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Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home
Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor • S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Board Chairman Vol. 57, No. 7 • JULY, in the year of our Lord 1966 e Established 1910 Articles WHEN I REMEMBER — Vance Havner ................................................ 12 BURIED ALIVE — David Nellis .............................................................. 14 APOSTATES IN THE LAST DAYS — Louis T. Talbot ..................... 16 MY FIVE YEARS AS A MORMON — Marolyn Wragg .................. 19 ARE YOU A RADICAL? — Ormund Powers ........................................ 27 FRUIT FROM THE SEED OF A MOTHER'S PRAYER __ Mildred M. Cook ....................................................... 32 ENJOYING THE FAMILY CIRCLE — Gertrude Nystrom ................ 34 features MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland ................ 4 OVER THE COFFEE CUP — Joyce Landorf ........................................... 8 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert ..................................................... 10 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot .......................... 23 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold Ehlert ............................................................ 24 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ...................................... 26 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ............................ 28 CHRISTIAN WORKERS CLINIC ........... .................................................. 31 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS — Martha S. Hooker ............................ 37 Columns PEOPLE ............................................................................................................. 6 PRESENTING THE MESSAGE ...................................................................... 9 READER REACTION ................... H Cover Beautiful scenery along the Oregon coastline. Used by permission of the Northwest Natural Gas Company, Portland, Oregon.
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S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor AL SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor BILL EHMANN: Coordinator
JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager
VIRGINIA LUBER: Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD: William Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Felnberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker EVANGELICAL PRESS ASSOCIATION
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JULY, 1966
a message from the editor Ä
THE STORM FACING AMERICA ■■ aoday , A merica faces one o f the most imposing, overwhelm- ■ ing, and widespread revolutions in its history, or for that matter in the history o f any leading culture now in the tomb o f antiquity. It is not a revolution between races, nor a revolution o f the working classes, nor is it a revolution o f political powers; it is much more terrifying and devastating than this. Today, America faces a sex revolution, the destructive seeds o f which have already been planted, and the fruits o f which are already being garnered. This abundant harvest o f filth and degradation could well mean the complete collapse o f the free society which we have known in our land since the signing o f the Decelaration o f In dependence in 1776. Men and women do not seem to realize, or else they are not concerned, that civilization trembles on the very brink o f disaster and final calamity. Whether we like to think about it or not, apart from the dedi cated few, we are rearing a crop o f teenagers who know nothing about the righteousness that exalts a nation; they are being shown, by adults, the sinfulness that is a reproach to any people. A mother recently wrote, "Surely you are not so naive as to admit that things are different today. In this age in which we live my thirteen-year-old daughter is a sophisticated young lady. She knows more than I knew when I was nineteen.” The Reader’s Digest agrees with her to this extent: "Today things are vastly different, for there are more boys and girls in trouble, more serious trouble, and at an earlier age, than ever before. And it is not simply because there are more boys and girls. One bride out o f six who was married last year was seventeen years or younger. A recent study revealed that almost forty per cent o f the teen age brides interviewed, admitted they were pregnant the day they took their marriage vows!” Ann Landers, nationally known newspaper columnist, sums it up by saying, "N o one puts it in so many words, but there is in our viewpoint today the suggestion that we may as well live it up fast because tomorrow may never come. And, among too many teenagers, 'living it up fast’ is expressed in accelerated dat- ing, early smoking and drinking, sexual experimentation, pre mature marriage, and premature divorce. Our children are grow-
American Sunday-School Union’s New International Uni form lesson materials are scrip ture centered, practical, inspira tional, colorful and skillfully graded to meet the needs of every age level. They’re flexible, too— usable in large schools or small, by experienced or by novice teachers. If you’re looking for different, better material than you are now using, write for a complete sample kit for review! American S U N D A Y S C H O O L U N IO N Sunday School Organizing and Publishing Since 1817 1(18 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PENNA. 11103
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ing up in a sexually oriented culture unmatched anywhere else in the world. Sex shrieks at us from billboards. Sex sells soap, tooth paste, deodorants, beer, and electric appliances. Cigarette ads picture teenagers in the grass. 'Cool5 is the caption, but it’s not coolness that the illustration suggests.” In Pennsylvania, a high school principal, tired o f the endless flaunting o f sex, exposing the flesh to entice others, dismissed sev eral girls for a brief period since they had persisted in coming to school with hemlines far above the knee. Indignant parents gath ered together to take a vote on the action. Seven hundred people attended. (Just try to get that many out to stand for something really important.) More than 650 o f them rose to their feet in protest o f the principal’s action. "W hy bother,” is the feeling o f most educators who throw up their hands in disgust. A recent national news magazine carried an article o f para doxical meaning, "Advance Through Obscenity.” (What a ridic ulous and ludicrous thought.) The basis o f the feature was the comment that, in the eyes o f the writer, in perhaps five, but not more than ten, years censorship o f every type, not just in books, TV , and movies, would be a thing o f the past. The Supreme Court o f our land has been o f little help in upholding the true standards o f morality and decency. When will America wake up? When will Christians take an active stand? When will this nation return to her knees? What will it take, complete moral, spiritual, and political bankruptcy and upheaval? Ten years ago, if anyone had said, "America stands facing a great and grave disaster,” we would have said, "Y ou ’re nothing but a crepe hanger.” Yet, today, our leaders know the facts, many o f which are obvious to those o f us who only see what is released in the newspapers. Woodrow Wilson once said, " I would a great deal rather lose in a cause I know will someday triumph, than to triumph in a cause I know will someday lose.” He was right. Too many o f us are afraid to let our voices be heard. We may feel that they will do little good, or we may be embarrassed to let others know where we stand. Either excuse is poor reasoning. We are so intent upon saving our own skins that we allow others to lose their own souls. Conscience is constantly being hardened so that today nothing shocks us anymore. Scripture warns us constantly, and yet, too frequently, we turn a deaf ear. Before we can change this na tion’s course from corruption we must change the lives o f in dividuals through the positive witness o f our Lord Jesus Christ. It is as clearly given to us, as in the long ago to the children o f Israel, " I f my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn, from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Christians, let us not be a part o f the revolution which is gripping the land today. May we fo l low the Bible’s exhortation not to be conformed to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing o f our minds, that we may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will o f God.
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JULY, 1966
HOWCAN THE JEW know CHRIST STIMULUS A Jewish man heard the witness from an A. M. F. Missionary in Florida. Patiently, with an open Bible the worker focused upon the need for peace in the human heart Then pointing out some of the 333 prophecies about the Messiah, which were fulfilled in Jesus, he turned to Isaiah 53. RESPONSE The Jewish man read of the one who was “wounded for our transgressions" . . . and by whose stripes “we are healed." Amazed that this was not the New Testament, but his own Jewish prophet Isaiah, his preju dice was overcome. He found his own condition portrayed. Best of all he found the One upon whom the iniquity of all was laid. 365 days of the year by personal contact, by tracts, and by radio, A. M. F. missionar ies are reaching Jewish people with the message of salvation. Archie A. MacKinney, Director AMERICANMESSIANICFELLOWSHIP 7448 N. DamenAve., Chicago 45, III.
Mr. Spencer Bower, Christian Serv ice Fellowship management consul tant, and Dr. Clyde Narramore, Direc tor of the Christian Counseling Cen ter in Pasadena, California, led dis cussions at a recent gathering of mission leaders in the mountains outside of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The object of the conference, spon sored by the Missionary Information Bureau, was to examine aspects of missionary personnel management and the common problems confront ing foreign missionaries in Brazil. Mr. Jarrell McCracken, President of Word Records of Waco, Texas, was elected vice-president of the Record Industry Association of America at a recent meeting of the board of di rectors held in New York City. This is the first time the Association has elected an officer from a company other than the large record com panies such as RCA and Capitol. The choice of Mr. McCracken as vice- president of the non-profit associa tion comes as a result of the impres sion he has made on the industry with the high quality sacred music he has produced, with such talent as Jerome Hines, Ethel Waters, Don Lonie, Don Hustad and Tedd Smith, and numerous others. Tim and Tessie are twins who, along with their dog Frisky, are delightful new teaching puppets being intro duced by the David C. Cook Pub lishing Company of Elgin, Illinois. Designed to help nursery and kin dergarten youngsters learn Bible
of The Evangelical A llian ce Mission and former TEAM missionary to In dia, recently stat ed : “ Hunger and health problem s are increasing in India’s burgeoning population. With al-
Dr. Hill is most ten million more mouths to feed every year, India’s people stand dangerously close to the precipice of starva tion.” Mission societies are at the forefront of the battle to meet the medical needs in India. Herculean loads are being carried by over worked medical staffs in mission hos pitals throughout the land. Dr. Or mond Uptigrove of the TEAM hospital located in Western India reports that he and his small staff of national assistants treat more than 25,000 pa tients annually. Dr. Uptigrove makes an earnest plea for more medical personnel to take advantage of pres ent opportunities in India. Mr. Harry L. Jenkins, Sr., Philadel phia attorney and president of the board of managers of the American Sunday School Union, has announced a one-year’s celebration, the 150th Year of this missionary society. Formed May 13, 1817, in a school room on the northwest corner of Fourth and Vine Streets in Phila delphia, it rapidly grew to be the largest organization of its kind in the country. Its purpose is to estab lish Sunday schools and to publish moral and religious literature. Rev. Alfred F. Larson recently Was appointed General Director of the Unevangelized Fields Mission for North America. Mr. Larson has pre viously served as Field Director in the Congo. Rev. Herbert E. Kyrk, home missions secretary of the Evangelical Free Church of America, recently report ed that the EFCA is opening its first church in Alaska. Rev. Robert Hoobyar, who has served the Free Church near Princeton, Minnesota, has completed a survey trip to Alas ka and will be going there with his family to start the new work, which will be established in Fairbanks, after which further evangelism and outposts will be carried on in other areas.
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truths, the new puppets are exciting ly different. In some situations they display happy, smiling faces and at other times, unhappy dispositions and frowning expressions. Others in the line of teaching puppets include Winkie, the Teaching Bear; Winkie and His Friends; and Lolly Ele phant, who teaches action rhymes.
WITNESS, INC. Founded 1908 HERMON HOUSE (Hdqts. Bldg.) 56 Second Avenue - New York 3, New York Arnold M. Ross - Executive Director Tracts and aids to help your witness to Jews sent free upon request.
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JULY, 1966
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I WAS SINGING in Fresno, Califor nia for a Bible conference. As usual, I had just arrived, but was already wondering how Dick was and what the children were doing. So, I found myself putting in a long distance phone call to them before the evening service. Laurie’s happy little voice said, “Oh hi, Mother!” Then, without a pause for breath, she raced out the words, “ I’ve put the dishes away, I’ve practiced piano (these were all on a list I left) and I’ve cleaned my room (not on the list). You might say, EV E R Y TH IN G ’ S UNDER CONTROL!” Even over the phone I knew her spirits were simply soaring, soaring because she knew she had responsi bilities and she had carried them out. Perhaps the reason we don’t have a joyousness about our lives as Christians is due to our failure to fulfill our duties. We have failed to discipline ourselves to our daily reading of God’s Word and prayer. Very often I say to a troubled wo man, “ How long has it been since you had a regular, daily prayer time?” The answer will be right at the beginning time of her trouble! We have failed too, in loving the un lovely. (I find I’m quite good at lov ing the lovable, but what of the ugly, unattractive people I know?) We have failed in the discipline of tith ing our time as well as our money. So with all of these failures our hearts are kept in a cold prison of defeat. When we speak, it is with the whine of self-pity. When we work it is with great heaviness of spirit. Perhaps the most important, when we reach out to find God, He seems to have vanished. As I study God’s plan for my life, and His promise, I find I have cer tain responsibilities, duties and ob ligations that I must do. Then, and only then, He does the rest. In a time when we hear so much about “ violation of rights” and “ per sonal freedom,” it seems we have forgotten the old-fashioned idea of “ just doing our duty.” Joyous free dom, freedom in its truest sense, comes only after we have met our obligations (like washing the floor, doing the laundry or keeping devo tions). Then we can say with Laurie, “ EVERYTHING’S UNDER CON TROL!” , and we experience the free dom of being a Christian who not only has peace in God but peace with God.
G o f f e e
by Joyce Landorf
friend, Eleanor Moore, invented this marvelous punch. Served at the re ception it was the hit of the day and I never heard of one simpler to make. Simply make as much lemonade (fresh or frozen) as you need and add scoops of Creme de Menthe sher- bert to it in the punch bowl or glasses.
Give yourself the immense satisfaction of sticking to principles and completing a goal — even though you think you'd rather not. This is marching down the path to matur ity! Believe me, there will be hundreds of times when you won't particularly want to go to work. If you leave school now to earn $75 a week, you may be binding yourself to a permanent $75 level. Later when you begin to re-evaluate your limitations, it may be too late to pick up the pieces. Statistics show that by 1970 there will be thousands of unfilled jobs for college and high school graduates— and no gradu ates to fill them. In like proportion, thou sands of men and women will be search ing for unskilled jobs that don't exist. Sure, it's a struggle sometimes, but maybe you've never thought of it this way: God has a plan and purpose for your life, and He can even create the motivation that isn't there. Take an inventory of your tal ents and aptitudes. Seek the guidance of a trusted teacher who can help you discover your real potential. Make an honest list of the reasons for staying in school. Let me know your conclusions. I'll be looking for a graduation announcement next year! Young people are invited to send in questions to Mrs. Ruth Calkins. Jenny kiss’d me when we met, Jumping from the chair she sat in; Time, you thief, who love to get Sweets into your list, put that in ! Say I’m weary, say I’m sad, Say that health and wealth have miss’d me, Say I’m growing old, but add, Jenny kiss’d me. —Leigh Hunt 1784-1859 THE KIN G 'S BUSINESS
VERSE FOR TODAY I know the Lord has given me A daily job to do; And in my work I ought not shirk For God is working, too. Seest thou a man diligent in his busi ness? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men. Proverbs 22:29 My grades are average, but I’m bored with school. In fact, I can’t stand it. I want to drop out and earn some money, but my folks won’t let me. Why should I be forced to stay in school? (Signed, B. W.) Dear B. W.: Your parents are right! To drop out of school in your Junior year would be a foolish and damaging decision.
While looking for a pale yellow and pale green punch to go with her daughter's wedding colors, my
S u n d a y S c h o o l Li te ra tu re G L O B A L A D V A N C E in K O R E A !
the message
. . . a talented performer, experi enced in dramatics, as a composer, pianist-vocalist, and as a recording artist. Joyce Landorf also finds com plete satisfaction in her role as an enterprising housekeeper, mother, and wife of a successful business man.
Rev. Sung Jin Ahn, Director of the Christian Children's Center, Seoul, Korea, and his staff are busy adapting, translating, and distributing Scripture Press les sons in Korean. Teachers’ and pupils’ manuals for Primaries and Ju n iors w ere first p u b lished last December. Mr. Ahn writes, "We thank the Lord that these lessons have been w e lcom e d with much
NO GREATER LOVE “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoso ever believeth in him. should not perish, but have everlasting life ” (John 3:16). Because God Himself is unfathom able in His being, wisdom, power, holi ness, justice, goodness, and truth, the Bible has its unfathomable texts. This simple gospel message is one of them. I. THE MYSTERY OF GOD’S LOVE—“ God so loved the world.” 1. We accept this as fact, but no other religion besides Chris tianity teaches it. 2. The Jews of Jesus’ time be lieved that God loved them but hated the Gentiles, thus mis understanding the Old Testa ment. 3. God’s love is still a mystery. We find it very hard to love the world, even in our own neigh borhood. II. THE EVIDENCE OF GOD’S LOVE—“ He gave His only begot ten Son.” 1. All the Bible writers point to this evidence. 2. The death of Christ was an act of God’s love. How may I appear before God? Justice, law, and conscience all tell me I can not. The gospel says that Christ is the propitiation for my sins. III. OUR RESPONSE TO GOD’S LOVE—“ That whosoever believ eth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” 1. We are reminded that not everyone has eternal life. They are condemned who love dark ness rather than light. 2. We shall respond with either cold rejection or acclaim. 3. The belief of which Jesus speaks is coupled with repen tance and proves to be a con stant and abiding faith. THE INCOMPARABLE INVITATION “ Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28). I. The Invitation —“ Come unto me.” 1. The Speaker’s person. 2. The Speaker’s power. 3. The Speaker’s propitiation. II. The Invited — “ All ye that labor and are heavy laden.” 1. Vain labor. 2. Vexed spirits. III. The Incentive — “ I will give you rest.”
Rev. Ahn
enthusiasm in Sunday Schools all across Korea. These materials are meeting a real need. But more funds are needed to continue publishing manuals for the coming quarters." Scripture Press Foundation invites you to pray for this significant work. Find out how you can share in this worthy missionary project. Write to Evangelical Literature O verseas, Korean Sunday School Literature Department, Box 725, Wheaton, Illinois 60187
/sèri Scripture Press products are available in these' 26 languages for more than 80 foreign-speaking countries: Spanish Japanese German Chinese French Vietnamese Norwegian Papiamento Swedish -. . . Portuguese 5 “ *?1 Korean Thai Italian* Arabic Indonesian* Hindi* •Currently in preparation Shona (Rhodesia) Yoruba (Nigeria) Hausa (Nigeria) Kituba (Congo) Oriya (India) Gujarati (India) Malayalam (India)* Tagalog (Philippines)* Cebuano (Philippines)* For further information write Dr. Roy B. Zuck, SCRIPTURE PRESS FOUNDATION Box 513, Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137. 1 RUSHING TO RUSSIANS 1 g with the Gospel for over 82 years. Your 1 help is needed to support more Rus sian and other missionaries in Europe, Alaska, and South and North America. Write for FREE Slavic news magazine —reports. | SLAVIC GOSPEL ASSOCIATION Peter Deyneka. General Director | Dept. K , 2434 N. Ksdzis Blvd., Chicago, III. 60647 THE KING’S BUSINESS a perfect gift for friends
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JULY, 1966
text published in 1864 by Benjamin Wilson, an uneducated newspaper editor in Illinois, who used Gries- bach’s Greek text of the New Testa ment (1906). Dr. Isaac H. Hall, the great Greek scholar, has declared this Diaglott to be “ notorious.” How ever, it is upon this unreliable text that their New World Translation, Aug. 2, 1950, is based. It is a def inite attack upon the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. The “ transla tion” of the Greek text of John 1 is completely unjustified: “ In the be ginning was the Word, and the Word was with the God, and a god was the Word” is the way in which verse 1 is rendered which is but a sample of hundreds of perversions in both textbooks of the Jehovah’s Wit nesses. * Average is what most of us usually think we are smarter than. * * * Life may be a grindstone, however, whether it grinds a man down or polishes him depends upon the kind of stuff he is made of. * *
of animals in their diet. This cult has perverted these verses in some way to apply to human blood and they call blood transfusions “ feeding upon blood.” This is but another ex ample of their appalling ignorance. It is a cruel, senseless and false teaching which has cost the lives of many innocent children who had no choice in the matter. In the Novem ber 1963 King’s Business, this col umn related the sad account of a young Jehovah’s Witness who was injured in an automobile accident. The doctors assured him that his life could be saved if he would consent to blood transfusions but he refused and died, leaving a widow and a fatherless son. 2. Question: I know that Jeho vah’s Witnesses rely upon the writ ings of “ Judge” Rutherford whose writings are a rehash of “Pastor” Russell’s old set of Millennial Dawn studies, and that they consider them practically their Bible. But do they have any translations of the Bible which they use? Answer: Yes, they have two: The Emphatic Diaglott, an interlinear
CULTS CRITIQUE by Betty Bruechert
For several months we shall at tempt to reply to questions in regard to cults sent in by our readers. Here are two in regard to Jehovah’s Wit nesses: BLOOD TRANSFUSION AND TRANSLATIONS 1. Question: I have heard that the Jehovah’s Witnesses oppose blood transfusions, claiming that it is un- scriptural. But I cannot find any verses in the Bible that seem to apply to this. If this is so, upon what do they base their views? Answer: No one else can find any such Scriptures either because there are none. The Jehovah’s Witnesses quote such verses as Lev. 7:26-27; 17:10-14; Deut. 12:16, 24, etc., all of which are from the law of Moses which forbade the eating of the blood
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Once »he w a i somebody*« little g i r l . . . Now she's just a Lonely Orphan
LAVISH LIVING The article in the March K ing ’ s B usiness by Gunnar Hoglund was a real blessing to me. It was so good to know that a voice had been raised against this evil materialism and the social distinction that accompanies it in professing Christendom. I am terri bly confused and disturbed when I hear and see what our preachers and leaders accept and enjoy as their privi lege when so much of the world goes hungry and our mission work is so lack ing. Well, at any rate, it caused me to re-evaluate my giving. In studying His Word, I find the Lord wants us to be good stewards of His gifts. Most of my giving today goes to evangelical broad casts, so I was much concerned when I read of the discovery you had made regarding the luxurious homes and sumptuous living of some of their staff. We do not tolerate waste and luxury in our lives so it is mighty important to us where and for what God’s gifts are used. Mrs. Roy Johnson, Colorado Springs, Colorado COMMENTS ON KB I am a Biola graduate and have been receiving the magazine. Lately I’ve been somewhat disappointed. Personal ly I’m not acquainted with Mrs. Ruth Calkin and I hold no personal grudge against her. However, I feel that she did not write too wisely in the Febru ary issue of the “ Teenage Question.” To compare painting of a kitchen, which is usually done to clean and brighten it once every two or three years, then to say that “ if there’s any thing worse than a drab Christian,” is ridiculous. I know many Christians who are aglow-Christians without the aid of cosmetics. In years past, to “keep oneself unspotted from t h e world” and not to conform to the world fashions, was the rule for Christians. Now, the world fashions are so much a part of average Christians life, that not to conform to these outward ap pearances, one is considered to be drab and old-fashioned. Was it the best ad vice to tell dear “ L.C.” teenager to dis regard her own pastor’s advice and do the contrary? What respect and con fidence will she have toward her own pastor under whose ministry she will sit? I believe it would be better for Mrs. Calkin to take the more conser vative view, and advise even teenagers to make such problems a matter of prayer, instead of encouraging worldly appearances in such strong language of comparison. The teenagers need a great deal of help and encouragement, but let us older ones set them a godly, modest, Christlike example. Mrs. Agavnie S. Brave, Fresno, California JULY, 1966
p lead ing fo r a Sponso r!
As with thousands of other children in this tormented part of the world, she knows the deep tragedy of being a castaway. She’s found refuge in one of our orphanages in Korea, but she sorely needs the assurance of a sponsor . . . one who will personally be for her a “Mommy,” “Daddy,” “Big Brother” or “Big Sister.” That’s why she looks so sad! YOU CAN CHANGE ALL T H A T . . . and bring a smile to her face by becoming her sponsor. And we have hundreds more, just like her, who are without sponsors. It costs only $10 a month—just 33 cents a day—to provide food, shelter, clothing and medical care. But knowing that they have someone like you, who really cares, makes all the difference in the world. You’ll be furnished with a photograph of your orphan, personal history, history of the Home, and the exchange of letters will make this relationship real and truly rewarding. We’ll provide the Home, staffed by Bible-believing Koreans, and a wholesome atmosphere for your orphan. Choose one of these pictured here. They’re all so precious. Don’t delay. Do it right n o w . Use the handy coupon below.
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“ ■ remembered G od and was troubled” (Psa. 77: 1 3 ). One would expect this verse to read, “ I re membered God and was glad” or “ I remembered God and was comforted.” We do not ordinarily as sociate the remembrance of God with trouble. But calling God to mind sometimes makes us unhappy. At least it should. I can think o f at least three ways in which by remembering the Lord I am troubled. WHEN I REMEMBER HOW HOLY GOD IS AND HOW SINFUL I AM, I AM TROUBLED. It was when Job saw God that he abhorred him self. It was when Isaiah saw the King that he cried, “Woe is me for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips . . .” It was Daniel in the presence o f a holy God who said, “My comeliness was turned in me to corruption.” It was Peter at the feet o f his Lord who said, “ Depart from me for I am a sinful man, 0 Lord.” This generation, with no fear of God before its eyes, needs a new vision of a holy and righteous God. We used to sing “ Amazing Grace” with mean ing because we understood that line, “ ’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear.” The average man today has a concept of God with no more moral force than Santa Claus. Sin has been explained away in double-jointed psychiatric terms and men are not going to the mourner’s bench over guilt complexes, inhibitions and frustrations. But we do not get under conviction by looking at our sins but rather when we face the Saviour. John the Baptist did not say, “Behold the sin of the world” but “ Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world.” Men must re member God before they are troubled. We have a generation of sinners who do not know they are sinners and churches full of professing Christians who feel no need for daily cleansing. One reason for such a state is that we have not stirred up the minds of men to remember that God is just and righteous and holy. We have whittled Him down to our size and toned down His holiness in order to make us comfortable in our sins. We need a message of comfort today but men cannot be truly comforted until they are first made miserable over their sins. God tunes His instru ments from the base. Christian experience, like the Book of Romans, begins with a righteous God and sinful men. God first hurts before He heals. We cannot have rejoicing until we have had repent ance. David had a proper concept o f sin: “ Against Thee, Thee only, have I sinned.” He did not merely
i i i m ? u « i t S w i n c r o 1
REMEMBER » 1 Ci» I w l f c * iw V HP K » i l
by Vance Havner
remember Uriah and Bathsheba; he remembered God. Men sometimes are troubled over others they have wronged but they do not think in terms of God. Godly sorrow does not come until we remem ber God and are troubled. Again, WHEN I REMEMBER HOW GOOD GOD IS AND HOW UNTHANKFUL I AM, I AM TROUBLED. “ The goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance.” It ought never be necessary for God to send affliction in order to bring us to tears. The goodness o f God ought to put every one o f us on our knees. How can any man reflect on God who daily loadeth him with benefits and then not weep for his ingratitude ? The sin of unthankfulness, taking God for granted, is the commonest of evils. We are like the ten lepers of whom only one returned to thank Jesus. We take the beauty of creation, the loveli ness o f nature, for granted. We take health for granted until we have time in a hospital to feel our loss. We take America for granted and forget that millions would give everything for a day of our freedom. We take loved ones as a matter of course until we stand at a grave with our hearts buried there. Above all, we take the Gospel for granted, the grace o f God, the privilege o f living for Christ, the fellowship of saints, . . . God help us that we fail to stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene and fail to wonder how He could save us sinners, condemned, unclean. “We never miss the water till the well runs dry.” “O that men would praise the Lord for His goodness and for His wonderful works to the chil dren o f men.” His goodness is meant to produce rejoicing but first His goodness is meant to lead us to repentance. Adversity often brings about a prayer-meeting but before we have praise on Thanksgiving Day we ought to begin with confes sion of sin. It is a good thing to remember God and be thankful but first we had better remember God and be troubled. Finally, WHEN I REMEMBER HOW BUSY GOD IS AND HOW UNFAITHFUL I AM, I AM TROUBLED. The colored people have a spiritual, “My God’s a-workin’ all the time.” Jesus said “My Father worketh hitherto and I work.” The night is coming when no man can work. We are laborers together with God but what miserable stewards we have been! It is required in stewards that a man be found faithful and how unfaithful we have been! So much to do, so little done! It is said that Samuel Johnson carried on his
watch the inscription, “ The night cometh.” God is doing great business in this world and His eyes run to and fro looking for workers, The harvest is plenteous; the laborers are few. “Whom shall I send and who will go for us?” Alas, we say “ I go, Sir” and go not, or else we go but we build with wood, hay and stubble. There is no substitute for work. God is a busy God and our Lord was a busy worker. Our idleness and laziness ought to trouble us and sometimes I think our very busy-ness is a substitute for the real work of God. A lot of church activity today is not God’s business at all and keeps us from His work while all the time we congratulate ourselves that we are active Christians. Often God is out to do one thing and we are out doing something else. Un faithfulness to the work of God is not confined to idlers and backsliders. There are dear people work ing seven days a week in religious activity who are not helping God at all. They are actually in His way. Faithfulness to a cause, an organization, a project is not always loyalty to God, even though it bears His name. Our Lord started out as a boy about His Father’s business. Some of us are about a lot of busy-ness but we are not always doing the most business when we seem most busy. “While thy servant was busy here and there, behold he was gone” and a lot of worth-while things get away while we are not idle but busy puttering around in the name of religion. Yes, I remember how busy God is and I am troubled, not merely at the quantity of work I have done, for I should have done so much more, but at the quality o f what I did perform. God is not inter ested in quantity production. That is an American, not a Bible, standard. Sometimes we do more by doing less. But I am grieved over the poor quality o f my service, how little heart I put into it. I have not done it heartily as to the Lord and not unto men. “Not slothful in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord” . . . I remember that and am troubled! But the kind of trouble that remembrance of God brings is trouble that leads through tears to triumph. When we remember how holy God is and how sinful we are, we seek His cleansing. When we remember how good God is and how unthankful we are, we sing His praises. When we remember how busy God is and how unfaithful we are, we do His will. May He stir up our minds by way o f remem brance “ lest we forget!”
JULY, 196«
T h e a u d ie n c e h a d listened with fixed attention to the dark-haired young man on the platform. His account of life and death had brought him a notoriety quite different from his earlier popularity as a prep basketball player. The question shot up from the teen-age group, as it had from so many other listeners. “What is it like to be buried alive, Paul?” Paul Turley had been a determined young athlete in Watsonville, California — determined to let nights of city-league basketball and after-game drinking parties set the pace for his post-high-school life. Until several summers ago no thought of death, let alone the word, had ever crossed his mind or dimmed his pleasure in the popularity burning so brightly in his future. Then, suddenly, at 3:30 on the afternoon of July 30, 1957, death became more than a thought to avoid. Next
day newspapers carried the headline: “WORKER BURIED ALIVE IN SAND PIT NEAR DEATH.” An employee at Granite Construction Company’s Monterey Supply Depot, Paul had busied himself that day with one of the production crews in the yard. He bogged along in one of the mammoth storage bins that feeds tons o f fine sandlike granite dust into the jaws of a hot mixing vat used in producing highway surfacing blacktop. “ I remember that an occasional glance at the large gas torches, used for drying the dust, would remind me of things a couple of ‘preachy’ friends used on me, all about hell and punishment. The sight seemed to visual ize their sermons.” Trodding knee-deep in the dense, dry dust beneath him, Paul probed with a long pole into the slow-moving mountain in an attempt to detect objects below the sur face which might clog the conveyer machinery.
and Paul was moved to the University of California Hospital in San Francisco as his final court of medical appeal. Three weeks of daily treatment brought a conclusive prognosis for the young patient: he would die very soon, or spend the rest of his time in a "living death” of blindness and complete physical helplessness. “ Beyond the miseries of those moments God convict ed me of my spiritual blindness and death without Jesus Christ,” Paul testifies. “ In the privacy of my mind I promised God that I would seek out and serve the Christ I had heard about, if I ever got out of this fix.” In the next three months, the expectations of those who had been praying, and the remotest hopes of those who had not, began to lift. Miraculously, Paul was on his way to “ impossible” recovery. His eyesight began to return. Coordinated body movement was increasingly possible. With new physical life virtually assured, Paul was released from the hospital for further therapy and development of co-ordination at home in Watsonville. “ God had certainly answered prayer,” he says happily. Another eight months passed before Paul could re turn to work. Without clear understanding of all that was involved, he simply accounted for his “ resurrec tion” as some kind of spiritual providence. He felt that now he would have to do things for God. His search through several religious groups showed him that work for salvation was readily available, though deeply unsatisfactory. He compared what he was seeing to the change of life in his two former drinking companions who had been “ preachy” with him. Paul became convinced that they had the real thing because of what they believed, not because of what they might have tried to do for Jesus Christ. Attending a Sunday service at the First Baptist Church in nearby Salinas, Paul heard the pastor speak of man’s relationship to God in the statement that “ the Lord will supply your needs, not your greeds.” He gave his heart and life to God. This drove the wedge of conviction deeper into Paul’s selfish heart. He knew, more than ever before, that while physical recovery had come, he was still buried alive in the sands of his own sinfulness and helplessness. “ Lloyd and Dick Adams had really been rescued from sin,” Paul recounts, “ and I was still in its grip. I had to know what to do to be right with God. The night came when the Lord somehow sent Dick to our home to let us know more about salvation. In the moments that followed Dick introduced my wife Char lotte and me to Jesus Christ.” After four years of spiritual rescue work as a church league basketball coach, deacon, and Sunday school teacher at the First Baptist Church in Watson ville, Paul Turley moved his family to Southern Cali fornia and enrolled in Biola College. “ The Lord willing, we’re going to give ourselves to the work of winning lost lives to Jesus Christ,” Paul says. “ This is the pleasure He has given us in this new life. Charlotte and I are looking forward to more years of usefulness wherever we can get to young people and adults whom Christ will rescue.”
With unsuspected swiftness, Paul’s body weight loosened an air pocket below the surface. With muted force, the cave-in sucked him down into the drifting mass. Desperate efforts to free himself, even his frantic cry for help, only triggered an irresistible clutch from the liquid-like dryness that had enclosed everything but his head and arms. The feeble attempts of a fellow workman to rescue him failed when a weak grip between the two men gave in to an unrelenting trickle of dust from the top of the dune. Paul was plunged downward under tons of granite dust to a depth of twenty feet. Horrified, other workmen flagged the machinery to a halt. Every available man pitched into a feverish at tempt to shovel into the pit. Minutes ticked by rapidly. City emergency units with shrieking sirens converged on the burial scene. Human hands, and what seemed very small shovels, dug down into the deep grave. Heavy earth-moving equip ment stood nearby in expensive uselessness, their great grappling teeth posing a threat to life where otherwise they would penetrate with ease. “ I had no thoughts that I can recollect,” Paul re lates, “ but what thought out of my pleasure-filled life would have given me security then?” Ten minutes passed. Hope was sinking. Then, after thirteen minutes, the rescue group reached Paul in the bin’s crushing depths. Uncovering his head and apply ing the oxygen, workmen labored to release his body from every inch of compacted dust which seemed in the grip of a giant. The first three days in the hospital gave the uncon scious victim no hope for survival. A pint of dust was removed from his lungs. Paralysis set in, followed by “ conscious blindness and headaches beyond description.” Paul’s “ preachy” friends prayed for his recovery. “ They really believed that God wanted to do something with my life in the coming years,” he later recalled. A few days later an attack of pneumonia followed
Paul Turley has been a student at Biola Col lege. He is serving in the Beatty Avenue Baptist Church of Whittier, California.
JULY, 1966
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