King's Business - 1966-07

tello, Idaho tell of his work among the Mormons, I felt the Mormon defense, that I had been building for five years, moving into action. I took notes on his presentation, intending to refute some of the things he was saying, in our visit after the meeting. I resented several of his statements and, when the offering was received for his work, I refused to give even one cent. In our visit after the service, I found that these men were able to answer some o f my questions. They discussed several doctrines o f the Mormon Church and pointed out Bible verses that dealt with these doctrines. I noticed especially that they kept steering the conversation back to the plan o f sal­ vation. They insisted again and again that no one could have peace with God unless his salvation was based on God’s grace through faith in Christ. They urged me to read the Gospel of John and the book o f Romans, in which they seemed sure that God would give me the answers I so earnestly sought and yet somehow feared to find. I went home that night to another experience o f struggling and searching. During the night, I read the entire book of Romans and once again I faced the dilemma of seeing my beliefs seemingly contradicted by the plain statements of the Bible. I could find no way to escape the clear teaching of Romans 4 :5 : “ But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.” The light was beginning to break through. I had asked the Lord to end my search for truth that week. The telephone call from Pastor Campbell had come on Wednesday. Wednesday evening had brought my meeting with the missionary to Mor­ mons, followed by hours in the book of Romans. This had raised questions that called for another pastoral counseling session on Thursday. Friday found me studying a very wonderful book written by Wm. Biederwolf entitled Mormonism Under The Searchlight. As I read Dr. Biederwolf’s analysis o f the his­

tory and doctrines of Mormonism, as compared with the teachings of the Bible, I found the re­ maining questions I had about Mormonism being answered. By the time I had finished the book, I had no more doubts as to what I should do. It was as if a great load had been lifted. I knelt then and there to pray and to return to my Saviour. As I prayed, I experienced the won­ derful forgiveness o f Christ, and I felt once again the peace and joy that only comes from trusting fully and completely in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. As I arose from my knees, I knew I faced many difficult tasks, not the least of which would be the resignation of my duties in the Mormon Church, and the explanation to my family and friends for the change in my life. Yet at that moment I felt sure that Christ would give me the strength to accomplish anything He wanted me to do. I was right! Christ has been sufficient for me in every situation. In fact, realizing the sufficiency o f Christ has become one of my greatest blessings. My five years as a Mormon taught me many lessons. I know now the importance of regular attendance in a Bible-teaching church, and of dili­ gent Bible study, to keep the Christian from being “ tossed to and fro . . . by every wind of doctrine.” I know how vital it can be to witness to those who are captured in error, as others took time to wit­ ness to me. I know that it pays to pray for those in need of spiritual help, for now I have discovered that many were praying for me. These five years have also left me with a great desire for the many sincere people in Mormonism to have something far greater than “ religion.” It is then to all Mormons who may read my story that I would direct these vital words from the Bible: “ For by grace are ye saved through faith ; and that not o f yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works lest any man should boast. Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Eph. 2:8-9, Rom. 5 :1).

Christ is sufficient for me in every situation. This truth has become one of my greatest blessings.



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