Once »he w a i somebody*« little g i r l . . . Now she's just a Lonely Orphan
LAVISH LIVING The article in the March K ing ’ s B usiness by Gunnar Hoglund was a real blessing to me. It was so good to know that a voice had been raised against this evil materialism and the social distinction that accompanies it in professing Christendom. I am terri bly confused and disturbed when I hear and see what our preachers and leaders accept and enjoy as their privi lege when so much of the world goes hungry and our mission work is so lack ing. Well, at any rate, it caused me to re-evaluate my giving. In studying His Word, I find the Lord wants us to be good stewards of His gifts. Most of my giving today goes to evangelical broad casts, so I was much concerned when I read of the discovery you had made regarding the luxurious homes and sumptuous living of some of their staff. We do not tolerate waste and luxury in our lives so it is mighty important to us where and for what God’s gifts are used. Mrs. Roy Johnson, Colorado Springs, Colorado COMMENTS ON KB I am a Biola graduate and have been receiving the magazine. Lately I’ve been somewhat disappointed. Personal ly I’m not acquainted with Mrs. Ruth Calkin and I hold no personal grudge against her. However, I feel that she did not write too wisely in the Febru ary issue of the “ Teenage Question.” To compare painting of a kitchen, which is usually done to clean and brighten it once every two or three years, then to say that “ if there’s any thing worse than a drab Christian,” is ridiculous. I know many Christians who are aglow-Christians without the aid of cosmetics. In years past, to “keep oneself unspotted from t h e world” and not to conform to the world fashions, was the rule for Christians. Now, the world fashions are so much a part of average Christians life, that not to conform to these outward ap pearances, one is considered to be drab and old-fashioned. Was it the best ad vice to tell dear “ L.C.” teenager to dis regard her own pastor’s advice and do the contrary? What respect and con fidence will she have toward her own pastor under whose ministry she will sit? I believe it would be better for Mrs. Calkin to take the more conser vative view, and advise even teenagers to make such problems a matter of prayer, instead of encouraging worldly appearances in such strong language of comparison. The teenagers need a great deal of help and encouragement, but let us older ones set them a godly, modest, Christlike example. Mrs. Agavnie S. Brave, Fresno, California JULY, 1966
p lead ing fo r a Sponso r!
As with thousands of other children in this tormented part of the world, she knows the deep tragedy of being a castaway. She’s found refuge in one of our orphanages in Korea, but she sorely needs the assurance of a sponsor . . . one who will personally be for her a “Mommy,” “Daddy,” “Big Brother” or “Big Sister.” That’s why she looks so sad! YOU CAN CHANGE ALL T H A T . . . and bring a smile to her face by becoming her sponsor. And we have hundreds more, just like her, who are without sponsors. It costs only $10 a month—just 33 cents a day—to provide food, shelter, clothing and medical care. But knowing that they have someone like you, who really cares, makes all the difference in the world. You’ll be furnished with a photograph of your orphan, personal history, history of the Home, and the exchange of letters will make this relationship real and truly rewarding. We’ll provide the Home, staffed by Bible-believing Koreans, and a wholesome atmosphere for your orphan. Choose one of these pictured here. They’re all so precious. Don’t delay. Do it right n o w . Use the handy coupon below.
Bong Hwa (Z -l) A g .5
Chang Suk (Z-3) Age 11
Sun Ja (Z-4)
Ho Duk (Z-5)
Jin Hui (Z-6) Age 8
Sung Un (Z-7) Age 9
In Sook (Z-8) Age 6
Hak Jin (Z-9) Age 11
Age 7
Age 11
►Rev. Henry L. Harvey, Pres. O Yes, I want to sponsor an orphan. My choice i s _____________________If already chosen when this arrives, I agree to sponsor a similar child. I prefer □ Boy Q Girl______Age. With Goa’s help, I w ill send $10 a month to COMPASSION. I understand that I may dis continue any time. Please send child’s picture and FULL PARTICULARS. Enclosed is support for □ first month, □ one year. G Please select a child for me and send par ticulars at once. G I cannot sponsor a child now, but want to help by giving $______ ______ A ll gifts are most welcome . . . income tax deductible. G Please send folder "How to Sponsor a Korean Orphan/*
Dept. K76 7774 Irving Pk. Rd., Chicago, Hi. 60634 Ph. 456-6116 Compassion o f Canada, Ltd., Box 880, Blenheim, O ntario
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