. But one day, Mother doesn’t remember when, the charm of lollipops seemed to dissolve into the mists. She no longer 'thought they were a deli­ cacy dropped from heaven. The littie girl was growing up. Childhood with all its charms and dreams and delights is a time of immaturity, of imperfection. It is a time of building, of learning, of growth. It is always a yearn­ ing for tomorrow; for a tomorrow of greater privileges; of new worlds to be conquered. Then one day the wishes become a reality; the dreams a fact. Dear Father, help me to daily throw off every vestige of spiritual childhood, and by Thy grace may I grow and mature in spiritual stature.

Again Gospel Light authors, editors, and artists have originated a wonderful new Vacation Bible School curriculum, combining essential Bible teaching with a theme that captures the child's imagination. “Pioneer­ ing with Christ” is a companion course to “Crusading with Christ” and "Sailing with Christ” : Its purpose! T o acquaint little children with, Jesus. Christ and teach them to love Him! • T o win young people for Christ • T o develop Christian character. Its many advantages! Bible-centered, child-con­ cerned • Missionary in emphasis • One appeal­ ing, unifying theme • Carefully adapted to each age group • Ideal for all schools— large or small. Its four correlated courses! “ FIRST STEPS WITH J e su s ” — P re -sch o o l • “ A d v e n tu r in g w it h C hrist ” —Primary •“ O n the T rail with C hrist ” — Junior • “ P ioneers of F aith ” — Young People. Its full-color, illustrated materials! “ P ioneer ’ s G uide ” — A handbook giving full de­ tails on how to organize and conduct a Vacation Bible School, including teacher training suggestions. PUP IL ’S BOOK—Daily activities, based on the Bible lesson, music, craft projects, memory work, attendance record, pioneer tag. T E A CH E R ’S BOOK— Complete instructions for each part o f the daily program and an outline o f the closing program. V ISUAL A ID S—Brand new ideas for each age group. Extra large figures for illustrating lesson truths! PU B L IC IT Y A ID S— “ Pioneer” posters, post­ card mailers, dodgers, self-mailer invitation for closing program, and certificates. Rush Immediately! ( c a s h e n c l o s e d ) □ One "Pioneering with Christ” Sample Kit @ $2.25 □ “Pioneer’s Guide” 450 each □ Free brochure with complete details Address Correspondence to Dept. KB 4 NAME____________________________________ ■


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GOSPEL LIGHT PRESS 1214 South Brand Blvd., Glendale 4, California or Box 1607, Mound, Minn.



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