
EOHU wants Russell to ban sale of shisha products "$56"- * 54  r  /&84

of smoking water pipes and this, it would seem, is becoming a growing concern. Even though the substance smoked through the pipe is, most often, tobacco and does contain nicotine, the substance does not adhere to any of the regulations that affect other tobacco products like ciga-

right nowwould be a preventivemeasure in years to come for this municipality » , said Villeneuve. For these reasons, the EOHU asked Rus- sell to adopt a bylaw forbidding the opening of such establishments in themunicipality. Simply put, it was asked that the same regu- lations that apply to other tobacco products apply to this as well.The EOHU had recently given the same presentation in themunici- pality of Cornwall, which adopted the bylaw. While some members of council were ready to approve this bylaw, councillor Jamie Laurin felt that a decision should not be made the night of the presentation without any input from the public, especially con- sidering the fact that no actual problemhas arisen in the Township of Russell and no complaints have beenmade concerning this. Despite this, the bylaw was passed and the use of tobacco water pipe ( shisha ) products will now fall under the same regulations as any other tobacco product included in the Russell Township’s smoking bylaw.


Representatives from the EasternOntario Health Unit (EOHU) were present at the Russell council April 18 session to discuss

the effects and lack of regulation on the smoking and sale of water pipe (shisha) products. M a r i e - J o s é e Boulerice and Bruno Villeneuve brought in a water pipe as an

rettes and chewing tobacco and there are no warnings or ingredients listed on the packages. This means that anyone of any age is allowed to purchase and consume such a

The substance does not adhere to any of the regulations that affect other tobacco products like cigarettes and chewing tobacco...

example and spoke, briefly, of the history of such items. Used mainly in India and surrounding countries for over 600 years, the smoking of tobacco through water pipes such as these has become increasingly popu- lar throughout Canada in recent years, es- pecially inmetropolitan areas. Many estab- lishments in cities like Ottawa and Toronto have been opened for the express purpose

product without any restriction. Although some efforts have been made by the On- tario provincial government to study and control this, no significant changes have been made so far according to the EOHU representatives. « The municipal governments in cities like Ottawa are now having to play catch up with these businesses. Implementing a bylaw

A water pipe. —photo Danic Legault



717 rue Notre-Dame St. Embrun ON, K0A 1W1 tel: 613-443-3066

VEUILLEZ VOUS ASSURER QUE VOS ARTICLES SONT PRÊTS À ÊTRE RAMASSÉS LE 25 AVRIL À 7H LE MATIN, PEU IMPORTE VOTRE JOURNÉE DE COLLECTE DE DÉCHETS RÉGULIÈRE. NOUS NE PASSONS QU’UNE SEULE FOIS À CHAQUE MAISON AU RISQUE DE MANQUER LA COLLECTE. S.V.P. évitez les chariots, remorques, conteneurs et boîtes à ordures. Le volume ne doit pas excéder les dimensions d’une boîte de camionnette. Le poids maximal par article est de 100 livres, à l’exception des réfrigérateurs et des congélateurs. Veuillez vous assurer que les chauffe-eau ont été vidés de leur contenu. LES ARTICLES SUIVANTS SERONT ACCEPTÉS : Réfrigérateur, poêle, lave-vaisselle, pneu, laveuse, sécheuse, climatiseur, fournaise, sommier, fauteuil, matelas, baril, chauffe-eau, jouet, mobilier de jardin, etc. Tout équipement, tel qu’une balançoire, doit être défait. Les miroirs et le verre brisé devront être placés dans des boîtes pour assurer la sécurité des employés. LES PORTES DES RÉFRIGÉRATEURS ET CONGÉLATEURS DOIVENT ÊTRE ENLEVÉES. LES APPAREILS CONTENANT DU CFC (EX. CONGÉLATEUR, RÉFRIGÉRATEUR, DÉSHUMIDIFICATEUR, CLIMATISEUR, REFROIDISSEUR) DOIVENT ÊTRE VIDÉS ET AVOIR UN COLLANT FIXÉ PAR UN TECHNICIEN LICENCIÉ. SVP ne pas placer vos articles dans des sacs de déchets verts ou noirs mais plutôt les placer dans des boîtes ou sacs de déchets clairs. 2. Explosif ou matériaux inflammables de tout genre, incluant les articles avec moteur à essence; 3. Substances dangereuses, matériaux corrosifs ou toxiques, déchets liquides, réservoirs d’huile; 4. Matériaux de construction, rénovation ou démolition, rouleaux entier de tapis, matériaux de ferme, clôture; 5. Restes pathologiques, carcasses d’animaux, matières fécales; 6. Débris d’herbes, feuilles, branches; 7. Déchets résidentiels dans les sacs à déchets; 8. Les articles recyclables qui peuvent être ramassés avec la collecte régulière du recyclage. Le département des travaux publics sera chargé de la collecte. Vos articles doivent être placés à moins de 15 pieds de la route, sur votre propriété et au niveau du sol pour la première journée de collecte. NOUVEAU : Il n’y a maintenant qu’une collecte par année. La collecte payante de l’automne a été annulée Articles qui NE SERONT PAS ramassés : 1. Appareils électroniques (télévision, ordinateur, téléphone, cellulaire etc.); COLLECTE GRATUITE DE GROS ARTICLES, SEMAINE DU 25 AVRIL 2016


PLEASE MAKE SURE TO HAVE YOUR ITEMS READY FOR PICKUP ON APRIL 25 AT 7 A.M., REGARDLESS OF YOUR REGULAR GARBAGE PICKUP DAY. COLLECTION WILL BE DONE DURING THIS WEEK TO COVER THE WHOLE TOWNSHIP. THE TRUCKS WILL ONLY PASS BY ONCE. Please, no farm wagons, trailers, dump boxes. The load must be no larger than a pick-up truck and items weigh no more than 100 pounds with the exception of fridges and freezers. Please make sure that water tanks have been emptied of water. ITEMS YOU CAN DISPOSE OF: Refrigerator, stove, dishwasher, tire, washing machine, dryer, air conditioner, furnace, bedspring, sofa, mattress, barrel, water tank, lawn furniture, toys, etc. Please ensure that swings are taken apart. Broken glass and mirrors shall be placed in boxes for safety reasons. REFRIGERATORS AND FREEZERS MUST HAVE THE DOORS REMOVED, ITEMS CONTAINING CFC’S (E.G FREEZERS, AIR CONDITIONERS, COOLERS, DEHUMIDIFIERS, REFRIGERATORS) MUST HAVE BEEN EMPTIED OF GAS AND TAGGED BY A LICENSED TECHNICIAN. Do not use green or black garbage bags for small items; place them in boxes or clear garbage bags. The collection will be done by the Public works Department. Items should be placed within 15 feet of the traveled portion of the street in front of the building. NEW: There is only one collection per year, the paying fall collection has been cancelled

Items that WILL NOT be picked up : 1. Electronic waste (T.V., computers, stereos, cell phones, etc.);

2. Explosives or highly combustible material of any nature including items with gas motors; 3. Any hazardous substances, corrosive or toxic materials, any liquid waste, oil tanks; 4. Construction, renovation or demolition waste, whole rolls of carpeting, old farm equipment, fencing, barbed wires; 5. Pathological waste, animal carcasses, animal feces;

6. Grass clippings, leaves or branches; 7. Household garbage in garbage bags; 8. Recyclable items picked-up with the regular recycling collection.





Cet évènement est GRATUIT et se déroulera de 8 h à 14 h au garage municipal situé au 857, Route 400.

This event is FREE and will occur from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the municipal garage located at 857 Route 400.

Nous accepterons : • peinture • propane • filtres à huile • pesticides

We will be accepting: • paint

• batteries • fertilisant • antigel • aérosols

• batteries • fertilizer • antifreeze • aerosol

• propane • oil filters • pesticides

Pour plus de renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec nous au 613 443-5078.

For more information, please contact us at 613-443-5078.

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