King's Business - 1966-07

Give your higher education a

book reviews by Arnold D. Ehlert, Librarian, Biola College

of God’s Word. One can see clearly the divine plan of God throughout the centuries of time. — 192 pages; cloth; Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.95. The Congregational Way by Marion L. Starkey This is the first of a proposed series, Religion in America. Four more titles are already in prepara­ tion. The style is that of a dramatic narrative history, designed for in­ terest-reading by the average per­ son. We meet the people who made this history — the Puritans, the Pil­ grims, colonial leaders, the Cottons, Jonathan Edwards, the Indians, early missionaries, and of course the indomitable women. The author does not hesitate to use strong language at times: “ The stresses of the Unitarian separation were like a moral winter to the faith­ ful of the old Way, the sort of winter that men of the Stone Age knew, when summers became too brief to melt the snows, and the glaciers, ponderously inching southward, en­ gulfed the forests” (p. 185). The Congregationalists developed a num­ ber of schools, and the spread of religious education is traced. It is sad that it has come to pass even as the author herself asks, “ Has the permissive liberalism of these later days softened and corrupted the vein of iron in the ancient faith?” — xii, 342 pages; cloth; Doubleday & Co., Garden City, N.Y.; $5.95. We have waited ten years for this second volume. The first volume was a most satisfactory treatment of the first half of the book. We knew Dr. Murray would have some problem with chapters 9-11 if he maintained the same meticulous care with its text as he did in his previous volume. He moves iqto this with the assur­ ance that these chapters do not rep­ resent a discontinuity with the first eight chapters, but rather provide answers which we need to the ques­ tions raised by the profound treat­ ment of the doctrines of sin and sal- The Epistle to the Romans Vol. II: Chapters IX-XV I by John Murray

The Day God Died by Lehman Strauss

Any publication from this popular Bible conference teacher is a wel­ come addition to the Christian’s li­ brary. In this book Dr. Strauss takes up the familiar theme of the seven last words of Christ on the cross. He speaks of the Lord’s intercession, intervention, interests, iso la tion , identification, indemnity and invici- bility in a penetrating study of these momentous events during the Sav­ iour’s atonement for man’s sin on Calvary's cross. 112 pages; cloth; Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rap­ ids, Mich.; $2.50. The Life and Times of Jesus by Herschel Hobbs The pastor of the First Baptist Church of Oklahoma City has pre­ pared a biography of Christ’s earth­ ly life. He points out how that each of ihe four Gospels possesses its own characteristics which are in keeping with the personality and purpose of the individual author whom the Spirit of God selected for the writ­ ing. The publication has been divid­ ed with chapters covering the peri­ ods of preparation before Christ’s birth, His nativity and childhood, all the way to Calvary, the resurrection and ascension. Dr. Hobbs gives a broad understanding of the Saviour’s ministry, using a contemporary lit­ erary approach. — 218 pages; cloth; Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rap­ ids, Mich.; $5.50. The Cross Through The Scriptures by F. J. Huegel Having spent more than a quarter of a century as a missionary in Mexico, Dr. Huegel shows a depth of insight and penetration into spir­ itual truths, as seen in his earlier volume, Bone of His Bone. In this new publication the author shows how the Old Testament prophecies all focalize on Calvary and the min­ istry of Christ’s redemptive work for man’s sin. The importance of the cross in the epistles as well as in the Apocalypse is emphasized. In each of these divisions there is a very careful tracing of Scripture which will help the earnest student


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