understand what went on there will want to have the actual texts at hand. One would hesitate to talk seriously to an informed Catholic from now on without some knowl edge of these pronouncements. The developments within the Catholic Church in the immediate future will be interesting to watch in the light of them. — xi, 676 pages; cloth; Newman Press, Westminster, Md.; $5.76. BOOK ENDS (A Review of Current Publications) ON BENDED KNEE by Nancy White Thomas. 61 pages; paper over boards: John Knox Press, Richmond, Va.; $2.00. A devotional approach to prayer, nicely arranged with soft paper, illus trations, and a practical attitude. M Y COMFORTERS by Helen Good Brenneman. 80 pages; paper; Herald Press, Scottdale, Pa.; $1.50. A book of devotions for the ill, illus trated with nature photographs, and one of the author. Prose, poetry, and Scripture are com bined. EFFECTIVE EVANGELISTIC PREACHING by Ver non L. Stafield. 78 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $2.00. A treatise on vari ous aspects evangelistic preaching — the why, how, and what. Included are half a dozen good samples from some of the best evangelists. The author was Professor of Preaching at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. THROUGH THE BIBLE W ITH FINGER PLAYS by Marian White. 60 pages; paper; Baker Book House. Grand Rapids; $ 1.00. Dozens of sug gested exercises for the younger ones. 1600 SQUIBS A N D QUIPS FOR CHURCH BUL LETIN BOARDS by E. C. McKenzie. 72 pages; pdper; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.00. Just what the title says! 365 DEVOTIONS ON THE NAM ES OF OUR LORD by T. C. Horton. 191 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; Mich.; $2.95. Re printed from the 1928 edition. SHARE M Y DEVOTIONS by Catrina Parrott Whaley. 120 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $1.95. Prepared for personal and group use by women. W H Y W A S CHRIST A CARPENTER? A N D OTHER SERMONS by Robert T. Ketcham. 176 pages; cloth; Regular Baptist Press, Des Plaines, III.; $2.95. Volume 2 of a series of sermons by the National Consultant of the General Associa tion of Regular Baptist Churches. He has a keen homelitical sense. M IRACLES YESTERDAY A N D TODAY, REAL A N D COUNTERFEIT by Benjamin D. Warfield. 327 pages; paper; Wm. B. Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.25. Originally published in 1918 under the title "Counterfeit Miracles," the volume contains addresses which were delivered at Columbia Theological Seminary the year pre viously. Investigations are based upon a Protes tant view of the nature, function and cessation of special divine gifts, and includes all the serious forms of claims to miraculous power that have influenced religious belief. Chapters center on Roman Catholic Miracles, Faith Healing, and Mind Cures. The author's biblical investigation of these "miracles" makes illuminating reading. THE M O RN IN G STAR by G. H. W. Parker. 248 pages; cloth; Wm. 6. Eerdmans Pub., Grand Rapids, Mich. (No price given.) Volume 3 of the series on "The Advance of Christianity Through the Centuries," edited by F. F. Bruce, this vol ume concerns itself with the two centuries of violence from John Wycliffe to Martin Luther. The author is a lecturer in history at the Uni versity of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. It is clearly evident in reading the book that the Scriptures must remain the only rule for faith ana conduct as the important concept and center of our Christian faith. Recommended books are avail able from the Biola Book Room, 560 South Hope Street, Los An geles; and on the La Mirada Cam pus , 13800 Biola Avenue. Handy mail order service is also available. Free descriptive books and record catalog will be sent upon request.
vation on a world-wide basis, and the relation of this to the problem of Israel. These chapters “ disclose to us in a manner that is without paral lel in the New 'Testament revelation the ways in which God’s diverse providences to Jew and Gentile react upon and interact with one another for the promotion of His saving de signs” (p. x ii). Writing on 11:11-24, Dr. Murray explains how he understands the term “ fulness” of Israel: “ Hence nothing less than a restoration of Israel as a people to faith, privilege, and blessing can satisfy the terms of this passage.” He points out here, however, that the argument of Paul is that this fulness accrues to the Gentiles: “ this unprecedented en richment will be occasioned by the conversion of Israel on a scale com mensurate with that of their earlier disobedience” (p. 793). Lest there should be any doubt of the author’s position in this matter, he insists that “ it is of ethnic Israel Paul is speaking and Israel could not possi bly include Gentiles” (p. 96). The careful Bible student will find these two volumes one of the commentaries on Romans that he will want to have constantly at hand.—xvi, 286 pages; cloth; Wm. E. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids; $5.00. The Teaching of the Second Vatican Council Introduction by Gregory Baum The introduction consists-of slight ly over four pages. The bulk of this substantial volume consists of the actual complete texts of the constitu tions, decrees, and declarations of the council. They are preceded and followed by the opening and closing addresses of the two popes, John XXIII and Paul VI. There is an appendix of important dates of the Council and a detailed index of over sixty pages. Official pronouncements cover a wide range of subjects, most important of which appear to be the Constitution on the Church, Decree on Ecumenism, Decree on the Adap tation and Renewal of the Religious Life, Constitution on Divine Revela tion, and Declaration on Religious Freedom. These documents “ are the expres sion of the highest teaching of the Catholic Church. They will affect the Church in almost every aspect of her life. . . . They will determine the teaching of theology at seminaries universities . . . they will create new Christian spirituality adapted to the exigencies of the present” p. v ii). One suspects that this will be the authoritative reference manual in English on the Council, or at least one of them. Anyone who desires to
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