King's Business - 1966-07

text published in 1864 by Benjamin Wilson, an uneducated newspaper editor in Illinois, who used Gries- bach’s Greek text of the New Testa­ ment (1906). Dr. Isaac H. Hall, the great Greek scholar, has declared this Diaglott to be “ notorious.” How­ ever, it is upon this unreliable text that their New World Translation, Aug. 2, 1950, is based. It is a def­ inite attack upon the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. The “ transla­ tion” of the Greek text of John 1 is completely unjustified: “ In the be­ ginning was the Word, and the Word was with the God, and a god was the Word” is the way in which verse 1 is rendered which is but a sample of hundreds of perversions in both textbooks of the Jehovah’s Wit­ nesses. * Average is what most of us usually think we are smarter than. * * * Life may be a grindstone, however, whether it grinds a man down or polishes him depends upon the kind of stuff he is made of. * *

of animals in their diet. This cult has perverted these verses in some way to apply to human blood and they call blood transfusions “ feeding upon blood.” This is but another ex­ ample of their appalling ignorance. It is a cruel, senseless and false teaching which has cost the lives of many innocent children who had no choice in the matter. In the Novem­ ber 1963 King’s Business, this col­ umn related the sad account of a young Jehovah’s Witness who was injured in an automobile accident. The doctors assured him that his life could be saved if he would consent to blood transfusions but he refused and died, leaving a widow and a fatherless son. 2. Question: I know that Jeho­ vah’s Witnesses rely upon the writ­ ings of “ Judge” Rutherford whose writings are a rehash of “Pastor” Russell’s old set of Millennial Dawn studies, and that they consider them practically their Bible. But do they have any translations of the Bible which they use? Answer: Yes, they have two: The Emphatic Diaglott, an interlinear

CULTS CRITIQUE by Betty Bruechert

For several months we shall at­ tempt to reply to questions in regard to cults sent in by our readers. Here are two in regard to Jehovah’s Wit­ nesses: BLOOD TRANSFUSION AND TRANSLATIONS 1. Question: I have heard that the Jehovah’s Witnesses oppose blood transfusions, claiming that it is un- scriptural. But I cannot find any verses in the Bible that seem to apply to this. If this is so, upon what do they base their views? Answer: No one else can find any such Scriptures either because there are none. The Jehovah’s Witnesses quote such verses as Lev. 7:26-27; 17:10-14; Deut. 12:16, 24, etc., all of which are from the law of Moses which forbade the eating of the blood






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